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Error's POV

"So boys,how was your first day of school?" I heard my mama CQ asked while preparing the dinner

Me and my bros are in the living room watching tv
"Boring" Geno stated
"So fresh" Fresh said
"Just cool" I simply said
"Oh okay then,but the important thing is that u learned anything and u had fun" my mom lectures us
I sighed and stood up then went to the kitchen and to dining table to help mom prepare dinner
"Aww thanks sweetie" she said
"No problem mom" I said

-timeskip after dinner-

Geno volunteered to wash the dishes and Fresh volunteered to clean the mess
While me and mom went to the living room and then sat down to the sofa
"So...did u make friends?" Mom asked me
"Only one..." I simply said
"But I did had some fun tho" I added
"Hmm,and who was the friend of yours?" She asked me while turning on the tv to watch while listening to me
"His name is Blank...he's kinda creepy but he's really a good friend" I commented
"Oh okie,I hope u two will be good and best friends" mom said with a cheering tone of voice
I smiled and nodded then watched the tv too,and it's a news...
(Tomorrow will have a storm,so u better prepared and always stay inside for safety, and don't go outside while the storm is surging
Okay goodluck and goodbye)
The news said
A storm huh?
Welp maybe this will be fun

"Oh btw sweetie,this is for you" my mom said while she's handing me a camera📸
"Umm is this really for me?" I asked
"Of course, u can take a photo everywhere and anytime whenever u want
Also after u shot,an already printed picture will come out from the camera
So have fun dear,love u ^_^" she said as she hugged me
"Oh um.. Thank u so much mom,I love you too" I said and hugged her back

Yezz,now that I have a camera,I can take a photo with my friend!

Blank's POV

"Don't u really remember where u live before?
Or who are your parents,cuz that's kinda weird" I said
Reaper just layed down on my medium sized bed that me and Reaper has a big space to sleep together
My room is big tho,not too big but just simple
"I'm not really sure...I think I just hit my head or something..." He said
"Ok" I said as I layed back down beside him,staring at the ceiling with some star stickers sticked on it
"Bro,can u turn off the lamp,pls?" I plead then he nodded,he turned of the lamp that was beside him
The stars at the ceiling started to glow
"Wow...awesome" he stated while staring at them
"U love stars right?
That's cool"
"Yap" I simply responded
"Can u tell me some secret?
Pleease,u can trust me,lil bro
No worries" He asked me
"U better won't tell anyone" I told him as he nodded
"Okie promise!" He exclaimed
"I'm soulless" I simply said
His eyes just widened
"Woah...that's why you're acting like that...
But how?" He asked me
"Hmm dad Top told me that they just found me in an empty space, and all white everywhere... Which I despised.They had no other choice but to pick me up and took good care of me as their son..." I paused as he looked at me,I looked back
"'re just adopted?
But still be happy tho cuz u are lucky that u had awesome family" he told me
"How about u,u have any secret?" I asked him as we looked back at the ceiling
"Nope..." He simply said
"Btw,what do u think of that glitching boy?" He asked me
I thought for a while
"A good friend" I simply responded
"Huh,okay then,I just met him as acquaintance" he said as he slowly closing his eyes to sleep

Tomorrow is another day again...
I sighed and just drifted off to sleep.

-timeskip-(I'm lazy...)

I started to open by eyes only to be meet by my bro's face infront of me and leaning closer to me
I just stared at him confused
"Good morning my Blank bro!" He exclaimed as he backed off of me
I then stood up and stretching
"Good morning too" I said
I can see that it was foggy outside the window...
I looked at the clock to see it was 7am in the morning already
Wait...does that mean that we are so late at school?
But...wait,I forgot to watch the news last night
Maybe today has a storm because I can hear some lightnings strucks from the sky
I can feel some cold wind coming inside
I stood up then locked the window and closed the curtains
"I guess today has a storm,so no school!
Haha" he said
I just sighed and went to open the door
"Hey hey,where are u going?" He asked me as he stood up
"Out" I simply said as I went outide and closed the door from behind
I then head downstairs and only to be meet by my two dads who are preparing breakfast
"Oh good morning Blank,did u sleep well?" Dad Top asked
I just nodded and open the door to go outside but suddenly,
"Dear!,it's dangerous outside
Today has a storm,so just better stay inside for safety" Dad Zephyr said
"Don't worry about me" I emotionlessly said then walked outside and closed the door from behind
I then wore my hoodie and covered my head

While I'm walking away,I don't care if I'm already wet because of the rain and some strong wind
I also had no idea of where I was going,I just kept on walking
I know my home anyways
So I can't be lost,and I'll never be lost

While I kept walking away,suddenly I bumped into someone....again
"Oh I'm so sorry that I-...,
Wait,it's you!" The glitch boy with umbrella exclaimed
"Sup" I greeted
"It's dangerous outside!
Why did u went out without an umbrella or something...
And you're gonna be sick too! Because of the rain" he said worriedly
Huh...why was he so worried about me
Maybe because that's what friends does right?
"What are u doing outside?" I asked him,ignoring his question
He then shared his umbrella on me
"Um...I just brought a bread and my favorite sweet,chocolate
U should come with me for a while" he said as we started walking away and sharing umbrella with me...
Wait...did he just shared his umbrella, oh well,he's really a good friend
"So uh..your fav is chocolate huh?" I asked as he just hummed
"Hmhm,what about yours?" He asked me
I thought for a while..
"Hmm,nothing actually" I said as he looked away from me and hummed

We are now arrived outside the house,maybe this is his home
He just opened the door and quickly pulled me in and no one notices us
He closed the umbrella and quickly pulled me with him through upstairs and went inside to a room
I was confuse tho
"Oh hehe,sorry about that
But anyway, this is my room,hehe" he said
I looked around for a while,his room is really pretty and clean

[1252 words]
Cover by me...
My arts is ugly right?

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