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Error's POV

Me and Blank sat down on my bed facing each other
I then began to unwrap my chocolate then started eating it
"So umm Blank,do u really mean being friends with me? others said that being friends with a nerd is sucks...and-" I said as he suddenly cut of my mid sentence
"Don't listen what others said about you, who u are
And never let your guard down" he told me as I thought for a while then nodded
"Thanks Blank...for accepting me as your friend
And you are my first ever friend btw" I said
"Me too" he simply said
That's cool!" I exclaimed
He suddenly stood up and took some papers that was on my desk and 2 pens,he then sat down beside me
"Here a paper and a pen,let's write something...or draw...or whatever" he said as he gave me a piece of paper and a pen
"Btw...since you never told me your name or u don't want to tell me your name...
How about I'll think of a nickname for you or suits you..." He paused as he was now gazing at me,looking up and down,he then gazed back at the paper
"How about Glitchy" he said
I blushed a bit...
That's.... Kinda cute tho,I like it...
"Oh umm sure,whatever u like to call me hehe,just fine for me
And it's cool btw,because I'm half glithcing right?that's where u got the nickname from?" I asked nervously
"Hmhm" he hummed as he started to draw something on the paper
"Oh,u like drawing huh?
Cool,I can't even draw,tho,hehehe" I shyly said...
"I just figured it out that it's one of my hobby..." I stated
"What are your hobbies then?" I asked him
Still doodling something on the paper
"Hmm I guess....magic tricks I'll consider drawing as my hobby.." He said emotionlessly
"Wow,u do magic tricks!?
Can I see,pleaase!" I plead,he then gazed at me and gazed back at the paper
Gosh his drawing is half finished
"Later ok,can I have a yellow crayon?if u have" he said
"Oh yez!" I exclaimed as I stood up and went to my drawer and took the crayons then sat beside Blank again
I then opened the box of crayons and took out the yellow one and gave it to Blank,he then took it and started coloring his artwork
I can see his art a little cuz his fluffy hoodie covering my view...
It's kinda a yellow colored heart?

It was now finally finished
It was a heart locket!,he
then gazed at me
"Magic trick u asked right?" He asked me
My face lit up in excitement
I nodded two times
His attention was now on the drawing
I'm now watching him carefully

He raised his hand and summoned and ink blob then splashed it on the drawing,he then pulled out the splashed ink from the paper and he was now holding something...
The ink from the thing he was holding was starting to melt off and it was....
A real heart locket!
Wow he can make drawings real!
He then suddenly broke it in half,and fixed them carefully

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