Chapt~7~:Ink and the Bad Guys?

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Ink's POV

-20 years later-(Ink and Error was in the same age right?so I guess...they are 27 yrs old now)

I've been helping the creators,and I loved it
I enjoyed it...
But something was off..
One of the creators said that someone was destroying their creations.
I just told them that I'm willing to help them.
I wonder who was the destroyer...
And why would he/she destroy my other creations?

I am now floating and in a sitting position on the DoodleSphere
And thinking about my life choices

I then asked one of the creators
"Umm can I go visit some Aus...please?
It's been so long that I never see the others and beautiful places..
Oh I also miss my love ones..." I said as I muttered the last sentence

Oh sure dear!

But be careful,don't let someone see you

"Why? But I'm their protector right?" I asked curiously

Not all are good Ink...

U should be careful

Oh,also if u found the destroyer of worlds,u have no choice but to fight him...

Yeah,u two are opposites of course..

"Okay okay,can I go now?" I asked,annoyed a bit


They said,I quickly made a portal and went in

I'm now in...
Shoot...I forgot to where or what Au I'm in
But nevermind,I'll just hide behind a tree

I then noticed someone...
He looks like me but more scarier...
And the crack on his head...was...familiar to me...
But he can't be that guy right?

While I'm spying him behind the tree,he was holding a bloody axe and his back facing me
"BROTHER COME TASTE MY SWEET SPAGHETTI!" I suddenly heard a voice but I recognize it as his Papyrus...

I hope I could meet my brother soon.
Even tho he wasn't really my brother but I loved him so much as my older bro

Suddenly the Papyrus came infront of his Sans
I looked at the face of the was horrible than ever
I suddenly squeaked because the look of that face,scary
I immediately covered my mouth,hoping they didn't hear it

Now I remember and realized that...
I was in HorrorTale!
I regret teleporting here

While I was in my thoughts,someone suddenly pulled my wrist harshly and make me face him,I yelp
It was Horror...shit he saw me!
He then hit the tree with his axe which is it was in the side of my head
He then pinned me to the tree,I'm now shaking in fear
"P-please d-don't hurt me!" I yelp,he just laughed
"*scoffs* What even are you...
U look like me but way more delicious to eat~" he said as he leaned closer to my face
"I-I am n-not a f-food!!" I yelled as I pushed him with all my strength then ran away and made a portal to the floor and hopped in
"HEY COME BACK HERE!" That was the last words I heard from Horror Sans

I was now in the Snowdin of Au...
Darn,I teleported again without knowing which Au should I be in...

Suddenly,someone shot my back with a bone attack
I yelp in pain,I really let my guard down...ugh I hate this..
I then slowly turned around to see...another version of sans...but different, he wears hoody and a red scarf around his neck
Dust Sans...

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