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Ink's POV

He slapped me

I touch my cheek to where he slapped me with my palm,I then looked at him confused.
"NeVer.CaLl Me bY tHat 'nIcknAmE' aGaIn!" He slightly yelled at me.
What's wrong with that nickname anyways?
I just called him that because he reminds me of my bestfriend who was glitching too...
I just looked down,feeling shamed...
"C-can we be friends?" I asked him,still avoiding eye contact with him
"Tch,hOw pAtHeTic cAn U bE?
U wAnT mE to bE fRiEnds wItH u sO tHat I wIlL sToP mY jOb,wHicH iS dEsTrOyIng tHe Aus" he stated
"But why do u destroy?,there are lives Error! They-"
"I dOnT cArE!,yOu'Ve bEeN cReAtiNg sUcH aN uSeLesS anD paThEtiC Aus!
ThEy aRe jUsT sTilL gOnNa dIe aNyWaYs bEcAusE oF thE huManS iN eAcH Aus  thAt wEnT oN gEnoCidE rOutE thEn kIlliNg tHe MonStErs anD keEps rEsEtiNg,sO viCe vErsA anD bLa bLa blA!" He yelled then looked away from me
I then stared at him.
"So...u actually cares..." I mused,he then looked back at me with a shock expression
"WhY sHoUld I??,aLl oF yOuR cReAtIonS aRe cRinGe aNd paThEtiC!"
"Hey!,take that back!"
"GeT oUt oF mY sIgHt,aNd nEvEr cOmE baCk iN tHis plAcE agAin!" He yelled
I then remembered something...

I glanced at my vials that was now fully refilled.
"LoOk InK,wE cAn'T bE fRiendS,wE'rE pOlaR oPpOsIteS,wE sh-"
"So u just believed in that?
More important thing is to be happy...but-" I stopped.
I just sighed then stood up,he don't understand anyways...
"Can we hang out?" I asked him,he then glared at me
"We're foEs Ink,nOt fRieNds" he simply said
I then looked away from him...feeling down

Error's POV

I'm still glaring at him...
But...why I'm feeling bad for him...
But hanging out with him...will be...good too right?
Cuz I'll know all about him,and I'll use his weakness against him...

He was about to go until I stood up and called him
"HeY wAiT"
He immediately looked back at me then tilt his head
"FiNe I'lL hAnG oUt wItH yOu-" he suddenly cut me off
"Really!?" He exclaimed, already excited,and suddenly he vomit ink on the floor
"BuT oNe cOndItIoN"I simply said
He then cleamed his mouth by wiping it with his hand and facing me
"NoT aS fRiEnDs,I jUsT wAnNa hAnG oUt wIth u cUz I'm jUst fEeLinG bOreD hErE" I said as I lied at the last sentence, he just nodded
He grabbed his giant paintbrush then about to make a portal.
"WaIt!,I'lL mAkE tHe pOrTaL fOr uS,sO iT shOulD bE eaSy
WhErE sHoUld wE gO?" I asked him
"Undertale!" He exclaimed
I then made a portal for us then stepped in and closed the portal from behind
"Error let's buy some nice creams please....!" He plead then making puppy eyes
Ugh those eyes...
"BuY tHeM yOuRsElf"
He then ran towards the bunny monster who was selling the nice creams.
I just followed him from behind.

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