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(Chapt 1)

Error's POV

"Error! We're gonna fucked up!,die already!" A very ugly familiar voice yelled behind the crumbling door...
"Yeah! Come on mah big brother! It's our 30th day of stupidness! broski!" The smelly parasite one said...
"500 more years...." I whined
"Are u stupid!??,stand up now! Or I'll fuck u instead!"
"Right! I'm coming,I'm coming" I told them as I heard the footsteps went in...
Iza:Stop stop stop!, that wasn't in the script guys!!!

Error: oops my bad

Geno: . . .

Iza: Ugh! Cut!!!.....


(Chapt 2)

Error's POV

And another ugly teacher came to the messy noisy room then introduced himself pathetically
"Okay good evening class,I'm Uglypotent Sans but u can call me sir Ugly,I'll be your Mental Abuse To Humans(MATH) teacher but this evening you'll have your free time to fuck each other,which means we don't have class this evening so u can start now" sir Ugly said then stripped his clothes off,
Everyone squealed in surprised and so happy too
Iza: The fuck is wrong with yo-

Omni: Hey I'm not ugly!
Who's changing the script!!

Error:...not me...

Iza: cut!!!


(Chapt 3)

Blank's POV

"Btw,what do u think of that glitching boy?" He asked me
I thought for a while
"A good frenemy" I simply responded
"Huh,okay then,I just met him as a foe" he said as he slowly closing his eyes to sleep forever


I started to open my eyes only to be meet by my bro's face infront of me and kissing my mouth
I just stared at him confused
"Good morning my Blank bro!" He shouted as he backed off of me
Iza:. . .When are u guys gonna be serious!??

Reaper: . . .why would I kiss him....

Iza: CUT!


(Chapt 4)

Error's POV

"So umm Blank,do u really mean being friends with me? others said that being friends with a nerd is sucks...and-" I said as he suddenly cut of my mid sentence
"No,just listen what others said about you, who u are
And never let your guard up" he told me as I thought for a while then glared at him...
"Thanks're not helping me as your friend
And you are my first ever enemy btw" I said
"Me too" he simply said

And they started to fight each other.....The End
Iza:. . .cut. . .

Ink(Blank):. . .Really??

Error: come on! I'm just loving the script,let's keep doing that!

Ink:so u were the one who's changing the script?

Error: nop


Okay yeah sorry guys....I was just bored so....kinda have bloopers sometimes...
And I'm really bad at writing sorry....

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