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Ink's POV

I was sitting while floating on the DoodleSphere for a while,while doodling something...
I also realized that Error left me again
Ugh,what's wrong with him?
Hmm,maybe he went back to flirt with Lust again...
I don't care anymore,unless-

My thoughts suddenly cut off by a wave of pain struck to my chest,like my nonexistent soul being cracked
I quickly hold my chest tight
"Aarrgh...what's wrong with me...why I'm feeling like this...
Wait...I felt this once...
Oh no no no no,don't tell me..." I muttered under my breath
Another pain on my chest hit me again
Ugh! That's it!

I looked aroung to see the two papers or the Aus...being destroyed
Error...did u...?
I touched the paper and I went in
I gazed at my surroundings to see some trees and houses being destroyed and also in fire
I also looked around to see some blue strings connected to the broken trees
And some glitching black gaster blasters being summoned and beamed from above

And there I saw Error in the sky with his strings
I teleport above him then used my mini brushes to make some bone attacks,I then launch them at him but he quickly dodged them all and teleported on the ground
I also teleported on the ground...facing him
We are staring at each others
"ERROR! HOW COULD YOU!!" I yelled at him
He just looked away at me,gazing at the ground
"Look at me when I talk to you!
You promised! And I promised too right!?
How could you BREAK IT AGAIN!???" I yelled at him
This time I was now so much in rage because of what he was done again...
Promise is not a game...
It's also not just a word..

How could he do this to me again...I don't really understand right now...but I'm really mad at him!

He then finally looked up to me then to my chest

Shattered's POV(Dream)

Me and Nightmare are now facing at each others in the field of Outertale
I was just relaxing and stargazing until he came...
"Leave me alone already!" I growled
"I just wanted to talk to-" I cut him off
PATHETIC!" I yelled at him,he just flinched
I then launched my sharp tentacles at him but he just dodges them all
"I'm sorry okay!" He exclaimed
I stopped for a while...
"I didn't really mean to!
I'm really so-"
"You're sorry? You're SORRY!? and u didn't really MEAN IT!??
YOU FUCKING LIAR!" I yelled at him then attacked him with my tentacles again,he dodged them all
While he was dodging,I summoned my bow and arrow then launched some arrows at him.
This time,the arrows hit his left shoulder and the right leg,while the other arrows didn't hit him.He groaned in pain and quickly teleported infront of me
I was ready to defend myself but...he just...
Suddenly hugged me...
A comfortable hug
"Dream...I really am sorry
Tbh...I never hated you...
I was just stressed the time you burst into the castle
But I really didn't mean to shout at you...
I really am sorry,and it's okay if you won't forgive for all what I've done...
Just please come back,brother" Nightmare explained in a soft and calming voice
I spaced out for a bit

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