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Ink's POV

After spending time with Error,I waved goodbye at him.I made a portal in the floor then hopped in.
I'm now back in the Star Sanses base,I walked through the door then knocked it and waited for a while.I then heard some footsteps and the door was being opened by Blue
"Ink! You're back!" He exclaimed then hugged me,I hugged back
"So...where did u go Ink?" Dream suddenly asked from the door.
Me and Blue separated from the hug then went inside and sat down on the couch.
"Well...I just went off...cheking the Aus....hehe" I lied
"U said when u check Aus...u go to Doodle Sphere right?" He asked me...
Shoot...did he know where the Doodle Sphere is?....
Did I told him before...?
"I...uh...yes...?" I nervously said
"Ink...u told me before where the Doodle Sphere're just forgetful
Yes,I went to Doodle Sphere but you were not in there to check the Aus...
I'll ask you again...
Where were you?" He asked,suspiciously
I'm now sweating then looking away from him...
Come on Ink...think,think,think...
Why I'm so stupid and forgetful...
I can't just tell him that I went to my enemy...
Come on...think!

"Ehem...I went to and Outer chatted for a while,after that,we stargazed..." I explained
He's still looking at me suspiciously
"Uh huh..."
"Welp...umm...oh yeah!
Dream,have u received a mail or lettet from King Multiverse?" I asked him
"Oh yeah!,how about u?" He asked me
"Yup" I said
"What letter?" Blue suddenly asked
"'s kinda of our thing...hehe
Of being a God or Guardians..." I nervously said
"Oh okay!,imma go make dinner for us!" Blue exclaimed then suddenly stood up and went to the kitchen
"I'll help!" Dream exclaimed, he stood up then went to the kitchen
I sighed then teleported to my room and hopped into my bed.
"I'm tired..." I groaned then suddenly drifted off to sleep

No one's POV

Dream and Blue was now done making dinner.
They also went to call Ink for dinner but he was nowhere to be seen but they never tried to check on Ink's room.
So Dream was just the one who check on Ink's room,once he opened the door,he saw Ink on the bed sleeping peacefully. He blushed a bit of how cute he was asleep,he then slowly closed the door silently then went to the dining room and told Blue that Ink was asleep and he needed rest,Blue just nodded and they started eating.

-Next Morning/One Day later-(lol)

It was now 8am
Blue was already awake then already made breakfast for them,Dream was the next one who wakes up,he stood up then went to the dining room to eat breakfast with Blue.
While Ink....well Ink was still asleep

Ink's POV

I just suddenly woke up because of the noisy singing bird from the outside of my window...
I groaned because of how bright the sun ray is
I then stood up and changed my clothes then getting ready myself too.
I walked outside then went to dining room to see Dream and Blue already done eating and washing the dishes
"Aye,good morning Ink!" Dream greeted
"*yawns* good morning..." I greeted back
"Mweh! Goodmorning Ink!,let me guess,still sleepy or can't sleep last night?" Blue asked
I just sat down then drinks milk
"Yeah...maybe still sleepy..." I trailed
"Okay guys...I gotta go now,I just need to spread some positivity to prevent negative energy that will make my brother stronger...and it will be bad..." Dream said then teleported away
"Oh I also need to go Ink!,I need to go back to my Au cuz I have to patrol my home for a while...and making sure that my home is out of danger." Blue said
I nodded then made a portal for him and he thanked me then hopped to the portal and I closed it.
I just took a deep breath then sighed
I locked the doors for a while then made a portal to the floor and hopped in.

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