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It's been months since the Creator and the Destroyer fighting each other when they meet each other,like it never ends...

Error's POV

Finally...I won again from the horrible fight.
I'm now in my anti-void,healing myself and resting for a while
I layed back down to my beanbag and staring at the white ceiling with my blue strings attached on it...
I've been also wondering why....while I'm hitting and stabbing Ink...with my bone attacks,he's just always in pain...but he should be dead right??
Welp...I don't care

I then took out my half heart locket from inside my clothes or from my chest,then observing it...
It was glowing tho....but why it was glowing?...
I just flipped it to see the picture of my childhood friend...

I really missed u so much...
Also my brothers...
I hope I could find u but the stupid creators has been always creating new worlds so that it's really hard to find u...
But,u can't be dead right?,cuz all I remember is u pushed me from the beaming...gaster blasters....
That's it...maybe u are...

I then hold my heart locket tight and started crying
Wait...I shouldn't be crying,I'm not a weakling...
I was still in my thoughts until...


"Wassup mah diggidy darn broseph!!" The voice yelled,freaking me out!
But wait...that words...are too familiar...

I quickly stood up and turned around to see him...

Wow...he looks...uuh...what even happened to him?
He's now wearing a shades with neon colorful words that reads 'YO-LO'

"FrEsH...?" I asked
He tilt his head,then teleported beside me and looking down and up
"Hmm did I met yah before mah darn broski?" He asked

How did he even came here?

"It'S mE ErRoR...iT's bEeN a WhiLe....bRo..." I said as I muttered the last sentence
He then suddenly hugged me I glitched because I'm not used to people touching me anymore...
And 404 said that I have haphephobia,....ugh,I hate changes
"I knew it...I knew that you're still alive mah big bro!!!" He said then removed his arms around me
"We really missed ya so much!" He exclaimed
"We?" I asked curiously
"Oh big bro Geno missed u a lot mah broski!" He exclaimed

I can't believe my brothers are okay...
But how..
"CaN u tAkE mE tO hIm?" I asked
"Of course mah broseph!" He exclaimed
He suddenly tap my shoulder then teleported away with his 'Fresh Poof' portal or something...


We now arrived
"Welcome to the Omega Timeline mah radical broski!" He exclaimed
Woah...this place is quite peace and cool...
We then spotted two skeletons standing from the distance
Me and Fresh walked towards them
I think they are arguing with each other?
I saw a long black coated skel trying to hug the...white skel with red scarf and has a slice mark on his chest,also has a glitch on his right eye
We are now infront of them,the two glanced at us
"Ey Geno brah!,our radical bro Error is here to see-" Fresh was being cut off by Geno suddenly hugged me
I glitched
"You don't know how much we've missed you!!
Also,looking good now Error,huh?" He exclaimed then he asked me and we got separated from the hug
"WeLl...uMmm,I guEss...wHaT hApPenD tO yOuR cHesT? And yOur rIght eYe?" I asked him
"Well...long story and it's complicated, btw your voice changed too
And it's been really awhile-" btw Geno was cut off by...uuhh...this guy looks familiar
" you're Error huh,finally revealed your name after all these years? Geno and Fresh's brother...interesting" he said while glaring at me
Is he mad at me or something?
"Ugh,shut up Reaper,it's just been awhile since the incident tho..." Geno mused
"ReApEr...?,yOuR brOthEr iS BlAnK...rIghT?" I asked him
He then looked away at me
"Finally recognized me huh,pathetic for leaving my brother behind..." He said while tears starting to form from his eyesockets...
"LoOk,I rEaLlY diD'nT-..." He cut my sentence off by summoning a scythe
"It's been YEARS!,that I didn't found him!, and lucky...*sob* lucky for u!,you're brothers are still alive after the incident happend!
While my brother...*sob* my bro...*sob*" he yelled then started crying,Geno suddenly hugged him and comforting him is Geno touching him without dying?
"Ssshh Reaper calm's none of our fault that this happened...
And...I'm sorry for the lose-" Geno said while hugging him,Reaper cut his sentence
"Yeh yeh...*sob* blaming someone is really doubtful and hurts right..." Reaper said between his cries then unsummoned his scythe
I just looked down feeling ashamed...
I then just walked away and made a portal back to my home(anti-void) but suddenly
"Error bruh?,don't ya wanna stay with us,...broski?" Fresh asked
"SoRrY FrEsh...I don'T beLoNg bEiNg wIth sOmEbOdY..." I muttered then stepped in to my portal and closed it from behind
I sighed...,and sat down to my beanbag, and resting for awhile.

I hope you're still alive

Ink's POV

It's been hours since my battle with Error...again...
I fixed the Au with all my strength then hopped in to my portal and landed to Outertale...the calm and empty place...with beautiful stars...
I'm still bleeding and feeling I fell to the ground backwards,my vision started to get blurry,and I'm just staring at the stars...until I heard a portal opened
And someone went beside me and looking at me
I couldn't really see who was infront of me cuz of my blurry vision...
But I guess it was a skeleton just like me...
"Well well well...I guess someone's dying...but I think you're not on my list....God of I correct?" The voice asked but my eyes starting to close...
I'm so tired..
Who is he anyways.
"Hey hey,don't close your eyes yet I'm asking u,or I'll make it easier..." He said
My eyes are half open
"Y-yes...I a-am..." I stuttered, I can't even stand up,I feel so weak...
He then suddenly tap my head with his hand,and seconds later he removed his hand
"I'm surprised u didn't die...
U reminds me of my bro.." He trailed and after that...
I closed my eyes...
Everything went black

But before that...I felt myself being carried in a bridal style and then I heard a portal open...
And that's all I know...

[1129 words]

Pic from above is mine again...UwU
I'm bad at drawings...

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