Chapt~14~:Star Sanses

151 4 2

Ink's POV

I slowly woke up...
I see some beautiful shining stars..
And I was laying on the soft grass.
I sat up then looked around

Huh?...maybe Error left me and went back to his home

I just stood up then grabbed my paintbrush and made a portal to the ground then hopped in

I'm now back in the DoodleSphere...

Oh hey Ink!,welcome back!


Damn voices again...

Ey Ink,u can name your giant paintbrush u know?

Yeah,it will be easy,what will u name that thing?

They said as I thought for a while...

"Oh how about Broomie!" I exclaimed

Not bad Ink


"Hehe thanks..."

Hey Ink,we have a better idea to easily fight with the bad guys

U need a team!

"Umm unite with?" I asked them

Find someone that will suit for you!

"Umm okay...
Imma mind link someone" I said

'Hey Dream,u there? Can u hear me?' I mindlinked

5 sec later

'Oh hey Ink! It's been a while,how are yah!' He mindlinked

'Just fine,can I ask u a favor?'


'Can we unite? Or make a perfect team...?'

'How many of us?'

'Maybe just 4 or 3'

'Sure! No problem Ink!,I'll find one that will suit for us and also better'

'Ok,thanks Dream'

'No prob!'

So how was it?

"Just good...can I visit some Aus for while?"




Wish u luck

"Okay thanks..."

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