Chapt~2~:First Friend

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Error's POV

After lunch
I quickly went to where was Dream and about to ask him about friendship thingie...but he was too busy with the others that chatting with him...happily
I sighed...
I'll just leave him alone for a while
It will take some minutes before the class starts,I walked away and
I exited the classroom,but suddenly I bumped into someone and luckily we didn't fall to the ground

Wait...he was the one who was super late earlier...
He has a creepy face tho..
Aaand...taller than me.
"Oh umm,sorry for bumping into you" I said as he walked around me and examining me,it chills down my spine...
"U have weird glitches, I see
And your clothes suits you well" he simply said
I blushed from embarrassment...
"Oh uhh sorry but,I didn't catch your name" I said as he put his hands on his pockets
"Blank" he simply said
I didn't understand at the beginning tho...
But I guess that was his name...weird
"Yours?" He asked
"Oh,I'm... Uh...I can't tell u,sorry" I said awkwardly
"Huh?,okay then,I don't really mind" he said as he walked away and going back to the classroom

He doesn't really care knowing my he?
Cuz he said he don't mind knowing mine..
Well...umm I guess that's fine I guess
"Hey,the teacher is already coming,we should go back to our respective seats" he said while going inside the class room
"Oh uh,right,coming" I said as I followed him
We then sat down to our seats
And another teacher came to the room then introduced himself
"Okay good afternoon class,I'm Omnipotent Sans but u can call me sir Omni,I'll be your Math teacher but this afternoon you'll have your free time to each other,which means we don't have class this afternoon so u can go" sir Omni said then exited the room
Everyone squealed in surprised and so happy too
I look to my right side to see Blank was the nearest and Nightmare was next to him
Blank was just staring at the blackboard blankly...
While Nightmare keeps reading books
My other classmates went home...maybe because of boredom
I just moved my chair then sat closer to Blank,he just looked at me blankly
"So...umm...are u always like that?" I asked him starting a conversation
He looked away from me
Welp...I guess this is a bad idea
"I guess so" he said
"Umm...since we got nothing to do...can we hang out for a while,pleeeeaase" I plead making puppy eyes on him
He's just looking at me then stood up
"Ok then" he simply accepted
"Yezz!" I exclaimed


We are now outside the school,sitting in a bench, and eating nice creams
I really enjoyed it all tho
Suddenly someone interrupted our peace and quite moment
"Hey u!,the nerd is bonding with the weird guy! Hahahaha!" The bunny monster said then laughed along with the others
Dang I really hate bullies
The dog monster suddenly took my nice cream then dropped it on the ground,they then started to laugh again
"Aaww is the glitch nerd gonna cryyyy~ hahaha lol" the other bunny monster said
I was about to tear up but suddenly Blank stood up then pulled my hand and we just walked away
"Hey jerks! Are u scaaaared! Lmao!" The other bully said
Suddenly the dog monster runs then went infront of us,blocking our way
"Your not going anywhere,nerds" the bully said
"*sigh* leave or else" Blank bluntly said
"Else what? Kicking our ass out? Hahahaha" the bully said as he suddenly punched Blank on the face hard..
I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands
Unfortunately,Blank didn't move,even a lil bit...
He just let the bully hit his face but...
He didn't feel anything!
Even just a little pain or something!
"Huh...are u just bluffing or hiding your pain emotion? Hahaha-" suddenly the bully was cut off by a hand being touched on his shoulder from the back
Seconds later...
He fell to the ground then started to dust and fade away,only the floating soul left from the bully...
Wait...he's GONE!
The other bully suddenly screamed then runned away as fast as they can from us
",I didn't mean to-" I look back who was infront of us,and who did that to see a black hooded skeleton looking at us awkwardly.
"Its ok Reaps,I warned them before this happened anyways..." Blank said as he took the soul and examining it for a while...
Wait,did they met before?
"Umm who are you?" I asked the black hooded skeleton as his gaze at me now
"I'm and Blank met this morning and just in a short time
What's your name?
I bet you're Blank's classmate plus friend~" he commented
I blushed a little
"Oh um...I can't tell u my name" I quickly said
He tilted his head,confused
"Huh? Why not?" He asked
"Nah,maybe he's just too sensitive to us to know his name..." Blank stated
"Hey I am not! did u killed the bully with just a...touch?" I asked Reaper
"It's complicated, and u better not touch me or you'll die..." He warned me,I just nodded

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