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Here are some purpose of fonts in my story,maybe you'll get confuse

Font-other people talking,and their thoughts,and what they're doing,or whatever -_-

FoNt- Error's talking

Font- Nightmare's talking

Font- Voices,Reaper's,Zephyr's

Font- Dream's,Undertop's

Font- Memory

Ink's POV

Shit!,he took Blue!
What's he gonna do with him!?
And I dunno where did Error just threw him...!
I hope he'll never hurt Blue...
Don't worry Blue...I'll do my best to save you..

While I'm still in my thoughts,Carrot suddenly lifted me up,gripping onto my scarf
"Gah!,let me go!" I yelled as he pulled me harshly onto him
JUST LOOK AT THIS NOW,HE JUST MESSED THIS PLACE UP THEN KIDNAPPED MY BRO!" He yelled at me,I just flinched then shaking in fear,I was also holding onto his grip,trying to get free but failed.
"It's not my fau-" he cut me off by throwing me to the ground with a loud thud,I yelp
"Carrot that's enough!, he also did tried his best to fight with that weird guy-" Alphys defended me
"Just TRIED,he's just wasting his time to use his useless giant paintbrush fighting at that glitch shit" Carrot bluntly said then walked away
"U better find and bring back my bro or else!" He yelled


I slowly stood up
"Are u okay there?" Alphys asked
"Yeh just always..." I lied
"And who are you anyways?" She asked me,I then pulled out my giant paintbrush from my back
"I'm Ink...the Guardian of Aus..." I introduced
"A-u-s?...." Alphys asked confused
I just giggled then teleported away,but before that I told Alphys that "Alternate Universes".

I then started fixing the mess that Error caused...
Ugh...this is gonna be a long day....cuz I still need to find Blue and bring him back...

Blue's POV

I'm so scared....
That what might happen to me...
And why did he just brought me into this horrible and empty place..
Did he just kidnapped me?

I'm now done from crying and saw him watching something on the tv...and eating chocolate
Hmm is this his home?
If it is...
He might be so lonely...
What if I'll try to talk to him...
Wait...maybe he'll kill me..
No..Blue...just try,try...yeah try...

I took a deep breath then walks to him and sat beside him but not too close.He then looked at me finishing his chocolate, I just looked at the tv...watching...
But I couldn't understand the language tho..
How did he even understand that?
Until the show was finally over,he turned off the tv,he already finished his chocolate tho...

"So...umm...I-" I started to talk and starting to have a conversation until he suddenly cut me off
"If yOu'Re gOnNa aSk mE tO lEt yOu fReE,I wIlL nEvEr dO tHaT" he simply said as he summoned some strings then started knitting a doll that a puppet?
I just sighed..
That's not even what I'm gonna say...
"That's not what I'm gonna say" I said,he's gaze still at the doll he's making
"Umm I'm just gonna ask your name...mister" I said in a friendly way
He then finally made an eye contact with me
"*scoffs* as if I would tell you" he bluntly said,then gazed back at his unfinished doll,and knitting it
"Mweh,I'm Blueberry,but u can just call me Blue inshort!
And u have such an amazing skill!" I exclaimed, trying to forget my problems...cuz why not?
He can be friendly tho...cuz everyone deserves a second chance right?
"I'm nOt eVeN aSkIng YoU...bUt tHaNks...I gUeSs" he said as he finally finished his doll and it was a doll!
And it's very detailed
I'm surprised that he can make dolls
"Awesome doll!" I exclaimed
He suddenly blushed a yellow color then looked at me.
"PuPpEt!,nOt dOlL!" He exclaimed
"Mwehehe!" I just giggled
"Can u teach me how to knit pleassssssssee!?" I asked him,his eyes just widened

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