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Error's POV

"I don't understand, I thought we had a promise!" Ink yelled at me
I was still gazing at his chest
The red vial slowly filling up with real emotion one
Come on come on faster!
"Is this how you help me?,hm?,to HURT ME!?" He yelled at me again
The vial still filling's still not full tho and not glowing much
Come on it's almost there...
And what's wrong!
It's just slowly filling up unlike the others...
I wonder why...
Maybe not enough
"Hey! Why are you silent!?" He exclaimed
Maybe...I'll just do it the hard way...
I took a deep breath in and out for a while,then...

"Oh yeah!? You thought I really I love you!?" I exclaimed
He backed away for a bit with a shock on his face
"What do u mean...?" He asked,still angry
"Well...I NEVER LOVED YOU!" I yelled at him
I looked at his chest,the red vial already glowing which means it was now done filling up...the real emotion one...
We did it again....I did it...
Oh no,I should apologize to Ink...
"...well...I HATE YOU TOO!" Ink yelled
His words made my soul crack even tho not physically but mentally...

He then tried to run away from me but the ground suddenly shaking hard like there was a strong earthquake
Even tho I didn't finish destroying this Au yet....but why was the ground shaking
I looked up to Ink who was now shaking in fear and his eyes are widened in shock
I need to get Ink out of here
"Ink come with me!" I yelled at him
He looked at me with an angry look on his face
"Why would I you fucker!?" He yelled

The ground was now cracking in half
I quickly summoned my strings then tied Ink and pulled him to me
"Let go of me!" He yelp
"Drop this act for a while Ink! This is serio-" My words suddenly cut off by something or someone teleported us away from that crumbling Au...
"Argh! Get off me!" Ink squeaked
I let go of him,but this place is...different
Where are we...
Wait... I think this place seems familiar to me...
"Ink! Error! Over here!" A familiar voice said, I turned around to see Dream,Nightmare,and...the other one...I didn't seen him before
He has a scar on his right cheek and his clothes are all black and white with cross pattern around him..?
"Dream! What happend!?,what are you doing here?" Ink asked while running towards them
"Oh Cross! It's been a while big bro! I missed you!" Ink exclaimed then hugged that Cross guy!?
Ok many brothers doe's Ink really have..?
"Brother!?" Both Dream and Nightmare yelled in shock
I walked towards them
"Yup,looong story,so what happend to you,who gave u that scar?" Ink asked Cross
"Well...uh kinda long story and my Chara gave me this scar" Cross said,Ink just nodded
"Ehem,can u tell us what just happened and what's going on?" I asked,their attention is on me now
"We don't really know and Cross are just chatting each other earlier until we just got teleported here..." Dream trailed and thinking something
I was about to talk until a very familiar voice stopped me

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