Chapt~26~:Disgust and Fear

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Error's POV

This is getting harder...
How will Ink feels disgust?

"Hey Error,Error,Error!" Ink suddenly exclaimed snapping me back to reality
I looked at him
He was beside me,we were stargazing for awhile
"What's wrong,I've been talking alot but u seems spaced out for a moment
Is my chitchat with you boring?" He asked
"Uh no no,it's there anything that makes u feel disgusted?" I asked him
He thought for a while
"I don't know actually..." He said
I just stood up then he stood up too
"So where we going?" He asked me
"Let's go to Nightmare's gang for a while" I told him
"Whaaaat!?,they'll kill us! Especially me!" He exclaimed
"Nah no worries,we can handle them right?
Besides,u can also call some back up" I pointed out
"Oh yeah I can call Shattered and Yanberry if they do something wrong,so what are we gonna do in there?" He said then asked me
"We'll see" I said

The point is...
I'm testing something that makes him there

"U make portal for now" I told him
"Okay then" he said
He grabbed his broomie then wiped the ground with paint
"Let's go" he said
I nodded,we then hopped into his portal

At Nightmare's Castle•[this part has a reference to Jakie95's comic]

Nightmare's POV

"Ugh! U guys really don't have any idea what the fuck just HAPPEND TO THEM!
It's been days!" I growled at the gang,they flinched

Well...I know what happend to Dream already...'s my fault...that he became like that,he me

I shouldn't have shouted on him,he wanted to talk to me but I just forced him out...
I'm such a horrible brother...

"But boss! After two days too of resting,they went on a killing spree again in every different Au! I think they took our job or something?" Horror said then asked
"Maybe someone or something possessed them!" Killer exclaimed

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