Chapter Two

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The employer had scheduled a meeting with me at 10 AM sharp the following day.
"Don't be late if you want a good outcome."
I read aloud. His text almost sounded like a threat.
I glanced in the mirror at my final appearance. My medium black dress flowed as I turned every which way. My legs were freshly shaved for the first time in forever. I caked light makeup over my worn eyes and around my small cheek bones. I topped it off with some light eyeliner. Nothing too fancy. I wasn't much of a makeup person. My hair was neatly combed and straightened. I grabbed my bag, slid on a pair of low heels and exited the trailer, putting the address into the GPS.
1 minute away. What the fuck?
I walked to the dot directed by my phone, which was literally right across the street. I peered up at the trailer. No way...
This was the house of that crazy meth head screaming guy. This has to be some kind of joke.
I checked the address to verify I was at the right place. I looked the place up and down a few times, but decided to go along with it. A shaky fist collided with the metal trailer door.
"Come in."
A rough voice grumbled.
I slowly opened the door, my stomach churning at the sight.
PißWasser bottles, crumpled up food wrappers and girls undergarments lined the floor. I carefully made my way in the door and closed it quickly behind me. I wanted to run, but something stopped me.
"Well, what the hell you looking at? Come, have a seat."
The rough looking neighbor motioned for me to sit on his stained couch that had clearly seen it's better days. I obeyed his command, sitting beside him. I felt like I had lice just from sitting on the dirty upholstery.
I extended a hand, forcing a smile.
"I'm Harper. Harper Sawyer. It's nice to meet you."
The man thought for a moment, making me nervous, then returned the gesture with a smile.
"I'm Trevor. Trevor Philips, or Daddy as most refer to me as."
I tried to ignore his side comment, feelings of disgust and amusement rising within.
"So, I heard you wanted to be my secretary, huh? Secretary of Trevor Philips Enterprises. The largest arms and drug syndicate in Blaine County! Well, you're hired."
"Wait..that's it?"
I blurted out, expecting a more formal interview. At this point I didn't even care that I just got hired on to a drug syndicate. Trevor seemed annoyed at my perplexed reaction.
"What?! You don't take me seriously because I'm not your average entrepreneur, eh? I have you know that people like you are the reason half of Sandy Shores is fucking-"
"I'm sorry!"
I interrupted him, taking a deep breath. By now my body shook like a leaf on a tree.
"L-listen, sir. I-I'm sorry. Im not from around here. Just caught me off guard is all. I-I'm honored."
Jesus, this guy was scary.
A smile crept across his face as he slapped me on the back, causing me to yelp.
"Ah, I knew you would come around, sweet cheeks. Young and dumb still, I see."
I bit my lip, deciding just to nod and agree with him. He is a short fuse, after all.
"Alright, welcome. First order of business-"
Trevor stood up, quickly dropping his pants down to his waist for only his Impotent Rage boxers to be shown. I gasped as he chuckled, taking a drink of his beer.
"Suck my dick."
"E-excuse me?"
I spoke up.
Trevor looked down at me, a sadistic smile spread across his face.
"You heard me, peaches. Suck my dick."
"N-no way!"
I jumped up off the couch, running to the door. I opened it and quickly slammed it in Trevor's face, tripping over my heels the whole way back to my trailer. I turned to see if he was following me, and to my surprise he only stood at his front door, still in boxers, in awe. I slammed my trailer door making the whole place creak. I ran to the sink and washed my face, thinking it would rid my memory of the moment I just endured. I threw myself onto the old mattress as tears began to fall.
What the fuck am I going to do now?

New Beginnings-A Michael De Santa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now