Chapter Thirteen

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We entered the old, discreet factory. The inside smelled of ancient machine oil and weathered papers. I followed Michael up the stairs and into a room containing a board of plans, a huge computer set up and a crippled man who seemed to be around Michael's age.
"Hey Lester, you wanted to see my friend Harper here?"
Michael questioned, looking around at the messy environment.
"Yeah yeah, hey kid. My names Lester."
Lester spun around to shake my hand, in which I awkwardly accepted.
"Harper, nice to meet you."
"Yeah, I'm familiar with you. In fact, a bit too familiar.."
Lester spun back around to his monitors, typing away on his keyboard. An uneasy feeling crossed through me, but Michael was here so I shrugged it off.
"So earlier today, you changed your name from your married name to what was supposed to be your maiden name, correct?"
I nodded uneasily.
"And I also saw you kicking ass earlier helping Michael save his darling boy."
The man snickered a bit, pulling screenshots that looked like they were from a traffic camera.
"So Harper, I'm assuming you're related to the infamous Claude Speed of Liberty City, based on the weird name as well as your personality type. Not to mention I traced your old address back to Liberty City."
I stood, mouth agape. First of all, why the hell did Michael bring me to a creep's house. Secondly, I never really knew my father, outside of him being a bad man.  This makes sense, however. All these crimes Trevor had me partake in, Michael's boat situation, all of these situations came naturally to me. I didn't panic for the most part. I just did it, just like my father apparently did.
"So, do you know your father's whereabouts? I know he's up in age now but he could still be a good asset to us."
"No. No, I don't keep up with my father. Last I heard he was living near the Red Light District."
"Oh. Bummer. Well, I suppose I could hack into Liberty City's mailing system and find him, or I could just do this."
Lester looked me in the eyes, a serious look plastered across his face.
"Harper, would you like to be an asset to me? It's apparent that you have what it takes, and I have heists that need to get done that tubby over here isn't going to do."
Michael rolled his eyes.
"And Lester, are you sure we should get the kid involved in crime? She's a bit too young, right?"
"Well she obviously wasn't a bit too young to work alongside Trevor Philips, nor for you and Trevor to rail not too long ago."
" know about THAT too."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm like a God. I hear and see the unheard and unseen."
Lester chuckled a nasally chuckle.
"Anyways, yes or no? I have a video game competition to attend to."
"Let her think about it, Lest."
Michael urged.
Lester sighed.
"Fine. You have exactly 23 hours and 59 minutes counting down as of right now. Now get out of here!"
"Michael, what the fuck was that?!"
I sighed, placing my hands on my face.
"That, my dear, is Lester Crest. He was always the brains of the operation. Socially awkward on the creepy spectrum, definitely. Evil genius? Rightfully so. But, listen, Harper."
Michael sighed, scratching his neck.
"You don't want to join that life of crime. Sure, the money's great, but there's cops, gangs, the FIB, tons of really, really bad people. You're young, beautiful, you're a badass, and you deserve more than the life of crime. You can amount to anything, Harper. Hell, I'll even help you through school, just please, please don't be like me."
At this point Michael was pleading, his ice blue eyes were full of fear and emotion. I could tell he wanted the best for me. I stared back into his gaze, allowing his emotion to transfer to me.
I caught myself leaning in, but quickly stopped, looking away.
Michael's face flushed red as he sprang out of his seat.
"Yeah, I uh, I'm gonna go to the bar. If you need me, shoot me a text, okay?"
Michael grabbed his keys and shot out the door. I suppose I made it awkward on him, damn.
I sat there in silence, thinking about everything. I thought about the fuzzy feeling that arose as Michael stared into my soul, and how I almost kissed him. I thought about what Lester said about my dad, and him wanting me to team up with him. The guys creepy, but he's a computer mastermind. And I know Michael doesn't want me to, but who says he has to know?
A loud banging on my door made my soul leave my body. We never have visitors. Who the fuck is it?
I grabbed my gun off the coffee table and slowly made my way to the door, opening it and quickly jumping back.
"Trevor?! What the fuck man, you were almost shot!"
I placed a hand on my chest, catching my breath. I kept my gun ready, but tucked it into my waistband.
"Harper look, I'm sorry!"
Trevor pleaded.
"Sorry for what, Trevor?! Trying to rape me, burning down my house that I didn't even own? Why the fuck are you here? To try and get in my pants again and then burn this house down?! How did you even find me anyways?"
"Harper, listen..."
Trevor fell onto his knees. It was apparent that he was on something, yet his tears seemed genuine. He hid his face in his hands like a child. He sobbed, making me instantly feel bad for him. I scooted closer. He reeked of alcohol to the point of he shouldn't even be driving.
"I..I didn't wanna lose you. You were the closest thing to a mom I had, Harper. I'm not even talking about us fucking, but that was good too..I..I just need a female figure in my life and I guess I thought we were more and I fucked up, I'm sorry. I'll pay you for your belongings. Just please..please Harper."
I sighed.
"Trevor..just...go lay on the couch or something. You're not driving in the shape you're in. But try anything dumb and your fucking brains will be my wallpaper."
Trevor sniffled, attempting to stand up and hug me. I avoided it, however, as he stumbled to the couch.
"Thank youuu."
"You still didn't answer me on how the fuck you found me."
I rolled my eyes, deciding to lay down and listen to some music. I plugged my earphones into my phone and turned on, 'I Don't Care Anymore' by Phil Collins. I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I jolted up to the sound of someone entering my room. It wasn't Trevor, however, thank God. Instead it was Michael, and boy, he wasn't happy.
"Harper, what the fuck?!"
He half whispered, half growled. I instantly knew what he was referring to.
I sighed.
"Michael, he was drunk. I couldn't let him drive home."
"How the fuck did he even find us?! Does he know I live here too?"
Michael grabbed the bridge of his nose.
"I don't know, I asked and he was too drunk to reply. I'm sorry Michael, I hate his guts but I can't let him kill himself. I mean, y'all are friends, right?"
"Friends? I tried to get him killed by the FIB! He's dangerous, Harper. That's why I did what I did, faking my death to protect my family. And now he's drunk asleep on our couch."
"But y'all were just partying and shit the other night."
I argued.
"Yeah..I guess you're right, but were fucking him weren't you?"
I screamed, balling my fists.
"Michael, I told you what fucking happened. If you don't believe me I'm sure your hacker buddy could pull it up for you. I'm not fucking him. I was drunk that one time and I only really did it because of you!"
The room instantly got quiet, besides the echoes of Trevor's snores from the couch. Michael sighed.
"I'm sorry, okay? I guess I overreacted."
"Why does it matter anyways? I mean, no I didn't fuck him but why do you care so much?"
I asked.
Michael thought for a moment, then it was as if he changed his thought.
"Because I care about you, and I didn't want you to end up the next meal on his plate or some shit."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah..he's a cannibal. I thought you knew."
My body shivered at the thought, but come to think of it i wouldn't put it past him.
"Anyways, I guess I'll get a hotel for the night."
Michael grabbed up his keys. I knew he had been drinking earlier as well.
I called.
"Stay in here with me.."

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