Chapter Twenty One

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Michael's POV

"So, it appears that you two meat heads are onto something here.  Claude has been laying low for quite some time now, and with one-Harper changing her name back to her maiden, and two-that petty crime you pulled with her-"
Lester's eyes shot to Trevor as he sighed.
"Yep, she's more than likely fucked if you asked me."
I sighed, standing up and slamming my hands into my face.
"Lester, you're not fucking helping."
"Woah now Romeo, last time I checked this wouldn't have happened if you weren't so critical of her behaviors, that just so happen to mimic yours. Geez. And furthermore she's with her father, Michael.  I'm sure he doesn't want to hurt her, probably just use her in a crime of his own."
"Crime of his own?  Does this mean-"
"Bingo! Claude Speed is officially back from hiatus baby!  This means he will be easier to track down and more than likely little Harper will be alongside him.  From what I gathered she didn't have a great relationship with him growing up, and heartbreak can make you act rash, so rest assured we will be able to find her through him."
"But wait, so you think this dude is just going to assume that we're not going to be tailing him?  You'd think he'd watch his ass even more knowing she had something close to family going on down here as well."
Trevor added in.
"You're right.  It's not going to be easy, but nothing is easy in the life of crime.  It's Liberty City, for fucks sake.  Everything is broadcasted there.  We will find a way, no worries."
I sighed.
"I'm counting on you, Lester.  I'll get in touch with Franklin to see if he's up for the challenge.  Let's bring my girl home."

Harper's POV:

"Alright, so first thing's first, I want you to meet my crew.  These are the men you will be working alongside if I'm tied up or on another job.  Liberty City is busy, after all."
Dad points to an older man, his scruffy beard complimented by an untamed, silver mullet.  He looked to be in his early to mid sixties, not a tooth in his head as he smiled at me in greeting.
"I'm Dave. Dave Newport."
I smiled, nodding.
"Nice to meet you."
The other man was early thirties, a more nourished figure, with medium brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.  His smile showed a chipped tooth as he extended his hand to me.
"I'm Dusty.  Dusty Miller.  Nice to meet you, young lady."
I nervously shook his hand as butterflies flooded my stomach.
"Boys, this is Harper, my daughter.  Take care of her, there may be a few goons out here searching for her here soon.  Just some Los Santos rejects, nothing to worry about."
Dad explained.  This made the butterfly feeling in my heart immediately sink, as I was whisked back into reality.  Michael left, but was he worried?  Probably not...and Trevor, hell he's probably more doped out on meth right now than this Dave guy I just met.
"Alright, first job is a fun one.  Actually it's only for my benefit so I guess it isn't quite a job.  Dave, come with me.  Dusty, take Harper and steal the fastest car you can find.  Meet me at the strip off of Callahan Point.  We're going to a street race." 
"Sounds good, boss!"
Dave chimed in as he exited the room with Dad, leaving me and his young accomplice alone.
"I guess we better head out too.  Your Dad isn't the most patient guy."
Dusty chuckled, the tension between us easing a little.
He opened the door to his car for me, out of surprise.  I quickly seated myself and thanked him.  We mainly joked and made small talk on the way to the dealership, nothing too serious.  Although, something was different about this guy.  His aura didn't quite match those of Dad and Dave.  He was more so on my level, or at least where I used to be.  I decided to brush it off for the time being as we pulled a block away from the dealership.  I looked at the clock in the car.  7:53 PM, right after sunset.  It appeared everyone had went home for the day, and there were minimal security cameras.  The place looked as if it was from the eighties. 
"Alright, there's a blindspot right between those two cars.  They leave the maintenance bay on the right unlocked most of the time.  All we have to do is shimmy our way there, and boom baby!  We can grab the car and go!"
"What about the keys?"
I questioned.  He chuckled.
"I've did this a time or two.  They still haven't learned it seems.  Showroom cars already have keys in them.  I guess they assume nobody will bust the glass out, but boy have they replaced it a time or two."
I nodded, trusting this stranger with my life essentially.  Dad did hire him, after all.  I followed his lead as we masked up, throwing on some black hoodies he had laying in his car.  We shimmied our way into the maintenance door and to the showroom.
"Careful, there's cams around here.  Just keep your head down until we get the whip, okay?"
I made my way to the passenger's side of the Ocelot Pariah, keeping my head down.  He hopped in the driver's side, smirking in awe that the keys were indeed left inside the ignition.  He cranked the car, revving it a few times, and before I could hold my breath we were smashing through the dealership window, followed by the wailing of sirens.
"Ah shit, I guess they did amp the alarm system up.  No worries, this baby will outrun the wind."
He smiled as we sped away, the adrenaline and something more pumping through my veins.

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