Chapter Fourty Eight

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Michael's POV

A little over 6 months have passed since Harper's departure. Every day was like a day spent in hell to me. I wanted to go find her, in hopes she was spared by the FIB. I didn't want to believe that she was gone.
Lester finally agreed to get out of his little hole and come to Cayo Perico with us. He flew in sometime last month, but only did so to protect himself from the FIB who attempted to raid the factory.
I took a drink of my bourbon, sitting on the couch at Lester's home.
"Any updates, yet?"
I asked Lester. He sighed.
"Michael, you've asked me that 5 times in the past hour. I've already told you, there's no arrest records nor execution records on her. That's not to be said as an accurate indication that she is alive and well, but overall it is a good sign."
I sighed.
"I'm sorry. I'm just worried, you know?"
"I'm well aware, Michael. I assure you if I get any additional information, you will be the first to know. If anyone can get it, it will be me. I am God. Now, leave me to my work."
He shooed me out of the room. I rolled my eyes, struggling to stand up. I grabbed my bottle of bourbon and headed out to the commons area of the island. I heard a lot of commotion. I turned, almost falling.
"You cheating fucking piece of shit! Get the fuck off of this island before I cut your fucking guts out!"
Hannah screamed at Trevor.
"Baby I can explain!"
"Explain my ass! I seen the fucking pictures, Trevor!"
"Baby it's not what it looks like I promise!"
"Hey! What's going on over there?"
I yelled, staggering my way over. I was definitely intoxicated.
"This is what happened!"
Hannah shoved a picture in my face. I took it from her, almost puking at the sight.
"What the fuck, Trevor?! Why would you two take pictures of this?!"
Hannah turned to me.
"Oh, so you knew about him and Patricia?"
I hesitated.
"I knew they had a past. I thought he was loyal to you, Hannah, I swear!"
She grabbed me by the collar, shoving me onto the ground. She grabbed the gun off of my side and pointed it at Trevor, who threw his hands up.
"Get the fuck off of this island now, or both of you are dead meat! Patricia can stay. I don't blame her for your mistake."
"Alright, I'm going I'm going! God damn, Hannah!"
Trevor walked over to the plane, opening the door.
"You think I'm scared of the FIB, bitch?! I'll fucking show you!"
"Trevor, wait up!"
I attempted to stand, stumbling over.
He ignored my calls, and a few moments later I heard the plane ascend. I slowly began to black out.

Hayley's POV

"I just don't know, Doc. I feel like he deserves to know, but I can't seem to get over the life he costed me. I didn't want to run from the FIB. I didn't want to be in witpro. I simply wanted to start over after my divorce, and I fell for a bank robbing, back stabbing crook."
Tears began to well in my eyes.
"That certainly sounds like a problem, Hayley. But unfortunately I think we are running out of time for this session. Would you like to buy 4 more for 5 dollars off?"
I sniffled.
"Sure, whatever."
I handed Dr. Friedlander the cash, unsure of why because he never seemed to help. He was the only shrink I could talk to, however, being in witpro.
I made my way to the car, grunting as I squeezed in. At this point I was definitely screaming pregnant. I wanted nothing more than to go home and lay down.
I made my way back to Sandy Shores. I sighed, making my way to the bedroom. I stripped down to my underwear and a long tee shirt. I crawled into bed, flipping on the TV for some background noise. I began to drift off to sleep.
I am awoke by a loud kicking and banging coming from the door. I quickly jumped up, grabbing my AP Pistol from underneath the bed. I held my breath. This couldn't be happening. Who could it be? Someone who had bad blood with Trevor? Did the FIB change their mind? By now the intruder was in the house, stomping around. I stood behind the door, waiting for them to enter the bedroom.
I had to protect us. It wasn't just me anymore. I had to protect her too.
The door flew open and I shot.
I familiar voice called. I opened my eyes and gasped.
"Trevor! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
The bullet had grazed his arm. He held his hand to the wound, wincing.
"It's my fucking house, Harper! What the fuck are you doing here?!"
"Trevor, I am so sorry! Listen, just come in and I'll explain everything, okay?!"
I glanced to make sure the door was shut. I looked down and my face turned red. I quickly threw on some leggings.
"If I wasn't in so much pain I would've enjoyed that view."
Trevor teased.
I quickly grabbed the first aid kit, cleaning and patching his wound. I sighed.
"I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?"
Trevor chuckled.
"Honestly, I thought you were dead. How did you manage to escape the FIB?"
"Well I uh, I told them I killed you.."
I bit my lip, looking down.
"Trevor I'm sorry, they were trying to get me to rat on you and Hannah and everyone. I couldn't do it. So I told them you guys were dead, well you and Hannah at least. In exchange for my 'heroic efforts,' they offered me witpro and retitled your property into my name."
"So let me get this straight, you pulled a Mikey and then stole my property?"
Trevor asked.
"Trevor, no!"
I pleaded.
"Listen, I was desperate. I didn't want to be like that cheating prick bastard Michael. That's why I faked your death. I couldn't let them get you. I love you, Trevor. We've came this far. I wasn't letting my decision bring you down too. I'm not going to take your house from you. But you're gonna have to stay hidden, at least around here. Until things die down. I'm not fully convinced they believed my story. It seemed too good to be true."
Trevor sighed.
"Fine. How do I know I can trust you, and you're not going to leave like everyone else?"
I embraced him in a hug. He melted in my arms, tears beginning to fall.
"It's Hannah isn't it? She found out."
I asked.
He sniffled, nodding.
"I couldn't help it, Harper. I loved them both!"
"I know Trevor, I know."
I stroked his back as he let all the pent up emotions out.
"It's okay, Trevor. I'm not going anywhere."
He pulled away, looking me in the eyes.
"You promise?"
I softly smiled.
"I promise. Besides, I think you'll make a great babysitter in a few months."
I chuckled. Trevor's eyes widened. He looked down at my stomach.
"A-are you?"
I sighed.
"Yes, Trevor, I'm pregnant. Yes, it's Michael's. No, I haven't told him."
"Don't you think he should know?"
Trevor asked. I shrugged.
"I haven't figured that out yet, Trev. I figured I'd decide by the time she is born."
"She? Oh my God, you're having a baby girl?"
Trevor chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
I asked, elbowing him in the ribs.
"Ow! I was just thinking about how badass she's going to be, like her Mama. Nothing bad!"
He winced.
I smiled.
"Thanks, Trevor. Oh and, by the way, they changed my name. It's Hayley now. Hayley Scruggs."
Trevor thought for a minute, then made a face.
"That sounds like a basic bitch name. You'll always be Harper in my book."

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