Chapter Fifty Seven (Finale)

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*18 Years Later

Harper's POV

I smiled, hugging my new graduate. Ivy squeezed me, tears rolling down her face. It seems like just yesterday she was born, and amongst all the chaos, the sense of purpose and security she brought me is the only reason I stand here today. I never imagined my early adulthood being a life of chaos and crime. I never imagined me falling for and marrying a retired, middle aged bank robber. Life works in mysterious ways, but I feel as if I will never fully understand the reasoning behind the chain of events, other than this baby being brought into my life and turning it all around. And now she just walked across the stage.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. And I know your dad would be too."
"I wish he was here to see this. I miss dad."
She sniffled, slowly pulling away from me.
I sighed, holding back tears.
"I know honey, me too. But he can still see you and I'm sure he's smiling down at you."
Unfortunately, two years ago, we lost Michael due to complications from alcoholism. His drinking had increased after Trevor's heroic death, and despite countless medications and therapy sessions, that was the only thing that brought him comfort. For the longest time, I blamed myself, as Trevor sacrificed his own life for me and our new family. However, I think I have somewhat came to terms with the events. Despite Michael's struggle, he never brought his habits around our daughter, and he limited my exposure to them as much as possible. He was an amazing father and husband, and if I could go back I wouldn't have chose anyone else to spend all those years with.
"Hey, sweetheart. Are we still going to Chloe's grad party tonight?"
Davieon interrupted, pulling Ivy into a hug from behind. Davieon was Ivy's boyfriend of five years, and the only guy Michael approved of when it came to Ivy. He was 1 year and some odd months younger than Ivy, and was the son of Franklin and Tanisha.
Ivy glanced over at me, as if she was asking permission. I chuckled.
"Y'all kids have fun. If you need a ride, call me. Don't drink and drive now! And when you get back I think Uncle Wade and Uncle Ron have some presents for you."
I scoffed internally at my parenting coming out, knowing that at her age I was doing way worse.
Franklin walked up, patting me on the back.
"They grow up so fast, don't they?"
He chuckled.
I smiled, nodding.
"I just wish he could be here to see it."
Franklin sighed.
"I know it's been rough on you two. And I know that's a pain that will only heal with time. But just know you can always reach out, girl. Even if you need to get away for a while, we have a spare room."
Franklin hugged me. I accepted his embrace. I slowly pulled away, wiping my eyes.
"Who would've thought life would be like this, especially compared to back in the day?"
I chuckled.
"I know, dawg, life is fucking crazy, that's for sure. A few years back we were the ones tearing up the town, and now we've raised our kids to do the complete opposite, hopefully, at least."
"I don't think we have anything to worry about, Frank."
Our conversation was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I pulled it out of my pocket.
I answered.
"Hey, Harper, I know you're busy with sissy's graduation, but can you come to the hospital as soon as you can? Mom asked to see you. She's, uh, she's not doing well."
A confused look crossed my face. Franklin looked at me concerned
"I'll be over in a few."
I hung up the phone, turning to Franklin.
"I have to go. I'll catch up with you soon, okay?"
"Sounds good, be safe!"
Franklin called as I hurriedly headed to my car. She's left me alone all these years, despite trying to wreak havoc at Michael's funeral, what the hell could she possibly want?
I sighed, entering the car. I turned the key and adjusted the radio, I Don't Care Anymore by Phil Collins soothing the anticipation.
I arrived at the hospital. Jimmy was waiting outside.
"Hey, Step Mom!"
Jimmy smiled, opening his arms. I could tell he was obviously stressed, though.
I returned the gesture, embracing him in a hug.
The tension between us had lessened over the years, except for when I kick his ass on fighting games. Tracey, on the other hand, we tolerate each other, but I feel as if she partially blames me for her father's death.
"Where's your sister?"
I asked.
Jimmy rolled his eyes.
"Thats a joke, right? She left me here to deal with all the power of attorney decisions. Ran off with some guy from New Guernsey a few weeks back. Haven't heard from her since."
"Dang, I'm sorry to hear that, Jim. I hope she's alright. I know my dad used to run those streets. It's rough out there."
I patted him on the back, pulling away from the embrace.
"So what's going on with your mom?"
I finally asked the burning question.
He frowned.
"Stage four lung cancer. Her body has resisted chemo from stage two. They say she's got weeks, maybe even days to live. She's still coherent but you can tell it's taking a toll on her. I don't know why she wanted to talk to you but she was very adamant about me 'getting that bitch up here.'"
He air quotated the last part, making me chuckle. I shook my head.
"Well, I guess let me see what she wants."
I checked in at the front desk and was escorted to her room.
I softly knocked on the door before entering.
"Come in."
A crackly voice stated.
I slowly entered the room, my nerves calmer than I anticipated.
There she laid, fragile and practically lifeless.
She was thin, her skin that was once well maintained now sagging off of her bones. Her face was pale and her hair was gray.
I softly spoke.
"Harper, listen."
She motioned for me to come closer to her. I slowly agreed, jumping as she grabbed my hand, squeezing it with her bony fingers.
"I'm-I'm sorry Harper. I'm sorry for always hating you, for splitting you and Michael up. I'm sorry for trying to turn the kids against you, their father and their sister. I'm sorry I showed out at the funeral. The truth is, Harper. I'm a jealous bitch. I always wanted to be the best. And when he chose you over me, despite my fuck ups, I was jealous. A beautiful young lady with a unique personality vs middle aged me. I mean, you can't blame me. But it's taken this diagnosis to realize that you were never the problem, I was. And I'm sorry for everything. I truly am. Please, when I go, make sure my children are okay."
I stood there, mouth agape. I couldn't believe the words I was hearing from this woman. Was this really Amanda? Was she possessed? What is there in it for her? There has to be something...
I finally mustered the courage to say something.
"I'll uh, I'll be sure your children are taken care of, Amanda."
"That's it?"
She shot me a glare.
I looked at her, confused pulling my hand away from hers.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand?"
Her pale face illuminated to a salmon-like tone.
"I just spilled my fucking heart out to you, and I don't even get an 'I forgive you'?"
I sighed, biting my tongue.
I smiled softly.
"I forgive you, Amanda."
She stared blankly at me, as if she was searching for a fight.
"Really? You forgive me?"
"Why wouldn't I? The guy we were fighting over is dead anyways. The past is just water under the bridge."
I played it off. She lightly chuckled.
"So that means some of Michael's money can go to my burial fund, right?"
I immediately seen where this was going, but chose to play dumb.
"Didn't he leave some inheritance for you and the kids, to cover such expenses? I can't remember."
She remained silent. She bit her lip, looking down.
"That money, uh, that money is gone. I spent it all on..plastic surgery."
"Dang, plastic surgery must be expensive nowadays. That's crazy."
I looked at her, wide eyed.
She smirked.
"Yeah, I kept myself up, to say the least."
"I'd say so. No worries Amanda, your expenses will be taken care of."
I smiled down at her.
"Thank you, my dear. I don't want that burden on my dear children. And maybe fork out some more to provide them a place to live, since the house went into foreclosure."
"For sure, don't you worry, Amanda. Everything will be taken care of."
"Thank you, sweetheart. You don't know how much this means to me."
"Don't mention it. Bye Amanda."
I smiled, turning my back to her.
As I began to walk away, I heard her mutter the words 'gullible bitch' under her breath. I knew it wasn't sincere.
I stopped on the way out, quickly looking out the corridor. There was no one in sight. I hesitated for a second.
I shouldn't do this...
But what did I have to lose? My husband was dead. My best friend was dead. My parents were long gone.
I had spent years preaching to my daughter how getting crime and affiliation could get her in big trouble. But, I've already lived that life. What's one more act?
I bit my lip, reaching over to the IV drip. I paused.
"I'm gonna shut this curtain for you for privacy, Amanda. I think they're taking a deceased down the hallway."
I announced, pulling the curtain between us.
"Alright, hun."
She sounded annoyed that I was still there, but continued to put on a front.
I quickly looked through the countless IV bags attached, finding one for Deludamol. I looked back once more, quickly opening the drip valve all the way. Deludamol began to rush down the IV tube. I quickly exited the room, gently closing the door behind me, hearing a faint grunt in the distance. I slowly walked out of the hospital. I stopped at main entrance as the loud speaker wailed; "We have a code blue in the right wing. Room 509. I repeat, we have a code blue, right wing, 509."
The rushing of doctors and nurses could be heard behind the doors. I exited the front lobby.
"How did it go?"
Jimmy asked, oblivious to the recent announcement. A pang of guilt filled my chest.
"It went fine. She just asked me to look out for you guys."
I softly smiled.
"D-do you think she'll be okay?"
The guilt really began to hit me.
I sighed, shaking my head.
"She looked a little out there when I seen her, if I'm being honest with you. Things don't look good, Jim. I'm sorry."
Jimmy sniffled, quickly wiping his tears away.
I embraced him in a hug, slowly caressing his back.
"I'm here for you bud. If you need me, don't hesitate to call, okay? I'll be there."
"Thanks, Harps."
I slowly pulled away.
"Where are you staying right now? Your mom said the house went into foreclosure."
Jimmy sighed.
"I've been staying with my girlfriend, but her parents are getting tired of me. It's been between here and there, mostly."
"Girlfriend? Parents? How old is she?"
I asked.
His face turned red.
"She's 18. She actually graduated with Ivy. I was supposed to be there but, ya know."
He motioned towards the hospital.
I smirked, slapping him in the side.
"Get it, Jizzle. I see you taking after your dad with those young girls."
"Don't say it like that! It makes me sound like a creep!"
He protested.
I rolled my eyes.
"Listen, if you need a place to stay for a while, I got you. And Tracey too if it comes down to it. Ivy has been staying with her boyfriend mostly. And I think I'm gonna be staying with a friend for a while. So, you would have the house to yourself, bills paid."
"Thanks. I'll probably take you up on that."
"Will a James DeSanta please report to the front office? James DeSanta. Thank you."
The intercom called. I seen the emotion drain from his face. He knew. And God, I felt terrible.
"Do you need me?"
I asked.
He slowly shook his head.
"No, no I think I'm good. I'll call you later, okay? I gotta go."
With that he ran into the building.
I sighed.
What have I done? I mean she deserved it, but did they?
I pulled out my phone, quickly dialing Franklin's number as I paced towards my car.
"What's good, Harps?"
Franklin answered.
"Hey, are you gonna be home in about 15 minutes? I need to lay some shit on you..and I think I'll take you up on that place to stay."
"For sure, see you then."
With that I sped off, praying LSPD didn't catch up to me on the commute there. I turned up the radio, The Setup by Flavored Nations overpowering the protests of angry drivers as I cut them off.

(A/N: Welp, after almost 3 years, I have finally completed this story! Thank you so much for all the love and support from you guys who have stuck with me through these hard times. I officially accomplished my goal of  getting this story done before GTA 6 releases. Once again thank you so much for all the love and support. I've truly enjoyed writing this over the past few years, and I hate to see it end, but who knows, maybe there will be something else in store soon. :) <3)

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