Chapter Twenty Two

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Harper's POV

I had been staying with my father for a little over a month now.  So far, we have had no troubles with the Los Santos boys trying to locate me.  I should've known Michael wouldn't get his pig ass up from his Classic Vinewood to take the time to save my ass.  Could I blame him, though?  I did lie to him despite us being fully involved.  But for the most part, I was totally over that encounter.  Sure, it sucks, but being back in Liberty and being able to build an actual bond with my father through crime has been my saving grace, ironically.  He has taught me so much in my short stay, tips and tricks to help me not get in a situation Trevor and I was in that one time.  We have also split into teams to be less noticeable, since there is an even number finally.  Our teams consist of Dad and Dave, and Dusty and I.  I have to admit, we make a damn good team.  Our last mission was destroying a lab the cartel had been using to make cocaine, nicknamed SPANK around this area.  I guess everywhere you go, you'll have a Trevor Philips trying to take over the drug ring.
My dad got into crime to get revenge on his ex girlfriend, who tried to end his life way back when.  Although he never achieved his goal, he chose to drop the matter and continue to assist the mafia in various acts of dirty work.  I asked him my mother's whereabouts, in which he responded she passed of a heroin overdose in the few years of me not speaking with her on my ex husband's terms.  I do regret my decision to leave her behind, but I'm honestly not sure she'd like the person I am today anyways.  I've learned to shrug off a lot of my pain down here in Liberty.
I heard a soft creak at the door.  I looked up from my air mattress, expecting it to be Dad.  However, it was Dusty.
"Hey, D."
I greeted with a soft smile.
"Harper, my girl, your dad sent me here to get you.  Said he had our next target lined up."
"Sweet. What's on the agenda?"
I sat up on the makeshift bed, stretching my arms and letting out a much needed yawn.
Dusty pulled out his phone, scanning the messages.
"It looks like Claude found another makeshift gang of guys trying to market that SPANK.  He sent me their coordinates.  He doesn't think it originated in this area, however one of the members has been going elsewhere to get the product.  Claude will look into that. For now, we need to take out the punks bringing it back here."
I nodded, taking in the information.  This task reminded me a lot of the O'Neal brothers farm.  Should be a piece of cake.
I slid off the bed, tossing on my shoes and grabbing my AP Pistol.  I followed Dusty out and thanked him as he opened the door to the old Buccaneer for me.  I climbed in and he softly closed it, entering the driver's seat and heading towards the coordinates. 
"There they are."
Dusty circled around the alleyway and parked in one of the parallel parking places.  I exited the car, shoving my gun in my waistband and straightening my shirt out.
I stayed pinned to the wall, following Dusty's lead as we inched our way into the alleyway.
"Hey man, I heard you got the best fix around."
One of the mystery men said.
"That's me.  How much you looking to buy?"
The man thought for a moment as he fumbled around in his pocket for loose bills.  We continued to watch the transaction from afar.  The dealer and his accomplice were dressed in black hoodies and beanies, making it hard to make out their faces, not that I would know them anyways.  The other guy seemed to be maybe 18 at the oldest, and was clothed in a baggy Righteous Slaughter tee shirt and baggy jeans.  The men exchanged goods and the one hurried off.  As the men were counting their earnings, Dusty made his move, pulling up his hood and trying to seem discreet.  We had already discussed the plan, as well as the back up plan.  I was confident in this execution.
"Hey bud, got any of that SPANK?"
Dusty asked, looking around to make it seem as if he was nervous of bystanders.  I held my position, ready to move in once the transaction was nearing completion. 
"I got something like that my dude, how much?"
The man replied, pulling out a small baggie from his pocket.
"Man, I don't know, how much will this get me?"
Dusty pulled out 40 bucks and handed it to the guy.  The guy paused for a moment and then began distributing the big bag into a much smaller bag, throwing it at Dusty.
"Will that be it for you?"
"Yeah, well actually one more thing.."
"Get your asses on the ground now!"
I jumped out from around the corner, aiming my gun at the sunken figures.  After a better look, they couldn't have been over 21. 
"What the fuck?! Who are you, the police?"
The other man stammered. 
"You wish.  The police would probably give you a lighter outcome."
I smirked, keeping my gun aimed.
"Tell me guys, where do you get this SPANK?"
Dusty walked up beside me, pulling out his gun as well.
"I-it's not really-"
The guy attempted to blurt out, but was cut off by Dusty.
"WHAT?! You're telling me you sold me fake shit?! You fucking-"
"No, no sir! I swear.  It's not spank, its..dope! I promise, authentic, Los Santos grade dope!"
"Ah, false advertising your shit are you?  Do you know this is Liberty Fucking City?! You should've stayed in Los Santos, kiddo.  These streets show no mercy.  With that, Dusty flipped the hoods of the boys down to reveal their faces, and immediately paused.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
I spat, my hand going tired from the stance.
Dusty looked at the dealer's accomplice, mouth agape.  He slowly removed his hood.
"D-Dusty? Is that you, buddy?"
Dusty slowly stepped back, putting his gun away.  He sighed.
"I can't...I can't fucking kill you.  Why the fuck are you doing this, little brother?"
"Because, with you leaving and dad dying, mother has been the sole provider for her and I..and she's not in good health right now.  I was trying to make some extra money to ease her worry of doctor bills and such...and Tanner here offered me a job as his assistant."
"Thanks for blowing my cover too, bro."
Tanner rolled his eyes.
"'re a drug dealer's assistant?"
I asked, honestly intrigued by the titles these kids could come up with.
"Yes...but it's only for my mom.  I promise."
"Alright, enough.  Listen.."
Dusty emptied his pockets of money, throwing the cash to his presumed brother.  The boy fumbled the money in his hands in disbelief.  He walked over to the other boy.
"Give me everything you have left and we'll call it even.
The kid quickly obeyed.  He handed me the stash, looking back at the boys.
"We're gonna tell Claude we took care of them.  For now.."
Dusty looked back at the two.
"Lay low, and don't do any more dumb shit, got it?"
The boys nodded their heads in unison.
"Oh and Randy...tell mom I love her.."

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