Chapter Thirty Seven

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Michael's POV

After what seemed like hours we finally arrived at the worn down factory. Frank's bike was parked outside along with Lester's car I climbed out of the car and sprinted to the door, slinging it open in the process.
"Wait up, Mikey!"
Trevor grumbled, stumbling behind me.
"Frank! Lester!"
I called out. No answer.
"They have to be fucking with us."
Trevor stomped up the weathered stairs, turning the corner to head to Lester's office.
"Alright you bastards. Enough with the games. We've got a situation-"
He stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth agape.
I quickly caught up to him, coming to a sudden halt.
"It's about time you boys showed up."
Hannah stood towering over the unconscious bodies of Lester and Franklin, who were bound by rope. A look of pain and desperation crossed her face as she anxiously gripped her pistol.
"Hannah..what the fuck are you doing?!"
Trevor questioned, a deep look of betrayal and hurt crossing his face.
"Trevor, listen."
Hannah sighed, pushing a lock of brown curls away from her freckled face.
"I didn't want it to come to this. I moved here because the FIB made a deal with me. They would look the other way on the pot farm if I agreed to hunt you down and kill you. With you and Harper being on the radar so much lately, it was easy to track you down. And what better way to gain your trust than to go through one of your old friends? Thats why I connected with Lester over online gaming, and did a few petty tasks for him beforehand."
She stepped closer to Trevor, who remained frozen.
"I knew you were a womanizer, so I figured getting sexually involved with you wouldn't be a problem, and I'd just lure you away when Michael was distracted by Harper and Claude's disappearances. What I didn't plan on happening is me actually catching feelings for a deranged criminal. So when you two walked away earlier, I planned on just taking Michael out in front of you, because in the eyes of the FIB he's dead anyways, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew how bad it would hurt you. So I let you two go."
"So you're responsible for Claude's fucking death?! And you know where Harper is!"
I spat, pushing past Trevor and closing the gap between us, grabbing her shirt collar. She remained unscathed. I fought back the urge to hurt her, loosening my grip. She looked down.
"Catalina already had a criminal history. She's been working behind the scenes with the FIB for some time now. When she caught wind of Claude being there, she knew she could easily draw him away, finally getting the outcome she attempted years ago. And she knew Claude would choose her over his daughter as he had done before, leaving her to fall vulnerable and wander away from the camp and eventually be captured. They didn't kill her because they knew if the initial plan of me killing Trevor fell through, he'd definitely go searching for her and could be taken out then. In other words, they're pretty much holding her for blackmail."
"Who captured her? Where is she at now?"
I tried to sound cold, but my heart pleaded for answers.
"She was captured by her former romantic interest from LC. His names Dusty. He said Trevor attempted to sacrifice him to the altruists, but he escaped and sought revenge. So therefore, he's working with the FIB as well."
Both of our gazes turned to Trevor, his fist bloodied once more against the brick wall. A piece of brick had chipped off between his knuckles.
"First fucking Mikey! Then I lost the love of my fucking life, Patricia! Then I find out that fat pig bastard Dave is playing Brad, and now you're fucking working with the FIB too?! Everyone fucking leaves me! I can't deal with this shit anymore!"
Trevor jerked the gun out of her hand, pointing it at his temple. We both jumped on him and unison and wrestled the firearm out of his grasp, firing two shots in the process.
I stood up and placed the gun in my waistband, sighing.
"Trevor, that shit's not gonna fix anything. If you take yourself out, you're pretty much saying they won. I can't go back and change what I did over a decade ago, but if I could I damn sure would."
"And I would too, Trevor. Honestly. After getting to know you, I regret going into our relationship with the intentions I had ingrained from the bureau. Listen.."
She looked down at the two on the ground, who remained unconscious.
"I came here to cover my ass. I thought maybe if I handed in Lester it would look less suspicious that I let Trevor go. I honestly didn't expect Franklin to be here as well. They'll come to in a few hours. I'm going to turn myself in to the bureau, because if I try and run it will only prolong the inevitable. You guys go save her. I'm sorry I was even a part of this.
She began to walk out, but was stopped by Trevor grabbing her wrist. She turned around.
"Wait, Hannah. They're going to fucking kill you."
"Yeah, and what should you care? I tried to kill you."
She attempted to loosen his grip but it just made him tighten down more.
"Let her go, T."
I commanded, to no avail.
"Mikey, we can't let those pigs kill her."
"She can't be trusted. For all we know, everything she just said was fake. This could be part of her plan to take both of us out."
"You made a fucking deal with the FIB too, remember?! And you got my best friend killed! If I can forgive your fatass, then I can forgive her!"
A stray tear traveled down his cheek.
I sighed.
"Fine. Have it your way."
I turned to Hannah.
"You better not be fucking lying to us."
"If I'm lying, I'll let you shoot me yourself, point blank."

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