Chapter Fourty Four

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Harper's POV

I sighed, leaning against the balcony listening to the soft rain hit the roof. The trees rustled about, and the distant waves of the ocean could be heard. Such a beautiful place, Michael was right. It still wasn't Los Santos, though. It still wasn't Blaine County or even Liberty City. If I were here under different circumstances, I would definitely appreciate it better.
I still haven't had the conversation with Michael, but I knew it was coming. I still am unsure of where my feelings lie. I love him, but I want to hate him. He saved me, but I want to hate him. Even though he's done so much for me. He bought me a condo for fuck's sake! And I was at fault for lying to him. I don't blame him for being upset, but I blame him for how he handled it.
"Hey, there you are!"
Hannah came up behind me, smiling.
"What is it now?"
I rolled my eyes. She always interrupted me when I was in deep thought.
"Trevor sent me to fetch ya. We're having a supply inventory meeting down at the landing strip. Ron wants an inventory on what all he needs to round up on his next flight back."
I sighed.
"Really, in the rain? Fine. Let's go."
I walked to the closet, pulling out one of Michael's jackets. It was way too long, but I couldn't deny the sense of security it gave me.
I followed her out and climbed in the passenger seat of the truck.
"So, have you talked to him yet?"
She asked, breaking the silence after a few moments of window gazing.
"Not yet. There's still a lot to process, ya know? What if I'm overreacting?"
I looked over at her.
"I sense that you've been invalidated a lot before. Maybe in childhood or a previous friendship or relationship. But you're an adult now, Harper. You're validated now."
Chills ran up my back as she spoke, as if she was some sort of mind reader. Memories of my ex husband belittling me and slowly becoming less attracted to me flashed through my head. The memory of me catching him cheating, to the memory of me putting him out of his misery on a rampage with Trevor. All of these memories played like a slide show throughout my mind.
Then there were the memories of dad abandoning us, and how I was kind of happy to reconvene with him after all these years, then him choosing the girl who ended his life over me once again. Life is a rollercoaster for sure.
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"We're here!"
Hannah cheered, whipping the truck onto the landing strip. I held on for dear life.
"Oh shut up and come on!"
I got out of the truck, following her to the circle where everyone had convened. Only Ron, Wade, Truth, Franklin and his Aunt, Lamar, Jimmy, Tracey, Trevor, and Patricia were present. Patricia stood oddly close to Trevor, making me a little uncomfortable at how Hannah would react. She seemed to not notice so far, so that was a plus. I couldn't help but wonder where Michael was.
"Alright, I guess this is enough people to start this meeting!"
Trevor yelled, causing everyone to silence themselves and turn their attention to him.
"Ron, didn't I ask you to bring Chef here? What ever happened to that?"
Trevor asked.
"W-well you s-see."
Ron stuttered.
Trevor commanded.
"S-sorry t-Trevor he's just-"
Trevor stepped forward, ripping Ron up by the collar of his shirt.
"He's dead, Trevor."
Wade finally answered for him. He dropped Ron, turning to Wade. His face grew cold.
"The FIB..they..they got him. We were too late."
"They also got my cousin and his old lady too. Ron said he seen it all when I asked him to rescue them."
Wade commented, the look on Ron's face going from terror to 'please just go with it.' I quickly gathered that Trevor was probably the one that offed Wade's kin.
"God damn fucking pigs!"
Trevor's face illuminated red as he balled his fists. Patricia attempted to step up to him, but Hannah intercepted, throwing her an odd glare. I held my breath.
After a few moments of calming Trevor down, he was back at it.
"Well I can't fix what you two fucked up by letting Chef get killed, so onto what we're actually here!"

Michael's POV

I hurriedly headed towards the landing strip. I was out most of the day looting the abandoned parts of the island, finding a ton of valuable items. I just knew I was going to be late. Trevor sent Hannah to fetch Harper. I sighed, pulling up to the house where Amanda and the kids were staying.
I scowled at the sight of my cheating ex wife.
"You can find your own fucking ride. I'm here to pick up the kids."
Amanda scoffed.
"Actually, Franklin is picking them up. We need to talk, Michael."
She motioned for me to come inside, which I reluctantly did. The inside of the place was admittedly nice for stolen territory. I could already tell which rooms were whose. Jimmy's reeked of weed and sweat and Tracey's had designer clothes scattered about. I leaned against the doorway.
"Alright, make this quick. I don't have all day."
"Michael, you already know what the problem is!"
She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
I threw my arms up.
"What is your fucking problem, Amanda?! I saved you from the FIB. I could've left you there and just took the kids, but I was trying to respect you!"
"My problem is that while I'm out here tending to these kids you're out fucking around with that girl! She's a child, Michael! How fucking sick are you?!"
"She's in her twenties! She's an adult!"
I protested.
"Thats the age we were when we started dating, Michael! You're in your fifties! Thats sickening!"
"Hey, at least she's loyal unlike someone I know!"
"Yeah, and if I could have a do over I wouldn't have married a criminal, one who ruined my life just to protect your own name! How do I brag about that? 'Yeah, my husband faked his death, how awesome is that girls?' Over a fucking dinner or something!"
"I did what I had to do to protect you!"
"And then you had the audacity to bring that no good hillbilly and your other thug comrade around my children?! And now you're allowing them to witness you swooning over a fucking 20 whatever year old!"
"You know what, fuck you! I shouldn't have to defend myself over someone who cheated on me countless times. We're divorced, it's finalized. It's over, Amanda! You have no right to tell me who I can and can't see, and as far as the children, they're fucking adults themselves now! They see way worse on the daily with those video games and that stupid TV show Tracey watches!"
I turned to head out the door. Amanda pushed me, causing me to fall backwards, halfway onto the couch by the doorway. Amanda climbed on top of me, to the point where she was basically sitting on me. I tried to push her off, but she resisted. I really didn't want to hit a woman..
"Michael, you're gonna give me my family back whether you like it or not! You're going to fucking love me again, you hear me?!?!"
At this point I could tell she had been drinking. She reached for my pants button. I slapped her hand away. She fought me over the stupid thing under the button came flying off. I tried to push her off of me.
"Amanda, we're not doing this! I don't want to have to hurt you!"
"You won't hurt me."
She smirked devilishly, pulling her top off, revealing her bare breasts.
"Amanda, I said fucking stop!"
I pleaded.
She attempted to pull my shirt off. I gave her a hard shove, sending her back. She caught herself on the edge of the couch. I started to stand up. At that time, the door flung open. I heard a gasp. My heart stopped. Amanda remained half clothed, smiling.
Harper yelled.
"Honey, it's not what it looks like-"

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