Chapter Twenty Eight

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Harper's POV

I groaned as I sat up, wiping the sleep from my eyes. My head pounded as I remembered the night before briefly, drinking with Trevor and sharing feelings of disgust towards Michael. I looked over and suddenly jumped, as Trevor laid beside me, his rough snores filling the bedroom. He clutched onto this disgusting looking teddy bear. It wore thongs and was covered in God knows what sticky substance. It was then I realized he had nothing on.
"What the fuck?!"
My screams of anger jolted him awake.
"What? What's wrong?!"
Once he realized the only emergency was his bare ass, he rolled his eyes.
"What the fuck, Harper?! You almost gave me a heart attack. I was having a damn good dream too!"
"No, Trevor! Why the fuck are you in here?!"
"It's my house, Harper! It's my bed! It's not like I fucked you, geez. Am I not allowed to share my own fucking bed with you?"
"I mean yeah, but you're fucking naked Trevor!"
"So? It's not like you haven't seen it before!"
I sighed, attempting to calm down.
"Trevor..what's that?"
I pointed to the disgusting toy.
"That? That's Mr. Raspberry Jam."
"And what we're you doing with him?"
The room fell silent.
I quickly jumped up, dusting off my clothes in disgust.
"You fucking jerked off to a teddy bear beside me in bed?!"
"No sugar tits, I actually fucked the bear. See?"
He proceeded to hold up the missing stitching in the back of the bear, making me gag.
"And furthermore, I didn't get off to the bear. I got off to your beautiful fucking face. But it's not like I fucking touched you, Harper! I have more respect than that!"
"That's fucked up, Trevor! I'm fucking leaving!"
"What? You've used me enough to get you back home just so you can walk out of my life once again and go back to that pig headed slipper wearing motherfucker?! I should've known you were just like him!"
"At least he didn't get off to me with a fucking teddy bear! And furthermore right now I don't want to see either one of y'all!" I stormed out the door, slamming it behind me. I sighed. I had no idea where to go. Trevor was right. The streets of Blaine County were just as dangerous if not more than before. I reached into the open window of his truck, rummaging around until a handgun met my fingertips. I grabbed it and shoved it in my waistband. I wandered up and down the streets. Wow, what a life, huh? From my rough upbringing to my divorce which ended up in me murdering my ex husband. From having a drunken three way to falling in love with a selfish prick, all while working behind his back with his best friend, to being kidnapped by my own father, almost falling in love again which ended up in more murder. It's like death follows you everywhere. You can't escape it. You go from a baby swaddled in blankets and onesies to a teenager graduating or dropping out of high school. Then before you know it you're burying all your loved ones. And despite whatever miracle drugs or dieting you do, you die too. And what's after that? I mean some say a heaven, some say reincarnation. But do we really know? All my life I've tried to build a perfect life despite circumstances. Like getting married early on, with hopes to start a family that didn't work. And now look at me, killing people left and right. Doing crimes I never imagined. Maybe death is more natural than we portray. I mean, I can't deny the pleasure I have felt from this new life. As much as I want to label myself a monster, I can't. Maybe that's why I understand Trevor more than before. Because he has already came to this realization. And maybe Mikey reacted the way he did because he wanted to shelter me from that realization. Should I really hold a grudge for that? I mean, I did lie to him after all. But he still left..
And Trevor, ugh.
I shivered at the thought of earlier.
Trevor can be my best friend at times and get on my everlasting nerve at others. But he's still a ride or die friend it seems. And so is Michael. Maybe I just need to stop holding grudges and embrace the time I have with them...
My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps behind me. I quickly stopped, glancing back to see Ron. I scowled to myself and proceeded to walk, until he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Where do you think you're going?"
He asked.
"Why does it matter to you? What, were you following me or something?"
I snapped back.
"Well I couldn't help but overhear you and Trevor's arguing. And then you left. You know that's his biggest fear right? Abandonment. And you left him."
"I didn't leave him, Ron. I needed to step away for a minute."
I sighed.
"Yeah but Trevor doesn't see it like that. All his life he's been left by the people he cared the most about. Truth be told, I didn't want to help him get you back here, but he insisted that he owed it to you. So how about returning the appreciation to him?"
"Well Ron, I'm almost positive to say that Trevor's never fucked a teddy bear while looking at your sleeping body to get off before. How the fuck am I supposed to react?!"
"That's just Trevor! What I'm trying to say is you mean the world to him, he's fucking told me! And right now he's probably drinking himself into a coma because of you. So can you at least go talk to him for fucks sake?"
I sighed, seeing the conversation was getting nowhere except drawing attention to us. I decided to end it. He was looking after Trevor. I have to give him that.
"Ron, I know we didn't get off on the right foot per say when I first moved here, but just this once I'll fucking listen to you. Come on."
Ron followed me down the streets back to Trevor's place. After a tiring walk back, I finally arrived, Ron on my heels. God, this dude was so fucking obsessed with Trevor, but why?
I went up to the door, noticing it was cracked lightly. I peeped in to hear loud, aggressive banging. I rolled my eyes, turning to Ron.
"If I walk in on him banging a dope whore, I'm going to beat your ass."
Ron stayed outside as I quietly slid in the door, making my way to the bedroom. I peeped inside and quietly gasped. Trevor was being held at gunpoint in the corner of the room, blood dripping from his mouth. He looked beat up, but continued to resist. Without thinking, I grabbed the gun from my waist band, popping the safety off and kicked the door wide open, blind shooting, praying that I didn't accidentally hit Trevor in the process. I opened my eyes to see the man had collapsed onto Trevor's body. I threw the gun on the bed and rushed to pull the lifeless man off of Trevor. I ripped the mask off the man's face. A middle aged man. Looked like a business guy of some sort, maybe a cop. I looked over at Trevor, a scowl crossing his face.
"Dave Norton."
I asked, dumbfoundedly. Then I remembered our conversation. Michael's FIB agent for wit pro. The one who shot Brad and faked Mikey's death. The one who Mikey tried to hand Trevor into all these years back. My mouth stood agape.
I heard footsteps to the bedroom and realized it was Ron, whose eyes widened at the sight.
"Ron, go get Wade. Imma need you to dispose of him."
"On it, t-Trevor!"
Ron stumbled his way back out of the trailer. Trevor sighed, standing up and dusting himself off, kicking the body in the process.
"He was after you.."
Trevor mumbled. Sitting down on the bed.
I grabbed a towel, wiping the blood from his chin.
"Trevor I'm sorry. I should've never left."
"No, you had every right to. What I did was kind of fucked up. I'm sorry, Harps."
"Yeah but me leaving almost got you killed."
I frowned, tears starting to well in my eyes.
Ron and Wade came in with a bag, manhandling the body in the process. The quietly exited the room and I turned to Trevor.
"Do you think-?"
"Do I think that Michael had something to do with it? Yes. Yes I fucking do. And he will fucking pay for this."
Trevor growled, cutting me off.
"And now, you just killed an FIB agent in my house! Although I'm glad you did don't get me wrong, fuck that bastard! But now it's possible the FIB will be on our asses. We have to go!"
"How did Michael even know I was here?"
I asked, attempting to help Trevor as he gathered the bare essentials into old grocery bags and threw them on the back of his truck."
"How do you fucking guess?"
He responded.
I hopped in the truck as it cranked with a roar. Trevor sped off.
"Where are we headed?"
"Definitely out of Blaine County. Here, do me a favor and call Lester. Maybe he can see whether they're onto us or not."
He tossed me his phone. I groaned, selecting contact labeled "Lester the Molester."
"What is it? Don't you know i'm in the middle of a game?"
Lester answered.
"Now is not the time, Lester. We're kinda fucked."
"Oh it's you. Go figure you're now the spokesperson for Trevor Philips. You never cease to amaze me, kid."
"Oh so that's one thing you didn't know, huh? That it was me calling instead of him?"
"Cut to the chase. You can't pause an online game."
I sighed.
"Listen, whatever you told Michael...he decided to call the FIB on me. I was out when they got to Trevor's. But came back just in time and-"
"Let me guess. You shot Dave Norton?"
"In short, yes."
"And Trevor is freaking out thinking that the FIB will be on his ass."
"Listen kid, tell Trevor to meet me at the factory. I'm going to call your dad and have him meet us too. He may come in handy."
I nodded as if Lester could see me, hanging up the phone. I turned to Trevor.
"Lester said meet him at the factory. He's calling Dad too. Said he may be of help."
"Great, another ass to watch. I should've killed him with the others."
I snapped.
"That's my fucking Dad! He's a good asset to have!"
"He was a coward in my experience."
"Because you held me over his fucking head!"
"Fine. You better be right, though."
Trevor took a sharp turn, slamming me essentially into his lap. I clawed my way back up and held on for dear life.
Why Michael? Why would you do this to me?

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