Chapter Thirty Nine

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Michael's POV

"I still can't believe she knocked me out."
Lester muttered, rubbing the back of his head.
"Yeah, maybe next time you'll check out backgrounds instead of tits."
Trevor smartly remarked.
"That girl is something else man. She's almost as bad as Harper. No wonder she swoonin over your crazy ass, T."
Franklin smiled, nudging Trevor in the side.
I sighed.
"This isn't good guys."
"What do you mean, dawg? We got an inside source now."
Franklin questioned, putting his hand on my stiff shoulder.
"I still don't trust her. Sorry Trevor, just something about that girl has always been off. I thought she said if she turned herself in the FIB would kill her?"
"They were. I tapped into their cameras in the interrogation room. However, she persuaded them that she had more valuable information on Trevor and because of both that and now Trevor has two sentimental people to come after that the chances of capturing him and putting an end to all this nonsense would be closer."
Lester spun around, typing something on the computer.
"I equipped her with a satellite phone that could not be traced by even the FIB. We studied the layout of the prison using both security cameras and her knowledge of the layout from FIB related activities. From what it seems they threw her in the one man cell with Harper. She has not messaged me yet but said she was going to try and locate the key cards and attempt to at least make their way to a more reachable part of the prison."
"Wait, since the FIB just sees those two as Trevor bait, shouldn't you lay low on this one, T?"
Franklin asked.
Trevor chuckled.
"Boy, I've been doing the tango with those fed bastards since you were a sperm going nut to nut to keep from getting shot up a whore's ass. I'm not backing down now."
Franklin shook his head.
"Y'all a bunch of crazy mother fuckers, that's for sure. So Lester, when are we going in?"
"When I get a signal from Hannah. That means they are in a less secured part of the prison. When the guards realize they are missing, however, the whole place will go on lockdown. So we have to act quick."
Lester sighed, spinning back around from his computer.
"Stay close by. I feel like this plan is going to move fairly quickly. But for now, I have a gaming tournament to attend, so if you'd be so kind to get out."
I rolled my eyes, following the others out the door and down the stairs. When I got to my car, Trevor put his arm around me. I turned to face him.
"Mikey, I can tell this is bothering you. But I promise you, we will get her back, even if I have to turn myself in."
"Don't say shit like that, T!"
I scoffed.
A stray tear fell down his cheek.
"I mean it, Mikey. I know we've had our falling outs but I know this girl means a lot to you, and she means a lot to me too."
"Are you sure you're not doing this just for Hannah?"
I questioned.
He rolled his eyes, punching me in the stomach. I winced, grabbing the injury.
"She's a good lay, Mikey. But Harper was my partner in crime. And my best friend's girlfriend."
The word 'girlfriend' gave me chills. Harper and I never had the conversation I was promised. Maybe it will come after. Maybe she will forgive me. Or maybe she will stab me to death. Either way, I looked forward to an answer, and the possibility of her being in my arms again.

Harper's POV

I managed to grab the key card out of the guard's pocket while he was busy swooning over Hannah. Luckily, there was not a camera pointed directly at the cell, so I shouldn't get caught. I still question how she knows all of this. It seems suspicious to me, but she is my only chance of escaping this hell hole at the moment.
"Okay, 5 minutes until the guard nods off."
Hannah whispered. We had spent hours upon hours of picking away at the door lock. We finally made it brittle enough to where it would give.
These five minutes felt like the longest minutes of my life. This move could either land me back in Michael's arms, or it could cause me to be dumped in some FIB landfill far off. I couldn't help but hold a little grudge over Michael. Sure, my feelings for him are still valid. However, if it wasn't for him, would I really be risking my life to get out of here right now? I wronged him by lying, and if it wasn't for my dishonestly I would've never been broken up with. Dad wouldn't have died, at least, not in my territory. Dusty wouldn't have swooned me over and then came back from the seemingly dead and captured me. So many things would have been different. But Michael sending Dave Norton on me also affected this chain of events. Could I ever fully forgive him? Or could I forgive him and not forget? The feeling of betrayal still lies deep within my gut.
"Stop daydreaming, he's out. Let's go!"
Hannah smacked my arm, interrupting my deep thought.
We quietly broke the lock off the rest of the way, making our way out. Our lumped covers within the cell could only fool the guards for so long.
"This way."
Hannah whispered, etching around a corner. She quickly ducked, jerking me down with her. I wanted to protest, but thought better of it.
I then validated her actions after seeing the camera that had turned towards us. After a few minutes, the camera turned, and we made our way down another hallway.
She quickly looked around and then offered me a lift. I quickly scrambled onto her shoulders and tampered with the air duct, hesitantly fumbling the loose metal as it almost fell. I sat the cover aside and pulled myself up, then reached down to grab Hannah. She scurried up and turned around, replacing the cover. I slid back to allow her to lead the way. My claustrophobia was admittedly getting to me as we inched our way through the duct system. We finally reached our exit. Hannah peered through the vent holes, then tapped me to do the same. There was definitely a security room, with a guard skimming through the various sets of cameras.
"We have to distract him."
I silently mouthed to her. She nodded, pulling out what seemed to be some sort of high tech cell phone.
She put her hand up, attempting to cease my confusion with the 'I'll explain later' look. I rolled my eyes. I didn't trust her, but we were already this far in. What's the worst that could happen?"
All of a sudden the cameras go down. The guard becomes alert, rapidly attempting to reset the security system.
Hannah kicked the vent cover in, jumping down. I followed, landing almost directly on the guard. I wrapped my hands around his throat from behind, choking him into unconsciousness.
Hannah ripped some wires from one of the monitors and bound his hands together. She then pulled out a metal rod, knocking him in the head.
I winced as blood splattered everywhere.
"You had him tied up, was that really necessary?"
I questioned.
"Better safe than sorry."
She shrugged, locking the security room door.
All of a sudden I heard a beep.
"Everything okay up there?"
A voice beamed from the radio.
We looked at each other, eyes wide.
"Chad, everything okay up there? Or do I need to sound the alarm?"
Without thinking I quickly ripped the radio off the body, pressing the talk button. I attempted to lower my voice."
"Uh yeah, sorry about that. Was watching the game and it got a little intense.. 10/4."
Hannah attempted to hold back a laugh. I held my breath.
"That checks out. 10/4."
I sighed, sitting the radio down.
"That was a close one."
"This may be a max security prison, but the security they chose are kinda questionable."
Hannah chuckled, typing a few things and restoring the cameras.
"So what is that phone you have? Why can't we just use it to call out for help?"
I questioned.
She reached into her pocket, pulling it out.
"Lester gave it to me. You can't call out on it because then it could be traceable by the guards and even the FIB. However, you can signal to Lester using satellite signals. You can also interfere with certain things, like security cameras for example. I told him I'd signal once we got to a more desirable part of the prison."
I nodded. Her story checked out, but something about her seemed different.
"So, this is part of Lester's plan?"
"Something like that."
She gave me a cheeky smile.
I decided to brush my gut feeling off. She seemed relieved that I did so.
"So, what's next?"
"I need you to put on that guard's uniform. We have to take out the guards on the next floor. We won't worry too much about the top floor for now, as that's where administrative is and it could be seen by the public. After all is clear, I will send a signal to Lester. He will figure out a way to get us out of here."
"Why do I have to put on the dead man's uniform?"
I protested.
She rolled her eyes.
"Stop being a child. I have to watch the cameras."
She pulled out a radio from the closet. She handed me the one I had used previously.
"Go to channel 36. There shouldn't be anyone on there. But just in case, we will talk in code."
I grabbed the radio, sitting it down. I stripped the man of his clothing and threw it on over my prison attire. I straightened my collar up and grabbed the radio, tuning it in and placing it on my belt. I used a strip of wire to tie my hair back.
Hannah nodded, giving my appearance an approval.
"You have the key card, right?"
She asked.
I nodded, digging in my pocket, pulling out the red piece of plastic.
"Perfect. I'm not sure which one that door opens, but it should be of use. Make sure not to lose it."
"Got it. Let's get this over with."
I sighed.
"I'll keep you posted. Oh, and don't forget this."
She handed me the downed guard's gun, a silenced AP pistol. I took it, placing one in the chamber and clipping it onto my belt.
"Let's roll."
She patted me on the back as I exited into the hallway, closing the door behind me.

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