Chapter Fifty Five

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Harper/Hayley's POV

After what seemed like days of driving, the FIB van came to a halt. I looked around, confused. We weren't at the prison. Instead, we were parked beside an overhang overlooking the ocean. I immediately realized where we were: Paleto Cove.
Agent Smith exited the van, walking over to my side. He slid the door open, jerking me out of the vehicle. I chose to remain silent. Part of me knew where this was going. He turned me to face him.
"So, Harper, as you don't even deserve to have the luxury of your new life anymore, what's with this 'Michael De Santa' on the birth certificate?"
I knew it. I knew I shouldn't have listened to Trevor, but sure enough I was 'dealing with them later,' as predicted.
I forced myself to laugh, angering Smith even more.
"Hey! What the fuck are you laughing about? I asked you a question!"
He slapped me across the face. Although pissed, I chose to play it off as unphased.
"Actually, Smith, if you were a real agent you'd know the Miranda rights. I have the right to remain silent. And haven't you ever heard of reverse psychology? Perhaps Michael isn't the father. Perhaps I just wanted to fuck with you. Have you ever thought of that, 'honorable Agent Smith?"
I smiled up at him. His face began to turn red. He quickly grabbed me by the throat, pushing me against the van. I gasped for air. Perhaps I went too far.
"Cut your shit, Harper! It's over. This whole time you've thought we were out of the loop, when in reality we have been watching your every move. We are the FIB, not your average LSPD force. And for your information, this whole thing was a set up!"
"A set up?"
I questioned as he let go of me.
He smirked.
"We're not stupid, Harper. We know exactly who we are dealing with. Michael Townley has already ran us through the ringer. As soon as you gracefully informed us that you were back on our territory, it was on. We had signal interceptors placed on that little remote island you all chose to flee to. Cayo Perico if I'm not mistaken. We knew of your arrival before you ever even set foot back on this soil. You just help us execute the plan, especially in your effort to protect your little crazy hillbilly friend, Trevor, and your sick perverted lover, Michael."
"You're full of shit! There's no way you had any kind of information regarding that island!"
I spat. Surely no one there was a rat, right? Even Amanda seemed out of the federal loop.
Agent Smith chuckled.
"You're so naive, Harper. Haven't you learned anything by hanging with those old goons?"
I raised an eyebrow. Then it hit me. No way..
"By your facial expressions I assume that you have finally caught on, you silly child. Your best friend was the rat all along. Hannah has been serving us for quite some time now."
"No! There's no way! She told me everything about how she abandoned your ways! You even locked her up with me and chased us as we escaped prison!"
He remained silent, smiling and slowly shaking his head. I couldn't fucking believe it. Everything I knew was a fucking lie at this point.
"In lame man terms, Harper, you all got set up. And by you coming back, you made it easier on us to catch our target. Trevor Philips has a love for you that we have not seen ever with his other relationships. I don't know what kind of blow job you gave him, but it sure as hell worked. We knew he'd be close behind you, especially since he hung himself on the Madrazo deal. Truth be told, Hannah knew they were fucking the whole time, and didn't bat an eye until it was time to strike. Same with the Amanda ordeal. Hannah is the one that convinced her to make a move on Michael, although he didn't reciprocate it as anticipated.
This whole double life you have been living under witpro, was just a tactic to lure Trevor in. And since you have crossed us one too many times, we no longer need you to get in our way."
He turned to the sea, the hellacious waves crashing against the shore on this windy night.
He turned back to me.
"I'll give you one more chance, Harper. Tell me where he is, and I'll let you go back to your family, and not bother you any more. We already know his whereabouts, but I'm giving you one more chance to fess up and get out of this life of crime, and live a true life of witpro. Think of your child, Harper. Do you want Ivy to grow up without her mother?"
"I'm not telling you shit!"
I protested. I knew it was the end for me. They caught me. He knew too much and I couldn't deny anything. His story was checking out. But maybe them killing me would give Trevor some sort of leeway to run away. And I knew Michael would keep Ivy safe. They had to know that my absence was peculiar. I pray that Luke actually found them and delivered the message. At this point, though, how could I trust anyone? Smith was right. I was wrong to trust Hannah and give her the benefit of the doubt. None of this would've happened if I would've just taken her out long ago. But she was my best friend...she seemed so genuine about her mistake being involved with the FIB. Who would've known it was just another fucked up cover up..
"This is your final chance, Harper. Where is Trevor?"
Smith grabbed me, pushing me to where I was one micro step away from the edge. I glanced down, my heart pounding. If I didn't die on impact I was sure to be succumbed by the roaring waters below.
I remained silent.
"God, you don't make this easy. I'll count to three. One....two...."
"I'm right here!"
A familiar voice called, taking both Smith and I by surprise. He quickly whirled around, throwing me to the ground in the process. I inched myself away from the edge. I looked up. There he was.

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