Chapter Nineteen

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I slid in the passenger seat of the car, not even bothering to greet Michael. The overwhelming tension was apparent. I no longer sensed the lust, the 'puppy love' aura that once danced around us. Instead I felt something similar to pity, regret, and shame.
"You're a fucking idiot."
Michael finally spoke up, although I remained silent in his reprimanding. He continued.
"What hurts me the most is that you lied about it. I had enough of that shit in my previous marriage. You know, Harper, I thought we were really making progress in this relationship. I was ready to tell Franklin to kiss my ass for saying you were too young to commit. Hell, I even ran out and bought you this fucking promise ring to give to you on your fucking birthday! But forget it, I see where the loyalty lies at this point."
I sobbed.
"Don't 'Michael' me. I'm sorry, Harper. I should've known this was a mistake. That you were way too immature to be settled and committed. That you would rather run the streets and get involved with Merryweather and business assassinations than go to a nice dinner or watch eighties Vinewood with me. Im sorry, Harper, but I can't trust you anymore. I would've much rather heard it from you than my own best friend."
"I..I'm sorry."
The dam burst and at this point I was sobbing.
"Michael, please! I just didn't want you to think I was a fucking monster! You did this same shit back before you 'retired,' you know!"
"Yeah, but at least I didn't go behind my partner's back with it. I'll be moved out tomorrow morning."
"But Michael-"
"Shut the hell up, Harper. It's over."
I attempted to wipe my tears and remained silent for the rest of the drive. Leave it to me to fuck up my only chance at happiness. Oh well, the cat is out of the bag now. I suppose I should keep doing it.
I jumped out of the car and ran to my bedroom, slamming the door as if I was a child having a tantrum. Who am I kidding? I am a child. I should've known better than to try and lie to him, knowing he has so much more experience than me. I shouldn't of ever trusted Trevor. Maybe I should've stayed in Liberty with my now dead ex husband and just put up with his narcissism. So many things I could've done differently and yet, I fucked them all up. He got me a promise ring, for fucks sake. Damn, Harper. You've really done it this time..
I heard slinging from the kitchen. I slowly peeped out to see Michael making a mess of our apartment. I quietly slid out of the door and offered to help, only to get gently pushed away. It looked as if Michael was crying too. I attempted to hug him.
"Get the fuck off of me!"
Michael commanded, making me jump.
He sighed, kicking the couch and grabbing his bag.
"Where are you going? It's not morning."
I sniffled.
"Why do you care? It's not like we're together or anything!"
He grumbled, slamming the door, leaving me there in the silent, trashed home we once shared. I threw myself onto the couch, tears continuing to slip out of my burning eyes. My eyes continued to get heavier as I sobbed my way into a deep sleep..
I jolted up at the sound of a gentle knock on my door. My heart began to race. It was Michael. It had to be. He came to forgive me and make things right, I just know it! I quickly ran to the sink, scrubbing my face to make it look livelier, acting as if the black bags under my eyes were just makeup. I dried my face and rushed to the door, swinging it open.
I gasped, stepping back and almost tripping over the clutter.
It wasn't was him!
"Who the fuck are you?!"
I yelled, hoping my voice would assert some dominance. The man smirked, and instead of answering my question, placed a bag over my head.
I heard a faint grunt as he tied and picked me up and loaded me into some sort of vehicle, ignoring my tossing and half assed kicking.
"What the fuck?! Michael!"
I called muffeledly, knowing he was long gone.
What the fuck did this guy want from me? I thought we were cool...

(A/N: I'm so sorry it's been a minute guys. I had Covid again a few weeks back, dealing with some family issues and overtime at work, and I'm currently writing this on an airplane. My life has been relatively eventful! I'll try not to keep y'all waiting too much longer. Thanks for sticking with me and love you all xx)

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