Chapter Fifty Four

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Michael's POV

I sighed, gently closing the trailer door. I looked over at Trevor, who was half asleep, holding the baby close. He may be a bastard, but he was surprisingly good with children.
I was admittedly starting to worry about Harper. She had been gone for over 2 hours. Surely Burger Shot wasn't that packed.
"Hey, T?"
I asked.
He mumbled, clearly uninterested in conversation.
"Where is the nearest Burger Shot from here?"
"15 minutes down the road. Why?"
I sighed, opening the door once more and looking around.
"She's still not back. It's been hours, Trevor."
"I'm sure she's fine, Mikey."
I turned to him, but could not muster the words of what was on my mind. He yawned, carefully placing Ivy back in her crib. He got up, walking over to me and placing both hands on my shoulders, shaking my vigorously.
"How much of a fucking idiot are you, Mikey?! Snap out of it!"
Trevor commanded, his hands remaining on my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes.
"That girl loves you, Mikey. I seen it. I seen how bad she felt after all that shit happened. I sat there and watched her struggle whether or not she should tell you about the baby. I seen the look in her eyes when you entered that hospital room. I'm sorry, Mikey, but you're a fucking idiot if you think for one second that girl would leave you again."
I looked down.
"You're right, T. But she left once, and really, I've been an asshole to her in so many instances, what's in it for her to stay?"
I looked back up and winced as Trevor's fist connected with my jaw.
I stumbled back, trying my hardest to avoid the crib. Ivy woke up, screaming at the top of her lungs.
"What the fuck was that, for?!"
I asked, holding my jaw.
"Yeah, Mikey, you've been a dick to her, you've done her wrong, she might not stay for you, or hell even me for that matter, but God damn it Mikey, are you fucking stupid enough to think she would leave her own fucking kid?!"
Trevor yelled.
He sighed, attempting to gain composure as he scooped Ivy up.
"Shhh, it's okay, baby."
Trevor rocked her in his arms. Her cries slowly came to a halt. He scowled at me.
"This is your kid, Mikey. Why aren't you rocking it?"
I rolled my eyes, sighing and taking the baby from him.
"I'm sorry, T. Thanks for that. Maybe I needed it, after all."
"I'm sure everything is fine, Mikey. Just calm your old ass down before you have a heart attack on me."
I rolled my eyes.
We turned in unison as we heard a faint knock at the door.
"See? What did I tell you?"
Trevor smirked, answering the door and quickly doing a double take. At the door stood a man, long brown hair and tattoos down his arms. He definitely had to belong to some biker gang around here.
I approached the door and the man stuttered.
"Ex-excuse me gentleman. I know I've never met you guys but my friend Hayley sent me here...or was it Harper...Damn.."
The man pondered out loud, scratching his head.
"What the fuck did you do to her?!"
Trevor shoved his way through the door, grabbing the confused biker by the throat and slamming him against the wall.
The man's eyes widened as he threw his hands up.
He choked out.
"Trevor, let him speak!"
I commanded.
Trevor scowled, releasing his grip. His fingerprints could still be seen on the man's bruised neck.
The man caught his breath, not taking his eyes off of Trevor.
"Listen, pal. I'm not here to fight. I'm not one of those bikers. I'm only here because my friend asked me to deliver this message."
He croaked.
"Well, spit it out then!"
Trevor demanded, causing the man to shake.
"L-listen. We met a few years back. I gave her a ride to..Los Santos, I think it was. I hadn't seen or heard from her since..I seen her at the Burger Shot in town. We caught up. Nothing more, nothing less. All of a sudden guy in a suit comes up and places her under arrest. She didn't say why or anything..she just asked me to tell you guys. I think the guy was driving a black van with tinted windows...I reckon he was one of those FIB agents. I still can't figure out what she could've done that bad. She's a sweetheart.."
The man rambled on.
I finally held my hand up.
The man quickly shut up.
I walked back in the house, placing Ivy in her crib. I walked out and closed the door. I placed a hand on his shoulder, looking him in the eyes.
"Tell me, which way did they go."
"North East. Towards Los Santos."
I turned to Trevor.
"We have to get moving."
I turned to the stranger.
"Thanks, sorry if we came off harsh. And your name?"
I shook the man's hand and waved him on. Distant rumbles could be heard from his motorcycle.
I swung the door open, hurriedly grabbing the keys to Trevor's truck and my gun. I grabbed a handful of bullets from the end table drawer, shoving them in my pockets.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Trevor asked.
I looked at him, dumbfounded.
"What do you fucking think I'm doing, T? I've got to go save her."
I turned around to continue stuffing my pockets. Trevor placed a strong hand on my shoulder. I tried to nudge him away but he wouldn't give. I sighed, throwing my hands up and turning around to face him.
"What is your fucking problem!?"
"Mikey, listen."
Trevor removed his hand from my shoulder, jerking the keys out of my hand.
He met my gaze, his eyes cold and hardened.
"You have to stay here, with the kid. Leave this to me."
He entered the bedroom, quickly returning with an SMG stuffed in his waistband.
"Trevor, you can't go by yourself."
I warned.
He once again met me with that cold gaze.
"Mikey, I lived without you in my life for how many years? This ain't my first rodeo with these clowns. Stay here. If you don't, you won't live to see your little bundle of joy there grow up."
With that, he bowed his head, exiting the trailer. The sound of slinging gravel and a sputtering engine could be heard moments later. Then, nothing. I stood there, listening to the ominous sounds of the night, shaken by what had just happened. As much as I originally wanted him dead, I now feared for his life, and the life of Harper. I looked down at Ivy, who was stirring around in her bassinet.
I pleaded out loud.
"Please, God, bring them home tonight."

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