Chapter Six

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It was surprising that Trevor didn't invite his butt buddy to this here get together. To be honest, I was relieved, though. The guy was a bit of a weirdo, and I still didn't feel comfortable telling Trevor about our initial encounter. Wade, on the other hand is a pretty cool guy. Trevor had me work with him a few times running his so called 'errands.' It doesn't surprise me that he didn't invite him either, as he seems to get pretty short and pissy with him. Boy, I can only imagine if this guy had kids.
I spent half an hour gazing at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair now straightened and nearly parted to the side. Mascara thinly applied on my eyelashes and a bit of bronzer here and there. Why am I trying to dress up? It's just my boss and his best friend..although I am quite infatuated with the latter, as stupid as it sounds. He's middle aged and married and I'm 22 and divorced. I suppose I'm just longing for what I once had.
I finished throwing on a casual dress and slid into my heels, grabbing my purse and heading out. I locked the trailer up and instantly slapped myself in the face, as I had forgotten Trevor's memo about pitching in on some alcohol. I quickly ran to the store a block down and purchased some Macbeth Whiskey and a case of Pißwasser. I ran back and glanced at my phone, sighing in relief with my 10 minutes to spare. I never wanted to be late for anything regarding Trevor. There's no telling what that psycho would do.
I knocked on the door, clutching the bags nervously in my hands. The door opened and my face reddened at the sight of Michael.
"Hey, what's poppin, kid? Come in!"
I followed him into the living room, sitting my bags on the counter.
"Ah, you got one of my favorites. Macbeth Whiskey!"
Michael smiled, giving me a gentle slap on the back.
"And my favorite beer! I'm telling you, Mikey, she's a damn good secretary, and sexy while doing it."
Trevor winked at me, causing my stomach to churn in disgust yet amusement. It was clear he was already halfway shitfaced.
I sat down between the two on the couch, popping the cap off a beer and slinging it down, licking my glossed lips to clear the carbonation off of them. I instantly grabbed another one and Trevor laughed, amused.
"I didn't know this was a drinking contest but god damn it I'm in!"
Trevor immediately grabbed 3 beers, chugging them down.
"Well I'm not gonna be left behind."
Michael grabbed the bottle of whiskey and instantly downed a quarter of it, passing it around as if it was a joint.
Hours passed as we all bullshitted. I told them my sob story about my son of a bitch husband and listened to their stories of Amanda and Mrs. Madrazo. By now things were getting a little fuzzy, I believe for all of us.
Trevor threw an empty bottle across the room, shattering it and making me jump. He chucked as he stood up, walking to the door to light some substance in a pipe.
"So guys, what do you say we make this party a little bit more interesting?"
I raised my eyebrow at his proposal.
"How so?"
"Oh god..are you talking about what we discussed on the phone? T..we can't!"
Michael slurred his words.
"Why the hell not? It's not like you're the one taking it, Mikey!"
"Hey it wouldn't be the first time you blacked out and tried stuff with me."
"But Michael Townley liked it, and you know it."
Trevor smirked, sitting his pipe on the counter.
"Well whatever, but it's up to her."
Michael motioned towards me as my face turned red. I immediately knew what they were referring to, and I don't know if it was the alcohol or the illegal substance in the air but I instantly nodded my head vigorously in agreement, raising a chuckle out of the two.
"Alright, you heard the lady, let's get to work."
Trevor purred, jerking me up off the couch and leading me to the bedroom. Michael followed, his eyes trailing up my dress. I sat down on the bed as Trevor leaned in. I wrapped my arms around him as he sloppily frenched me. I felt a tug on my dress and turned around to see Michael playing along. I lifted my arms in defeat as he stripped me down to my undergarments. They toyed with me for a while, making me groan in protest. I yelped as Michael ripped my underwear off and Trevor undid my bra, revealing my whole being to the two men.
"Fucking beautiful."
Trevor smiled as he instantly grabbed a breast and started sucking. Michael slid his fingers into me, continuing to toy with me until I couldn't take it anymore.
I panted, craving their affection.
"I think she's ready, Mikey."
Trevor smirked, bending me over.
"You can take your turn first."
Mikey positioned himself in front of me, revealing his member. It was a bit above average, yet not very girthy. I glanced back at Trevor who was the exact opposite. I grabbed Michael's member and positioned it to my lips, beginning to suck. Michael groaned out instantly in pleasure. I felt Trevor slip into me, as I moaned in approval. Trevor sloppily synchronized his thrusts to my sucking. I coughed as Mikey shoved his member farther down my throat.
He groaned, making me blush.
I felt Trevor twitch inside of me as warm liquid filled me.
"Get your ass back here before I go for a round two."
Trevor panted, switching positions with Mikey. I instantly grasped on to Trevor's dick as I swirled my tongue in circles, causing him to twitch with anticipation.
Mikey shoved his way into me, grunting. I yelped out in pleasure.
"'re tight."
Mikey muttered, beginning to thrust.
"I told you, Mikey. She's fucking amazing."
Trevor moaned.
I felt sweat beads from Trevor's body hitting me in the face, but I didn't mind. I knew I would probably regret this later but in this moment it was fucking amazing.
Michael grunted as his member twitched inside me, and once again I was filled with warmness. Trevor finished almost in sync as I took his load into my mouth.
"Swallow it, peaches."
Trevor demanded.
I obeyed him, gagging at the consistency. I was never big on that.
Mikey finally pulled out and crashed onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me. Trevor joined us on the other side of me and I was sandwiched in between the two sweaty men.
"That was fucking amazing. I needed that.."
Mikey yawned.
"I think we all did."
I chuckled, drifting off to sleep...

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