Chapter Fifty One

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Hayley's POV

My heart stopped. This can't be happening.
"Quick, in the closet!"
I whispered to Trevor. He obeyed. I slid the closet door shut as the knocking continued.
"I'm coming, damn!"
I yelled.
I opened the door. Sure enough, Agent Smith stood there, a shit eating grin spread across his face.
"Hello to you too, Hayley. I see your hormones are getting the best of you in this third trimester."
My face burned red.
"What are you here for, Smith?"
He chuckled.
"Ah, short and to the point, are ya? I'd expect a better attitude out of you after we gracefully spared your life and promised to protect you and your spawn."
He crossed his arms.
"Sorry, I guess the hormones are getting to me."
I decided to play into it.
He glanced around me as if he was scoping the house out.
"I see you got Cluckin' Bell without me. Say, it almost looks as if someone else has been here."
He points at Trevor's boots by the couch. I felt the anxiety welling inside me.
"Those? Those are my boyfriends, what about it?"
I defended my false claim. My life depended on it, after all.
"Hmm, boyfriend? Why didn't you report this to the bureau? And none of my men have reported seeing you with a significant other."
He questioned.
"It's only been a month, Smith. And besides, it's not like he's living here. And I haven't let him in on any of our business. I'm just trying to live my new life like anyone else who didn't kill Trevor Philips and made a deal with the feds. What else am I supposed to do here? Live a life of abstinence after this baby is born?"
"We just have to periodically check and make sure you aren't housing any hooligans here, Hayley. Your story checks out, but next time I expect to know any new relationship in your life, whether it be a partner or you giving a dollar to a homeless guy. This is the life you chose taking our deal. Got it?"
I sighed, sarcastically throwing my hands up.
"Sir yes sir!"
He smiled.
"That's more like it. Is he here at the moment?"
"No, why would he be?"
I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms in annoyance.
"Well, I thought I heard a male voice. I had to make sure this conversation was truly between us."
"We were on the phone conversing before you knocked. I hung up on him when I came to answer the door. Don't worry, he didn't hear the FIB part. I told him you were the pizza delivery guy."
"Good job, Hayley. Say, when are you due again?"
He asked, looking down at my enormous bump.
I smiled, rubbing my stomach.
"Any day now."
"Any names picked out yet?"
I thought for a moment.
"Not yet. I want to see her first."
"Ah, that's what my wife said too. Then it turned out to not even be mine!"
He tried to laugh it off, obvious hurt in his voice.
"Sorry to hear that.."
I awkwardly consoled him.
He shrugged.
"Same shit, different toilet am I right? Anyways, I just thought I'd come complete my check in. I'll see you soon, Hayley. Remember-keep in touch."
I deadpanned, waving him on and closing the door.
A sigh of relief was the cue for Trevor to come crawling out of the closet.
"Geez, what a prick."
He stated.
"Thank God he's a dumb one, at least."
I added in.
I sighed.
"Now, back to Michael. I really need to find him and apologize, Trevor. Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"
"I told you, Harper! I didn't want you to think I was defending the old bastard in any way, shape or form! I didn't want to overstep my boundaries!"
He pleaded.
"I get it..I'm not mad at you. I see where you're coming from."
I tried to calm down, much to his relief.
He wrapped his arms around me. I gratefully accepted his embrace.
"I'll try and call him. I think I still have my stupid satellite phone thing Lester gave me."
He let go, going over to his bag. After throwing an assortment of drug paraphernalia onto the bed, he finally pulled it out."
"Here it is! Let's try to give that bastard a ring!"
He dialed the number, patiently waiting as the call went through multiple of Lester's security scans. It finally began to ring.
I waited impatiently, expecting to hear Michael's voice for the first time in 9 months.
The call was forwarded to voicemail, a concerned look crossing Trevor's face.
He tried to call again. No answer.
"Thats weird. He's probably passed out drunk somewhere. I'm sure we will hear from him soon, okay?"
He attempted to brush it off. I shrugged, sitting back down on the bed.
"Whatever. I think I'm about ready to hit the hay. I have another double shift tomorrow at the Casino."
Trevor frowned.
"I'm sorry. I'll keep trying to reach out to him, okay?"
I didn't respond. He exited the room, softly closing the door behind him.
I laid down, struggling to find a comfortable position. Getting pregnant is something I definitely would never do again, at least intentionally. I started to drift off to sleep.

Trevor's POV

It was now 2 AM. I still couldn't get that bastard to return my calls. It was honestly starting to piss me off. I didn't care to talk to him, but just seeing Harper so upset killed me. I never thought someone I wasn't involved with would ever have me feeling this type of way. Over the past few months she had grew on me even more. Ever since I met her I knew there was something about her I just couldn't place. I wanted nothing more than to fuck the shit out of her, and resisting her advances earlier took every bone in my body. I don't know why I was so loyal to Michael, especially after all the shit he had done. But maybe it wasn't just him. Maybe I genuinely cared about her and knew that she was vulnerable. I should've just did it. I've fucked thousands of people. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Not to her.
I sighed, switching off the tv. I rolled over, closing my eyes.
I heard a muffled scream from the bedroom, followed by cries.
I quickly bolted up, almost knocking the couch over in the process. I ran to the bedroom, swinging the door open.
"What happened?! What's wrong?!"
"Trevor, it's time!"
Harper screamed, wincing in pain. A puddle of fluid covered the bedsheets.
"Fuck! Okay-hold on! Let's get you to the hospital, okay?"
I helped her to her feet.
"T-Trevor you can't go. What about the FIB?"
She cried, holding her stomach.
"Harper, fuck the FIB! I won't let them touch you or the baby. I'm not letting you drive yourself. We will figure something out, just come on!"
I picked her up, hurriedly carrying her to the truck. I softly placed her in the passenger seat. I hopped in the driver's seat, fumbling with the keys and praying it would start after all this time. Sure enough, the old Bodhi lives, as it started with a roar.
I quickly sped to the hospital, taking every shortcut possible, and almost taking out a few pedestrians along the way. Harper was crying. I didn't know what to do. I parked the truck at the front door and jumped out, pulling her out and carrying her in.
"Can I help you?"
The front desk lady deadpanned.
"No shit, you can help me! This girl is about to have a fucking baby in my arms!"
I screamed. The front desk lady jumped, picking up the phone.
"I'm going to need a wheelchair out front. We have a lady in labor. Boyfriend is deranged. Have security on standby."
All of a sudden the nurses came barreling through the door with a wheelchair. I sat her down and followed them into the room, where they stripped her down, threw on a gown and loaded her up on the table.
"What's her name?"
The nurse asked me.
"Har-I mean, Hayley..Scruggs?"
I said, almost questioning myself. The nurse gave me a confused look, but wrote down the name.
"And your name?"
"Steven. Steven Ogg."
She scribbled down my name.
"And I'm assuming you're the father, Mr. Ogg?"
"No ma'am."
She looked at me confused.
"What relation are you to the patient?"
I felt as if I was sweating bullets. I remembered her conversation with the FIB bastard earlier.
She commented, writing more information down.
"Very well, Mr. Ogg. If you would like to stay in the room, please put these on."
The handed me a paper gown.
I sighed, unbuttoning my pants.
"No need to take those off! Put those on over your clothes."
The nurse pleaded. I rolled my eyes, obeying her commands.
"You all take the fun out of everything."
After I was fully gowned, I approached Harper.
"You've got this, babe."
I played the role.
She shot me daggers. I decided to step up and do what Michael was unable to do. I held out my hand.
"Here. Squeeze it. You can't hurt me."
Boy, that was a mistake. I winced as she practically crushed my hand.
"Alright Ms. Scruggs, I need you to push."
She held her breath, her face turning red, as she began to push.
"Cmon, breathe, you've got this, sweet cheeks."
I reassured her.
The doctor said again.
She screamed, crushing my hand even more. I grunted, and she eased off.
"Only a few more pushes, Hayley."
The doctor reassured her.
She looked over at me, a tear slipping down her cheek.
"Thank you."
She mouthed.
I smiled, rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb.
For once in my life, I felt a genuine purpose in life. Even if it was fixing Mikey's fuck up, I felt needed, and wanted. I couldn't express my feelings of gratitude in this moment, but they were definitely there.
"I wouldn't miss this for anything."

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