Chapter Seventeen

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"What the hell do you want?"
Trevor questioned, stepping aside to allow me in.
"Trevor, look, I'm sorry I snapped at you."
I looked down at my feet, expecting Trevor to go from aggravated to enraged at any minute, but instead, he just lowered his head and voice.
"It's fine..really. Everyone leaves."
I sighed.
"I didn't mean it, Trevor. I want you around. Despite our differences."
"You don't have to lie. Hell, I burnt your fucking house down. I don't expect you to want me within 200 feet of you."
"That's in the past. It's fine. Seriously."
I took a seat on the couch and Trevor joined me, taking a sip of his Pißwasser. He offered me a bottle, and I gratefully accepted, popping the cap off into the floor.
"So..what brings ya here? Did you and Mikey have a falling out or something?"
", not really. I just needed to talk to someone that may understand..Trevor, I feel like a fucking maniac.."
I went on to explain to him the events of today, how I went on my first assassination for Lester and how I threatened Jimmy. I explained to him my concerns of Michael finding out as well. Trevor listened intently, as if he was actually interested in the conversation for once.
"I didn't want to be in this life, Trevor, but I undoubtedly love it. Am I a psychopath? Is this normal?"
Trevor thought for a moment, then stood up, towering over me.
"I love you.. really, I do. You're like the close female friend I've always wanted. You're like the eager soldierette that I've always needed."
Trevor put his hand on my shoulder, and for one I didn't flinch in fear.
"I need you on the team. Really, Harper. Mikey doesn't have to know. This can be between you, me and that walking stick computer brained bastard! Are you ready to fuck shit up?"
While I didn't get the rational response I was hoping for, I could infer that he either thought I was normal, or that it was normal for me to have psychopathic tendencies. I smiled a bit.
"Hell yeah. When do we start?"
"How about right now? I know a perfect task, actually. You see, we have to start small. Eventually we will talk to Lester about doing bank heists again, although I would like to break an old friend out of prison before then.
"An old friend?"
I questioned. Trevor sighed.
"Yeah, back when I thought Mikey had died, my friend Brad went to prison. He's been in there for 10 years now. Sometimes he writes me, wanting me to visit sometimes, and sometimes it seems as if he wants me to turn myself in. They've really gotten him brainwashed nowadays."
I nodded, surprised Michael had never mentioned Brad.
"We can definitely do that, Trevor. It'll just take some planning."
"Hell yeah! But that's still not what's first on my agenda."
"Well, what is?"
"Oh, you'll see. Hop in the truck."
I followed him to the old Bodhi, climbing in the passenger seat.
"Hey Trevor? I should probably get going here pretty soon. Michael may wake up from his drug induced coma."
"Ah, he'll be fine. Just tell him you were working late at that comic store or whatever."
"Wait, you know about that?"
"Yeah, I go there occasionally."
"I can't see you being into comics, Trev."
I laughed, making his face turn beet red.
"Shut up! It's for action figures, okay?"
"What kind?"
I asked.
"Impotent Rage. He's my favorite."
Trevor smiled, pulling into what seemed like an old air strip.
"Should you really be flying a plane after drinking?"
I asked as he hopped in the driver's seat of a helicopter that was spray painted with his company logo.
Trevor shrugged.
"It could be worse, peaches. Now get in."
I climbed in the passenger seat, putting the headphones over my ears.
"Where are we going?"
I asked once again, hoping to get a better response. Instead, I was greeted with another 'you'll see.'
I decided to close my eyes and enjoy the ride.
"Rise and shine, peaches. Here we are!"
I didn't even realize I had dozed off. I looked around, a familiar nostalgia filling my body.
Liberty City.
"Trev? Why are we here?"
I asked. Trevor smiled.
"I told you I would teach you how to take care of that guy that fucked you over, remember?"
Trevor smirked, grabbing a duffel bag and getting into a taxi. I followed suit, the adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins.
"Where're we headed?"
The driver asked. I smiled.
"Callahan Point. The apartments."
"No problem."
I peered through the window, admiring the old scenario from my childhood. God, I missed this place sometimes. I vaguely remember my dad being in my life, just what my mother had told me. I haven't spoken to my mother in five years, after dick face and I got together. He was weird about any relationship I had, including family. My mother tried to warn me. Oh, if she saw me now. I don't know if she would be proud that I'm my own person or if she'd cower in fear.
"Alright. Here you are. That'll be 65 bucks."
I reached to pay the man, but Trevor insisted.
I got out and slowly walked to the apartment. For a rich fuck, he sure was greedy. I can't ever see Michael being that way.
Apartment 4. This was it. Unless he mysteriously moved or something.
I went to knock on the door, but Trevor pushed me aside, his steel toed boot leaving a crack in the old wood.
"Whose there?!
I heard a familiar voice from the bedroom. Trevor led the way as he kicked the bedroom door open, revealing the man of the hour himself and my old best friend, once again.
"Harper? What the fuck are you doing here?! And who is this?!"
Tim yelled, quickly covering up.
"Harper, I'm sorry!"
The blonde cried.
"I'm calling the cops! Get out now!"
Tim reached for his phone, but I smacked it out of his hand, across the room.
"That won't be necessary where we're going, captain."
Trevor smirked, sitting there duffel bag down and pulling out rope and other torturous instruments. I grabbed him and Trevor grabbed the girl, restraining their hands and feet.
"What do you want? More money? I can do that!"
Tim cried. I laughed at the fear in his voice, another sadistic, full of hatred laugh.
I grabbed a pipe wrench out of Trevor's torture pile. I swung the wrench, hitting him in the side of the head. The man cried out, and I continued to do so.
"Let me have a crack at him, sweet cheeks. I can't hit women , but you got one primed and ready over here."
Trevor grabbed a battery box as we switched spots.
I pulled some pliers out.
"Open wide."
I smiled, grabbing the woman's jaw and prying it open, connecting with her tooth. I ripped it out, blood running down her mouth. She began to cry as I ripped another. I took the pipe wrench, hitting her on top of the head.
"Please! Stop this! I'll do anything!"
"Anything? Well.."
Trevor pulled his pants down, revealing his member. I shielded my eyes.
"Suck it, cowboy!"
The man whimpered, shaking his head.
"What? You said anything!"
Trevor yelled, thrusting into the man's face. The man fell backwards.
"No..not that. I'm sorry."
"Bummer. And I was going to let you live."
Trevor buttoned his pants back up and pulled out a gun, tossing it to me.
"I think they've felt enough pain, what about you, Harper?"
"No amount of pain could make up for the physical pain they caused me."
I chuckled, looking at the scene. Tim had been beaten, shocked, and humiliated. Ms. Hollywood no longer had the most perfect teeth around.
"Your choice, peaches. Live or die?
I thought for a moment. Did I really want to kill them? Was the betrayal really as bad as I make it out to be? Was the not having a job, not having connections thing really as torturous as it seemed at the time? I mean, it made me who I was today. But still..
"This is a mistake! I'm not his partner, that one blonde girl from his job is!"
"And if she was here, I'd kill her too. But right now it's just you two. Besides, maybe I'll save the skank some heartache."
I pointed the gun at Tim, who continued to plead. I fired it into his chest, his body falling back with a thud. I pointed it at her, who quivered in fear.
"Please don't husband and I, were expecting."
"Oh really? Then why are you out fucking around?"
"I fucked up! Tim pays..paid me to do this, even when you two were together. Cmon, please don't kill me!"
I looked over her body. She admittedly had gotten bigger since the last time I saw bed with my husband. I sighed, putting the gun down.
"You tell anyone about this, and I mean anyone, I will kill you and your husband. You got it?"
"Y..yes ma'am!"
I cut the girl free and gathered our stuff, tossing it into the duffel bag and heading out the door.
"Damn, sugar tits. That was sexy as hell."
Trevor slammed me on the back, causing me to smile.
"I probably should've killed her too, but it's not like her husband will stay with her anyways. Her looks were all she had going and now they're all fucked up."
"Yeah, I don't blame you. Prolong the suffering. It's the name of the game."
Trevor started to call a taxi when sirens began to sound around us.
"Fuck. Cops."
Trevor grumbled, sending his elbow through a car window and jumping in. I jumped in the passenger seat as he finished hot wiring it and we took off.
"Damn neighbors. Always sticking their nose where it don't belong."
I sighed, pulling out a pistol and shooting the cops.
"Fuck! Spike strips."
Trevor slid the car sideways, still nicking the back tire with the strip.
"God damn it!"
He continued to drive on the rim, taking alley ways and random turns.
"We may have to switch vehicles. I think the other back tire is about to blow!"
We parked in an alley way behind the Red Light District, jumping out.
"We gotta hurry!"
Trevor instructed, searching for a car.
I searched the garage in the alley way and all around it. I saw nothing.
"Damn it! This can't be-"
I yelped in surprise as a policeman grabbed me from behind, putting a gun to my temple.
"LCPD. Surrender or the girl dies!"
Trevor's eyes widen as his gaze meets mine. I thought about back home. I thought about Michael, and how he'd just think I abandoned him. I thought about Lester, and how he depended on me for these missions. I thought about Trevor, who was dragged into this by me indirectly, and who just wanted to break his friend out of prison. I thought about Michael and I's kiss from earlier, and how it won't lead to much more from the looks of it. What have I done? How could I be this careless?
I gasped as a bullet wizzed by my head, the cops body dropping to the ground. I looked over at Trevor, who stood frozen.
I looked towards the building, where a dark haired man stood.
He remained silent, pistol in hand, motioning towards a parking deck across the road. He fumbled in his pocket and threw me a set of keys. I caught them and took off.
"Thank you!"
I entered the Infernus, throwing Trevor's duffel bag in the back. Trevor followed, and we sped off to the airport.
"Wow, what a weirdo. Just saved our asses and gave us a nice car. Didn't say a word either, just the partner in crime we need."
Trevor smiled, hopping into the helicopter. I left the man's keys under the mat just in case he decided to come back for his ride. I joined Trevor as we flew back to Blaine County.
"You know..that man looked oddly familiar. I can't think of why, though. Maybe I'm just overthinking it."
I sighed, trying to remember. I eventually shrugged it off as we landed back in Sandy Shores.
"That was awesome, Harper. I'll be in touch with more opportunities. Don't worry, we'll stay away from the LCPD next time. I forgot how tight they are."
"Thanks, Trev."
I smiled, saying goodbye and heading on my way.
I checked the clock as I got home. 2 AM. I quietly crept in the door, only to alert Michael who was up watching some eighties film.
He turned around and smiled.
"Hey, hun. Where have you been?"
My stomach began to churn. I didn't want to lie to him.
"Just took a drive to clear my head. Went to the beach and sat on the pier for a while."
He chuckled.
"I understand that. I used to go to the docks and sit and look at my boat..God I miss that thing."
"How are you feeling?"
I questioned.
He sighed.
"A little fuzzy but better. I can't believe my own son would do that to me. Then just send me a text saying sorry like that makes it okay. He could've fucking killed me!"
I sighed, walking over to him and giving him a hug.
"I'm sorry Mikey."
He leaned into me, kissing me on the cheek.
"It's okay. You live and learn, I guess. Oh by the way, how did Lester take it?"
Panic shot through my veins. I had almost forgotten about that.
"It went fine."
I lied.
"He understood, just was a smartass about it."
Michael chuckled.
"Ah, typical Lester. Great job, babe."
I'm honestly glad Michael was buying the stories. I felt as if I smelled like death, although he didn't detect it. I went into the bathroom, stripping down and hopping in the shower. I put on a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, gathering my dirty clothes and throwing them in the wash.
"Say, Harper?"
Michael asked from the living room.
Oh no..was he going to catch on to my bs?
"I was just never told me when your birthday was.
"November 9th."
I smiled.
"No way! That's mine too!"
I chuckled.
"It's a sign, Mikey. Now get in here and come snuggle with me!"
I really cared about this man. I know he'll find out the truth one day. I just hope he won't think I'm a monster when that day comes..

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