Chapter Ten

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The new job was alright. It definitely didn't pay as much as Trevor did but it allowed me to have extra money per month on top of my savings. I was able to go see a doctor about reupping my birth control, as it was the one thing I forgot to grab in the fire. I ended up buying an emergency contraceptive at the gas station a while back just because I didn't want to risk it, being so close to my encounter. A child is the last thing I need right now. I'm sure motherhood would be amazing and I dreamed about it with my ex husband, who was never into the idea, but there's a time and place for that, and I definitely don't want to be birthing Trevor's baby.
I surprisingly hadn't heard from Trevor. No calls, texts, no random showing up at my place and murdering me or setting it to flames. I had been having nightmares about it, but I chose not to tell my doctor. That would only rack up a bigger bill.
My phone buzzed in my pocket as I pulled out of the Dollar Pills.
"Hey Simeon."
I answered.
"Harper! My darling child. I have someone behind on their payment, some rich father bullshit one another. Anyways, Lamar isn't able to get to it. Would you be comfortable going on your first solo repossession?"
My stomach started churning, thinking about the close call Lamar and I recently had in Vespucci Beach. I sighed, nodding to myself. I had to do this. This isn't a choice.
"Yeah, I can get it. Be there in a few."
"Great! I'll get the papers together, thank you!"
The end tone rang in my ear as I did a u-turn and headed towards the dealership.
I pulled in and parked my car in the back. I decided to walk for this one, as it wasn't too far and I didn't wanna leave my new car in a random neighborhood.
"Security is tight on this one. They have a security gate and an alarm system. Are you sure you can do this?"
Simeon questioned, handing me the paperwork.
"Yes, I'll be back."
I walked out and stopped by my car, grabbing another one of my recent purchases: a pistol. It was nothing too fancy, just an AP Pistol that was on sale for 850 bucks. Can't complain there. I figured if I was gonna stay in this business for a while, better be safe than sorry.
I glanced at the address on the paper, and looked up at the house. This was definitely max security, but with all this money, why wouldn't they pay the bill? I sighed, tucking the papers into my pocket. The gun remained tucked into my waistband, underneath my shirt. I heard leafblowing in the background. I made sure nobody was looking and quickly climbed the fence, pulling myself over with a sigh. I quickly ducked behind some bushes, inching closer to what appeared to be the gardener of the residence. My heart was pounding, but in the short time I worked for Trevor, he had taught me a lot. I quickly whacked the gardener in the head, and he fell down with a thud.
I scoped the premises, and found a potential entry. I jumped on top of a work truck and onto the roof, climbing in an open bathroom window. I immediately heard voices and pressed myself against the wall.
"Dad! He said I had a massive...Jimmy called me a bitch!"
I cringed at the dramatic emotion in her voice. I waited til the commotion died down for me to slither down the stairs, between the two bedrooms. I stop at the corridor, where it looks like this woman is taking a mixture of tennis and sex lessons in the kitchen. It kind of reminded me of Michael's argument with his wife. I smiled at the thought, but immediately dropped it. Damn, why am I so infatuated with that man?
I quickly exited into the garage, climbing into the yellow car. The car looked oddly familiar, but I shook it off. I started the car and headed down the driveway, feeling a surge of accomplishment. I did it, by myself. I'm a badass.
I was about to call Simeon and tell him the news when I felt the cold barrel of a gun connect with the back of my head.
"I knew you bastards would be back. Keep driving."
"What the fuck, man? This is a repossession. I have the papers."
"Highly unlikely, considering my son just got this car. This is the second one he has gotten from them. Tell me, if you guys attempted to repo the first one, why would you sell him another one?"
It instantly hit me, he was the kid Simeon was arguing with about a week or so ago. There's no way he's behind on payments, and now I'm about to die for it.
I threw my hands up in defeat for a brief moment, wiggling my hip enough to make the gun pop out of the waistband enough to grab it. I immediately grabbed my gun, which was loaded and ready and pointed it at the man. I instantly gasped, almost dropping it.
The mans eyes widened, as he lowered his gun.
I felt tears well in my eyes.
"It's okay, pull off the road. I'm not gonna shoot."
His reassuring voice was soothing to my anxiety. I pulled off into an abandoned parking lot. I threw my gun to the passenger seat and got out of the car, instantly hitting the ground. I couldn't control the outburst of my tears. Michael got out and knelt beside me, awkwardly rubbing my back in reassurance.
"I-I'm sorry Michael. I didn't know.."
"Harper, why the fuck are you doing this? I thought you worked for Trevor."
"H-he went crazy after..yeah. Burnt my house down and left me with nothing again. I hitched a ride out here and started another new life."
I wiped my tears and peered into his eyes. He wasn't the man he was a few minutes ago, barrel pressed to my head. He was kind, compassionate.
He sighed.
"Listen...just take the car to him. I'll take the loss. It wasn't worth the 5 grand a month anyways. But I want you to quit right after that. You're gonna get yourself killed breaking into peoples houses like that."
He stood up, helping me to my feet.
"I'll be waiting at that coffee shop across the road, if you wanna stop by after you take care of business."
I nodded, and did something I didn't expect my body to do. I engulfed him in a hug. Surprisingly, after a moment of awkwardness he hugged back, stroking my hair in a soothing motion.
I finally pulled away after what felt like forever.
"Go take care of that crook, and meet me back here, okay?"
I nodded, getting in the car. I sent him a wave and was on my way. What are the odds?
"Oh, my darling girl! Even Franklin couldn't get the car to me in perfect condition. He costed me more damages than profit!"
"Thanks, Simeon. But I quit."
"What?! Why would you say such a thing? You're an amazing asset, Harper. I'll make you employee of the month."
"I appreciate you, truly, but I, uh, got another job offer closer to home."
Simeon grunted, counting out some bills and handing them to me.
"Alright then, but you're making a big mistake, Harper."
I stuffed the bills in my pocket, shook his hand and headed out the door.
I threw my gun into the glove box of my car and started it up. It all made sense now, this is how Michael and Franklin met. Damn, it's a small world.
I counted the bills he gave me only to realize he stiffed me. 200 bucks. Seriously? I rolled my eyes and headed to the coffee shop, where Michael was waiting at a table outside.

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