Chapter Thirty

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Harper's POV

"Lester, you sure she's coming? It's been a few hours."
I worriedly asked. I didn't want to stay in the same place for too long, especially with the feds after us.
"She lives in south western San Andreas. This isn't like a video game where you can make a 5 hour drive in 5 minutes, Harper."
Lester blandly stated. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey..I think she's here."
Dad stated as the rumbling of an engine echoed through the building. The sound ceased and a few moments later, the door creaked open, followed by heavy boots on the staircase.
"I'm here!"
The most country voice I've ever heard called.
"Come in, Hannah."
Hannah entered the room, giving Lester an awkward side hug that made him tense up. She was average built, around the same height as me, 5 foot-ish. She had bright green eyes and her cheeks were plastered with freckles. Long brown curls rolled down her back. She was dressed in a black Love Fist tee shirt that was covered partially by a denim jacket, leggings, and combat boots.
"Guys, this is Hannah. Hannah, this is Harper, Trevor, and Claude."
Lester pointed around the room. I nodded at the girl who gave an honest, welcoming smile.
"Nice to meet y'all."
"Say, you don't sound like you're from around here. How did you end up with this one, Lester?"
"I met her in an online game. She kicked my ass a couple of rounds before I invited her to a private call. Ever since then, she's did side work for me here and there."
"I just recently moved here to be with my uncle. He lives on a marijuana farm in south western San Andreas. I'm actually from the east coast. My parents thought he sounded delusional on the phone but truth be told he's just high."
She chuckled, pushing her hair from her face.
"Well have a seat. This isn't an easy thing to explain."
Lester blandly stated, turning back to his computer. Trevor eagerly scooted to the side, almost crushing dad and I in the process. The girl sat beside him, and I could tell he was eyeing her like some hungry animal. Poor girl.
The girl whispered something in his ear, which made his face turn.
"Okay, so Harper and Trevor here are in a bit of uh, legal trouble so to speak."
"She killed an FIB agent?"
Hannah asked, earning an astonished look from Trevor.
"I see you've studied up on it already. Sweet."
Lester chuckled.
"I figured I would fill myself in on the drive here. You really need to update your system security, Lester."
Lester rolled his eyes.
"Alright anyways, as you can see, Hannah here is quite the hacker. What I was going to ask you was-"
"If they could stay at my farm for a while to get away from the feds? As long as nobody follows us there, I'm cool with it. We have to be aware of our surroundings though. If my uncle gets his weed farm burnt again I think he will go into a heart attack. And I'm assuming you may need an extra hand in combat and or hacking as well? I'm cool with both. I don't know these people, but if you brought me here they must be worthwhile."
"Easy enough then. Thanks, Hannah."
Lester turned to us.
"Alright so the smartest thing to do would probably be to blend in with your environment. Hannah, Claude, since the heat is off of you guys would you mind making a supply run for us? Just get things that'll alter their appearance; hair dye, fake tattoos, clothes, anything of that nature. Also pick up some weaponry too just in case things go south. We will better prepare weapons later so something cheap will do. I've added the money to your bank account."
"On it, boss."
Hannah smiled and exited the building, Dad following behind her. She gave a small wink at Trevor, causing him to turn red.
After I heard the car's loud roar began to fade, I turned to Trevor.
"So, what did she say to you?"
Lester tried to act disinterested, but he clearly wanted the tea spilled as well.
"Nothing really.."
Trevor tried to play it off, but we weren't having it. He sighed.
"She basically told me that if I didn't hide my erection she was going to make sure it never worked again. Not gonna go into gruesome detail like she did...And something along the lines of there would be a time for that."
Trevor shivered at the thought of losing his dick. Lester chuckled.
"Yeah, looks so sweet and innocent but will cut your dick off in a heartbeat. One time she called me after she was cheated on. She was running from the cops for similar reasoning."
Lester cleared his throat.
"Nothing beats a bipolar woman. It's like having a two for one deal, ya know?"
Trevor smiled.
"Well it sounds like she may like you too, T."
I added in, giving him a slap on the back.
"Cool it Trevor. You can fuck her afterwards as long as I get to listen. For now we need to talk business."
Lester groaned.
"Aw, you're no fun."
Trevor play pouted.
"I'm back!"
Hannah called as she ran up the stairs, Dad following behind her holding a small black briefcase and various other shopping bags. He sat them down in front of us and I stared in awe as the girl picked through the outfits, smiling as she pulled out a tie dye long shirt and bell bottom jeans, along with sandals and a tie dye headband. I grimaced at the sight.
"You should fit right in now. What do you think?"
"It's great. Thanks."
I deadpanned.
She then pulled out 2 small boxes and handed them to me.
"I also got you some bleach and hair dye. I have scissors too so we can change you up a little bit. Oh and I almost forgot, I picked up some colored contacts for you two as well."
"Ooh Harper is getting all spiffed up."
Trevor teased.
"Oh you're next, cowboy."
She smirked, pulling out similar hippieish clothes and handing them to him. He shrugged, taking them.
"It's not the worst I guess."
"I'm not done."
She then grabbed the black case, opening it to present a small tattoo kit. I gasped.
"Who wants to go first?"
She innocently asked.
"I'll be real with you right now, girl. I appreciate the gesture but put that thing to my skin and you will be thrown across the room."
I growled as she threw her hands up in defeat, shrugging it off. Trevor chuckled. I guess in a way his temperament was rubbing off on me.
"I'm down for a free tattoo."
Dad called out.
"Hell why not? You good at cover ups too? I want the whole package baby doll."
Trevor said in a seductive tone, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Geez, I didn't expect it to go this way."
Lester sighed.
"Okay. Harper, go ahead and start coloring your hair if you don't mind. Boys, follow me."
She motioned to the next room, grabbing her kit.
The guys obeyed as I reluctantly grabbed my hair supplies. Red. Wow, this is going to be a change. It could be worse, though.
I gave one glance back at Lester who shrugged, chuckling to himself. I headed to the bathroom.
"So, how long have you been tattooing, princess?"
I heard Trevor ask from the other room.
"Oh uh, well, I've never actually tried it. Practice makes perfect though, right?"
"Well shit."

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