Chapter Sixteen

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I perched upon the edge of the parking garage, waiting for Lowrey to leave the building. I decided on the sniper approach, inspecting my new prize to make sure everything was ready to go.
I couldn't deny my nervousness. I'd always had Trevor to back me up on assassinations before. Even Michael's whole boat deal, I had someone there in case shit went south. Sure, Lester is here virtually, but what the hell can he do besides maybe flip some traffic cameras?
I sighed, sighting in on my target, plastering in a pink shirt, minding his own business.
Why did I feel guilt about this? Lester briefed me on how bad of a guy he was. Maybe it was for the simple fact that Michael didn't want me going down this path, and yet I did anyways.
There's no going back now, I already resigned from my other job on the way here.
I had to get out of my thoughts. I almost missed my chance. I quickly pulled the trigger and his body fell to the ground.
"We have a shooter!"
The security guards announced, quickly starting to prowl the area. I hurriedly jumped in my car, heading to the top of the building. There was a makeshift ramp at the top. I held my breath, kicked the gas pedal and went for it, eyes closed. I felt as if I was on a rollercoaster. All of a sudden the car landed with a thud, seemingly unhurt. I sped out of the area and down a few streets, finally stopping at a 24/7 a bit of a ways away from the chaos. I looked back. No one. I was safe, for now.
I called Lester in between adrenaline pants.
"'s done."
"I see that. No heat, either. Great job. I'll let you know when something else comes up. Oh and, in a few days you can sell your Beta Pharmaceuticals stock."
"Awesome, thanks, Lester."
I headed back to the house, hoping Michael would be out and about. I didn't see his car, so I tiptoed in, only to find him in a drunken state on the couch.
"Michael! Hey."
I tried to act normal, as if nothing happened. He may buy it, he's not in his normal state. This, however, seemed worse than alcohol.
"Heyyy..I'm alive."
Michael slurred.
"What do you mean?"
I questioned.
Michael thought for a moment.
"Jimmy..I wanted to spend time with him, he went and got something from Burger Shot and asked if I wanted a drink..I thought it was alcohol but it made me I was flying. Weird, huh?"
"Where's your car? How the hell did you get home?"
I sighed.
"Jimmy took it..because I wouldn't buy him one. I think..I think I took a cab..or walked..something like that."
"That's all I needed to hear."
I grabbed my keys up off the counter and headed towards the door.
"Wait! No, don't do this!"
I ignored his plea and headed to Amanda's house.
Luckily, when I arrived, she was nowhere to be found. I guess she was out with one of her boy toys. I rolled my eyes. She didn't know how lucky she was to be with Michael. I envied her in a way.
I eased my way up the staircase, feeling as if I was working for Simeon again. Was this my fault? Would Jimmy have stole his dads car and drugged him with God knows what if I would've just told Simeon no? really makes me wonder.
From the top of the stairs I heard yelling from one of the rooms. Boom, that's my target.
I kicked the door open as Jimmy's head snapped to the right.
"Hold on guys."
Jimmy threw his headset off, giving me a confused gaze.
"What the hell are you doing here? You're dads friend or girlfriend or whatever. The one that stole my car!"
"Grow up, you piece of shit. Maybe you shouldn't rely on your father to bail you out of shit. Maybe you should get a fucking job."
I grabbed him up by his collar bone, making him flinch.
"What you did was uncool you asswipe. Drugging your own fucking dad. Stealing his car and leaving him for God knows what to happen."
" don't know what I've been through! He's fucking crazy! He kills people, puts us in danger!"
"The only danger you're in right now is the ass beating I should give you. Give me the fucking keys."
"Why would I?"
He pushed me back, only pissing me off more.
"You think your dad's crazy? I have more blood on my hands than he has in the past 10 fucking years!"
I laughed, not a funny giggling laugh, more like a maniac, Trevor Philips laugh.
"You're bullshitting. We're like the same age!"
"Yeah, but I didn't have a daddy to save me from a rough upbringing. Unless you wanna be next, give me the fucking keys."
"Okay okay fine, but don't think you're getting away with this!"
"Oh you better not say shit. If you know what's best."
I jerked the keys from Jimmy's hand and headed down the stairs. He stood there in awe. I heard another door open, holding my breath. I definitely didn't want to run into Amanda, especially with the mood I'm in. I sighed in relief as I heard footsteps from the upstairs.
"Jimmy, what the hell was that?! Was someone in here?"
I heard a bratty, annoying voice ask.
" I just..I got too high and thought I seen a ghost, yeah!"
"Ugh, you really need to try blow, instead."
I exited the house and unlocked Michael's car, which had some new modifications to it. I knew Michael wouldn't be happy about this. I drove home in silence. I don't know what in the hell got into me back there. It was like something inside me took over and I felt manic..felt as if the grounded, timid, old me was long gone. couldn't be. I hadn't killed nearly as many people as Michael and Trevor. I needed to talk to someone, but who? I know Michael talks about Franklin a lot but I don't know him. Lester isn't the greatest conversationalist. I refuse to tell Michael. For now he can just think I declined Lester's opportunity, and I'll make sure to run that by Lester as well. But I had to talk to someone..This feeling continued to eat at me. I guess that leaves me one choice.
I opened the door to see Michael now heavily asleep on the couch. I placed his keys quietly on the counter and walked out.
I took a taxi to get my car, which was still parked across from Amanda's house, and headed towards Sandy Shores once again.

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