Chapter Fourty Five

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Harper's POV

"You might not wanna go in there."
Jimmy pleaded.
After the meeting I pulled him to the side because I knew he would be the easiest to interrogate. After I threatened to break his gaming system he finally caved and informed me that Michael was with Amanda, alone.
I didn't believe him at first, but his desperate pleas make me think otherwise.
I pushed past Jimmy and headed to the front door. I raised my hand, thinking about knocking, but decided it would be best to catch them off guard.
I kicked the door open, my jaw dropping at the sight. Sure enough, Michael was sprawled across the couch, pants undone. Amanda was standing beside him, tits flowing in the wind.
"I didn't want to see that!"
Jimmy shielded his eyes, running back out the door.
I screamed.
"Honey, it's not what it looks like."
Michael pleaded, sitting up and attempting to straighten himself.
"Not what it looks like hell!! You know what, I should've known. I tried to be respectful about this whole situation. I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt. You remember that conversation, Michael?! Well, here it is. I tried to forgive you. I was wrong for lying to you but not only did you call the FIB in on me and ruin my life in Blaine County, you also fucking cheated on me! Trevor was right, you're all for yourself! I'm done with you, Michael! Go fuck yourself!"
I felt chills up my spine as I expressed my intense feelings of anger and betrayal.
"Harper I promise-"
I cut him off by slapping him across the face. His jaw dropped and he remained quiet.
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, sweetie."
Amanda mocked.
I quickly turned to her, grabbing her by the throat and pressing into her windpipe. She flailed in protest, landing a few blows on my back. I didn't let up.
"Mom, no!"
Jimmy rushed in the house. I shot him daggers.
"Touch me and I will fucking cut your guts out, you fucking slug."
He quickly backed down, his eyes pleading for someone to do something.
I threw her to the ground, ignoring her wails as I landed blow after blow. I felt strong arms wrap around me.
"Harper, that's enough!"
Michael called, attempting to restrain me.
I elbowed him in the nose.
"Fuck! God damn it, Harper!"
He lost his grip. I shook him off of me and stormed out the door, practically trampling Jimmy in the process.
"That was uncool, dude!"
Jimmy called after me.
I turned back to him. He quickly scurried into the house, groaning at the appearance of his mother half clothed.
I got in the truck and sped off. I glanced in the rear view, seeing Michael reach the door moments later. But it was too late. He had crossed the line.
I got back to the landing strip. Trevor and a few others were still lounging around. I got out of the truck, slamming the door. All eyes turned to me.
I stomped up to Ron, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him up. Everyone watched in shock, except Trevor who had an amused look on his face.
"Fly me back to Blaine County RIGHT NOW!"
I commanded.
Ron squirmed in protest, beginning to shake.
"I-I can't do that H-Harper. Thats up to T-Trevor!"
"I said fucking RIGHT NOW!"
I turned to Trevor, whose gaze had turned to pure confusion. He shrugged.
"Do as she says, Ron. I don't fucking know."
I let go of him, and he scurried to the plane.
"Harper, talk to me-"
I interrupted Hannah's plea by holding up my hand. She didn't push it any further.
"They're gonna kill you, Harper."
Trevor lowly commented, a tinge of concern in his voice.
"I don't care. Let's go, Ron."
Ron obeyed my command as he started the engine. I turned to the small crowd and waved.
"Thank you guys for everything. I truly love each and every one of you. But I have to go. I'll never forget the memories we've shared, and the warm welcoming you guys gave me. And I'll especially never forget the wild adventures we went on and the lessons learned throughout them. Stay safe."
I turned around, closing the door of the plane. I heard sniffles in the distance. I sat down, buckling up. I zoned out as Ron did his pre take off radio commands.
It didn't truly hit me until I felt the plane ascend from the ground. It hit me hard. I burst out in tears, unable to act tough any longer. I wailed, balling my fists up and slamming them against the side of the plane.
After a few awkward moments, Ron finally spoke.
"If you wanna uh-talk about it I'm here. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I'm here for you, Harper."
I sniffled, wiping my eyes. I debated whether I should confide in him or not, but considering it was the last time I'd ever see him or anyone ever again, what did I have to lose?
"He cheated, Ron. I caught him with Amanda."
"Michael? Dang, that's rough. I'm sorry, Harper."
I shrugged.
"It is what it is, Ron."
"You know, I've never really liked him. Especially after hearing how he tried to off Trevor. And the whole undercover living thing has just been suspicious from the get go. You can do way better than that, Harper."
I sighed.
"Thanks, Ron. You know, I couldn't stand you at first, but you're not a bad guy. I don't know what will happen to me from here on out but can we at least truce?"
He sighed.
"Sure. You turned out to be not so bad yourself, Harper. I'm sorry I'm just really protective over Trevor. He's been left so many times and he's really sensitive under that tough, crazy shell of his."
I softly smiled.
"No worries, Ron. No worries at all"
The rest of the ride was rather quiet. Just random chit chatting here and there about Trevor and the chaos in general.
We finally arrived in Blaine County.
Ron turned to me as he cut off the engine.
"You sure you wanna do this, Harper? What if the feds come after you."
I sighed.
"I have to go, Ron. Thanks for everything. Keep protecting Trevor for me."
He nodded, a bit of sadness crossing his face.
I exited the plane.
"Hey, Harper!"
I turned around, quickly catching a military style backpack he had thrown at me.
"What is this?"
"It's a survival backpack. Has all the necessary essentials, a pistol and ammo, and there's uh, there's also a key to Trevor's trailer. Just in case you uh, you need somewhere to go."
I smiled, throwing the bag across my shoulder.
"Thanks, Ron. I owe you one."
With that we said our farewells and I headed into town, knowing what I had to do next.

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