Chapter Fourty Two

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Michael's POV

"She's going to be alright. It was likely just shock."
The doctor noted, unhooking Harper's bruised arm from the IV.
"She's going to be really sore for a few days, maybe weeks. I recommend bed rest or light duty. She also has a slight concussion. I'd definitely try and keep her awake at least for the next 12 hours.
The doctor pushed the machine to the side, gently shaking her.
Her eyes slowly opened. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out.
"Harper, I'm Dr. Garrick. I've been taking care of you today. You need to stay awake, okay? You have a bit of a concussion."
She stared at the doctor for a moment, then slowly nodded, fighting back sleep.
"She's going to need monitoring for at least the next day. She's been given an IV of fluids as well as Deludamol. This should help with any pain and swelling. I'm sending her home with a few as well."
The doctor handed the prescription bottle to me. I took it and placed it in my pocket.
"Thanks, Doc."
"You're quite welcome. Now here's the fun part. You see, as a private practice we do not look at insurance coverage-"
"Cut the shit. What's the total?"
I rudely interrupted his selfish ramble.
I sighed, pulling out my wallet and counting the cash out.
"I'm assuming you don't take card either."
"Cash is king."
The man smirked, double counting the bills and pocketing them.
"Pleasure doing business with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to take care of elsewhere."
Trevor rolled his eyes as the man walked out of the room.
"Can I kill him?"
I sighed.
"No, Trevor. You can't kill him. For all we know he's our only doctor from here on out."
I walked over to the side of the bed.
"Come on, honey. Let's get you out of here."
I gently wrapped my arms around her, pulling her up. She winced in pain.
"W-where are we?"
She asked, taking a look at her surroundings.
"Cayo Perico. It's actually really beautiful."
I smiled softly.
"When you get better, I'll show you around more. For now, let's get you home."
I picked her up bridal style, carrying her outside to the truck, a military vehicle Lester had summoned for us upon arrival. I placed her in the back seat and took a seat beside her.
Franklin sat in the back with us and Trevor took the wheel, Hannah riding shotgun.
The ride was rather silent. Both girls seemed as if there was something eating at them. But after fighting their way through a high security prison and jumping off the roof, I can't say that I blame them.
As we pulled in the driveway to our safe house, Hannah finally spoke.
"Do you think Uncle Truth is safe?"
"There's not a definite answer for that right now."
I sighed.
"Ron and Wade have went back to retrieve quite a few people. That weird hippie bastard is on the list. Don't worry, sweet cheeks, I'm sure you will see him soon."
The concerned look on her face did not fade. She sighed, opening the door and slowly climbing out of the vehicle.
"I know Lester and Truth, but who else are they bringing, T?"
"Ah you know, just a couple people that are near and dear to us. Like that thug friend of Franklin's, Chef, Amanda and your children, Patricia.."
I spat.
Trevor turned to me, hopping out of the vehicle.
"Geez, Mikey. We all know you've upgraded, but you can't just let the mother of your children get killed! What kind of sick bastard wants that?!"
"It's not about Amanda!"
I argued back.
"It's about-"
I turned to Hannah, who was already making her way in the door. I lowered my voice.
"It's about Patricia, Trevor. Why in the hell are you bringing her here?! You have a girlfriend."
Trevor's eyes widened.
"Mikey, I can't let her get killed! I'm sure Hannah will understand."
"Patricia has Martin and her son to take care of her. I'm telling you right now, T, if I were you I wouldn't do it."
Trevor glared at me, then slammed the truck door, following Hannah inside.
"Man, what a fucking psychopath. That shits not gonna fly."
Franklin shook his head, exiting the vehicle.
I slid out of my seat, carefully picking Harper up. I kicked the door shut and followed the group into the house. I sighed, putting her down and wrapping my arms around her. She remained silent.
"Alright, who sleeps where?"
Franklin asked.
Trevor scouted the area for a minute, then eagerly pointed.
"That room is reserved for Daddy T! And his little sexy mistress."
Trevor winked at Hannah, who blushed at the gesture.
"Of course you'd pick the master bedroom, you bastard."
I groaned.
"Hey, if it wasn't for your pig headed ass I would still have my trailer!"
He argued.
I sighed, throwing my hands up.
"Okay, great, fine, whatever. You got me. Frank, which room do you want?"
"That one right there is fine, dawg. As long as there's room for me and Chop."
Franklin pointed to the small guest room.
I nodded, taking Harper's hand.
"I guess we're taking this one then. Come on, sweetheart."
I guided her down the hallway and through the door, gently closing it behind us. I helped her get undressed and helped her into the bed. I emptied my pockets, undressing down to my boxers and slid in bed next to her.
She placed her bruised arm on my bare chest. I wrapped my arm around her.
"Now, you can't be falling asleep. You still have that concussion, remember?"
She nodded.
"I know..just please, hold me."
The tone of her voice was scared, defeated, confused.
I pulled her closer.
"I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart."
I couldn't help but wonder about the conversation she had promised me. But now was no time to bring it up. I decided to shrug it off until she had healed. After all, she had had enough stress for the time being.

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