Chapter Fifty Six

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Harper's POV

"I'm right here! Come get me you bastards!"
Trevor bellowed, throwing his hands up as if he was mocking the agent.
A smile crept across Agent Smith's face.
"Well hello. I must admit that your presence here was quite unexpected."
"Let her go. She has a fucking family, for Christ's sake!"
Trevor yelled, his face turning red.
Agent Smith smirked, opening the back of the van. He pulled out an assault rifle, pointing it at Trevor. He didn't flinch.
"Trevor! Get out of here!"
I pleaded. He ignored my cries.
"Shut up."
Smith commanded, kicking me in the side. I winced.
He turned back around and quickly gasped as Trevor grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up. Smith dropped the gun.
Trevor slammed him into the side of the van, creating a noticeable dent in the side. He repeated this three times.
"Oh, you think you're so tough, huh, FIB boy? You thought you could just shoot me. Well guess what? YOU FUCKING THOUGHT WRONG!"
Trevor threw him to the ground, pulling an SMG out of his waistband. He aimed it at the FIB agent, who was attempting to squirm to his feet.
My ears rang as Trevor fired into him, blood splattering across the side of the van.
Trevor grabbed the ring of keys off the corpse. He turned to me, grabbing my arms as he struggled to find the correct key. He paused as the sound of screeching tires filled the echoing air.
He muttered, finally finding the key and quickly unlocking me.
He helped me up.
"We have to get out of here."
My ears rang once again as Trevor dove on top of me, causing me to tumble to the ground. I slowly opened my eyes, my mouth falling agape.
"Well ain't it fancy seeing yall here?"
Hannah smirked.
Trevor remained silent, a longing look filling his eyes.
"What the fuck do you want, you fucking rat?!"
I spat.
She sighed, slowly shaking her head.
"I never wanted to do this, guys. The FIB threatened me. They threatened to kill my uncle and I. I came down here to protect him, remember? I hope you can accept my utmost apology. And I'm sorry, Trevor, for freaking out about Mrs. Madrazo. What you say we have a threesome together? Patricia and I have grown quite close since your departure, after all."
She pleaded, a tear rolling down her cheek as she locked eyes with Trevor. Trevor slowly stepped forward. I stepped between the two, holding my arms out. I turned to Trevor.
"She's a fucking narc, Trevor! She's playing you! She's a puppet of the FIB! Smith told me everything. Don't you fucking fall for it, Trevor!"
She glared at me.
"Hey, slut. I helped you escape prison. I had your fucking back through so much bullshit. You would've been dead a long time ago if it wasn't for me."
"And you fucking did that because there was something in it for you! All of the outcomes on Cayo Perico you devised. If you were a true friend you wouldn't have told Smith our whereabouts and coordinated how to drive Trevor away. You're nothing but a dirty FIB affiliate! Fuck you and your stupid false-hippie sense of self!"
I yelled.
I stepped towards her, grabbing her by the shirt. I jerked her close to me, forcing her to stare into my eyes.
"I have no fucking use for trash. And you know what they do with trash around here? They dump it into Paleto Cove."
I held my breath, jerking her up and flinging her towards the ledge. The fought to balance herself, dropping her gun in the process. I turned around to check on Trevor when all of a sudden my feet were pulled out from under me. She rolled over, flinging me across her and over the edge of the embankment. I grabbed a rock for dear life.
Trevor yelled, rushing to the edge.
I was deafened once more by a gunshot, followed by muffled screams. My fingertips were purple as I tried to scale the embankment. I finally made it up enough, gasping at the sight. Trevor had been shot in the stomach and was knelt down, grasping the wound. Hannah smirked, turning to me. She shoved the barrel of the gun in my face.
"Any last words?"
I closed my eyes, waiting for my destiny. I had failed Michael. I had failed Ivy. I had failed Trevor, and all of those currently on Cayo Perico. Part of me wishes I had never moved to Sandy Shores after my divorce. Part of me wishes I had never indulged myself in the life of crime. But in the end, look what I received from my small rebellion of society. I received a best friend and tons of allies in all shapes and sizes. I received knowledge and skill I never thought I would have, as well as courage. I got to see my dad, although our time together was cut short. I met the love of my life and I made a beautiful spawn that will carry my story in generations to come. Overall, I didn't regret this. And if I had to die today, I can overall say I lived a damn good life.
I slowly opened my eyes.
"Do what you have to do. I'm ready."
"I'm sorry it had to be this way, Harper. Thank you for the memories."
Trevor grunted, diving on top of Hannah, causing her to lose her aim and fire, grazing my arm.
He threw the gun to the side and used his legs to pin her down as he pulled me up with his arms. I panted, the adrenaline rushing through my body.
Hannah sat up, grabbing Trevor by the throat. She landed blow after blow on him with her free hand. He did not hit back.
"You're really gonna choose her over me, after all we've been through, Trevor?! All of those nights where we made love and I let you use whatever hole you pleased! All of those memories for nothing?!"
Trevor paused, tears beginning to well.
He looked down at her.
"Im sorry, Hannah. But I have to protect my family."
With that, he grabbed her up, grunting in the process. He closed his eyes and dove off the embankment.
"Trevor! No!"
I screamed.
A faint thud could be heard as they landed half in the water and half on the shore.
I quickly scrambled to my feet, finding a way down the embankment. I ran over to Trevor, pulling Hannah's lifeless body off of him.
I grabbed his wrist. There was a faint pulse.
I cried, tears now pouring down my face.
I struggled to pull the rest of his body onto the shore. He coughed, blood trickling down from his lips.
"Trevor, you can't die on me, God damn it!"
I pleaded. I frantically felt for a phone, to no avail.
Trevor held up his arm, shakily pushing the hair from my face.
He struggled to say.
"Trevor, please! Don't die! I need you!"
I pleaded.
He coughed up more blood, struggling to speak.
"You made me feel..a way..nobody..else could. I will be...okay. Thank you..."
"Trevor, please don't die!"
I continued to cry, my tears falling onto his torso.
"I love you..Harper. Take care...of the family. And.."
He fought a coughing fit once more. He spat the blood out, his lips starting to turn pale.
"I..I should have fucked you..the..other night."
With that his head fell to the side. I was in complete shock.
I sat there for hours on end, trying to comprehend what happened.
I finally mustered the courage to make my way home. I entered the door, practically falling to the ground. Michael, who was asleep on the couch, quickly rushed to my side.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?!"
He flipped on the light, examining my wounds, a look of concern spreading across his face.
"Where's Trevor?"
I stared back at him, unable to speak. He stared confused for a moment, but the tears welling in my eyes confirmed his suspicions. He collapsed to the ground, wrapping his arms around me. I proceeded to cry as he held me. Faint sniffles could be heard from him as he tried to keep it together. We remained like that for hours, unable to come to the reality that he was really gone.

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