Chapter Five

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I woke up to my phone buzzing. I groaned, annoyed that my dream of Michael had been interrupted. Oh come on, Harper. The guy doesn't even know you like that and here you are obsessing over him...
I rubbed my eyes, unlocking the phone and tapping the newest message. From Trevor, of course.
Trevor (Boss): Hey, kid. I have some business to tend to and I'd like you to tag along. We can also collect the earnings for today together if you like. Meet me in 10. T.
I quickly shot up, scurrying to my closet, my skin shivering at the instant reminder of his first 'don't be late' memo.
I pulled out a faded Lost Santos Customs tank top and some black leggings. I slid them on and laced up my skater shoes, grabbing my small bag of belongings and heading out.
I had almost forgotten about the encounter with Ron, until I was locking the trailer up to head to Trevor's. Oh boy, won't he love me when he sees this...
I crept up to the rusty trailer door and carefully knocked. It immediately swung open, causing me to gasp. Trevor chuckled.
"You've gotta quit being such a scaredy cat, Peaches. You'll have a fucking heart attack around me, that's for sure."
With that he stepped outside and I followed him to the Bodhi. This time he took the driver's seat, much to my favor.
"So, what's on the agenda today?"
I spoke up, staring out the window to distract myself from Trevor's reckless driving.
"Oh the usual. Gotta collect from the club. And I've got some business to take care of with some competitors. I figured you could help out."
Trevor pointed under the seat, and my hand instinctively obeyed. I pulled out an SMG, turning it in my hands. I hadn't held many guns in my life.
"You ever played with one of these, Princess?"
Trevor smirked.
I shook my head.
"Not really, a bit at those target things at the carnivals but that's it."
"Well, consider this task target practice."
Trevor smiled as he jerked the wheel into this old farm house. He parked up on a hill, behind some bushes and trees.
"There's a sniper on the back. You'll probably need it too. Don't worry, that ones suppressed."
I quietly got out and pulled the weapon from the back of the truck. I felt my body trembling before me. What the hell had I gotten myself into? Was this fear? Excitement? Who the hell knows?
"Alright, Peaches. You see those inbred fucks down there? Those are the O'Neil Brothers, and this is their ranch. They just took some of my clientele, and boy Daddy T is gonna make them pay. We'll hang back until they notice we're here, then we'll push up."
I nodded, my insides churning. I felt as if I was going to vomit up bile.
Trevor positioned himself behind a tree, and a few feet from him I took place behind a rock. I saw two men conversing outside the old ranch house. I aimed for the one closest to me and Trevor aimed for his target. My shaky hands made my anxiety skyrocket, but an unspoken nod from Trevor made me feel a bit more confident. With that we offed the two brothers, and we're still unnoticed. I placed my gun down momentarily to wipe my clammy palms on my shirt, then proceeded to take out the men one by one. It wasn't until Trevor shot one through an open upstairs window that we were noticed.
"Alright, Peaches. Ready to rumble?"
Trevor bellowed, throwing himself into the crowd of attacking rednecks. I pushed with him, feeling as if I was going to trip and tumble right into the chaos at any minute.
One redneck yelled, as I felt a sharp pain in my side. I instinctively grabbed for it, taking cover.
I pulled out my SMG and began blind shooting the members from behind the porch railing. Trevor pushed his way to me, stepping over countless dead bodies.
"You okay?"
He asked, concern attempting to be hidden.
I bit my lip and nodded, continuing to shoot. Trevor stayed by my side the rest of the time. And when the coast was clear, he grabbed my arm, pulling me down to the basement, where we pegged off the remainder of the crowd.
"Try doing business with ashes, son of a bitch!"
Trevor called out as he grabbed a can of gasoline from the corner. He trailed the gasoline to the front of the house as I puppy trailed behind him. I lit the line and we hightailed it out of there, the ground vibrating as the old ranch went up in flames.
"Eat shit and die!"
Trevor smirked, turning around and staring in awe at the destruction he had just created. I couldn't help but to smile, despite countless deaths being on my hands. Despite the sweat and blood splatter on my outfit, or the gaping bullet hole in my side. This life just felt right.
"Harper, you getting in or are you turning yourself into the police?"
Trevor called from the truck. I instantly came back to reality and hopped in the truck, stashing my weapons on the bed.
"That was badass!"
Trevor smiled, giving me a slap on the shoulder, causing me to blush.
"Are you okay though?"
His voice dropped at the question as if he actually seemed to care. I nodded, pulling up my shirt to reveal the wound.
"Looks like it just grazed me. Nothing that a little self stitching and cleaning won't take care of."
"Damn, a tough girl. That's sexy as hell."
Trevor purred.
We finally pulled in to the Vanilla Unicorn. I felt all eyes on us as we walked in to the club, and my eyes instantly settled on a particular person.
"Back again, I see?"
Trevor smiled, walking up to Michael who was at a table near the bar.
Michael sighed, looking us up and down as if we were some disgusting meal.
"What the hell did you get her into, T?"
"What did I get her into? Oh Mikey, she took control. She's a badass, got grazed by a bullet and didn't even blink!"
I felt my face turning hot from embarrassment. Oh, Michael probably thinks I'm a monster now.
"Kid, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't let this maniac influence you too much."
I nodded, trying to secretly decipher the emotion in his deep blue eyes. Empathy? Shame? Guilt? Fear?
"Alright Mikey enough of trying to discourage my best employee. Now, about that drink? Thinking about having a little get together next Friday. You in?"
Michael looked between me and him, a smile spreading across his face.
"I could use the break. Getting tired of Amanda's bullshit, after all."
"Great. It's a date then. I'm sure Harper here will be there as well."
He glanced back at me and I instinctively nodded, smiling.
"Hell yeah."
"Are you even old enough to drink?"
Michael questioned, making my face return to its default shade of red around him.
"Yes..I'm 22.."
I grumbled, causing Michael to chuckle.
"Well I gotta make sure, ya know? Alright, I guess I'll head back home for now. See you guys soon. Take care."
With that Michael finished off his whiskey and brushed passed me. The slight contact had me feeling some type of way. I tried to ignore it as I checked the paperwork and collected the deposit.
Trevor drove me back home and paid me out, 7300 today. I said my goodbyes and headed to the shower to wash off the literal blood sweat and tears of today, as well as to patch up the bullet wound I had kind of forgotten about due to the presence of Michael.

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