Chapter Fourty Three

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Harper's POV

A week and a half had passed since we ran from the feds and moved to Cayo Perico. I was finally able to get up on my own and complete small tasks, although Michael protested.
Ron and Wade finally finished making their evacuation rounds. Truth had his own little tent down near the waterbed. Lamar and Chop stayed in the other spare room of the main base. Franklin's aunt had taken over an abandoned, yet really elegant, house down the road. Franklin was not too happy about her presence, but at the end of the day he didn't want to see harm come to her. Franklin tried to send help for one of his lady friends, but according to Ron and Wade she was too busy accompanying her new brain surgeon boyfriend. I could tell this bothered him, but per usual he shrugged it off.
Trevor had set Patricia up a place near Truth's camp, unbeknownst to Hannah I'm sure. I could already tell this wasn't going to end well.
Speaking of bad endings, Michael's egg donor ex wife and two bratty kids were also present on the island. They were staying far away from the others, in the nicest house on the island. Of course, they couldn't give up their lavish lifestyles even to pursue their safety.
Amanda definitely wasn't happy at my presence, nor was I at hers. However, as Trevor had said, that was the mother of his children, and at the end of the day I had to respect that.
Lately, however, I have caught myself questioning many things. I still have yet to have that conversation I promised Michael at Truth's camp. I knew it was coming, however.
Truth be told, I love Michael. I've cared for him ever since we met at Trevor's strip club, ever since we hooked up, and especially ever since we began living together. It broke me losing him, although it was my own damn fault for lying. Part of me holds resentment that his selfish act of calling Dave Norton on me caused me my future in Los Santos. The other part of me knew deep down that I initiated the outcome myself by choosing the life of crime over my partner.
I sighed, leaning over the railing of the balcony.
"Hey Harper, have you seen Trevor anywhere?"
Hannah questioned, joining me on the balcony.
I shook my head.
"No..haven't seen him since last night. Why?"
I knew damn well where Trevor probably ended up, but I wasn't about to tell her. That would be one more stressor in my life if I did. She frowned, placing her arms on the railing.
"You know..I never did have that conversation with you, did it?"
She asked, gazing down at her surroundings.
"No, you sure didn't."
I turned to her. Her face was crossed with shame and guilt.
"Well, I moved here to protect my uncle and his pot farm. In order to get the cops to turn a blind eye, I uh, I took a contract with the FIB."
My heart stopped. She continued.
"I didn't want to tell you this while we were in prison because I knew you would murder me right then and there. A while back they gave me the job of catching and/or executing Trevor Philips. In their words, he was a crazy, good for nothing meth-smoking hillbilly. They said this was the most difficult contract they had and if I could pull that off, then they would allow Truth and I to live worry free. I was desperate, Harper. I knew how distraught he was when he lost his farm the first time. I didn't know who Trevor Philips was, but I knew I wanted to protect what was mine. So I took the job. I found Lester via online gaming, worked under him until I gained his trust. Thats when he sent you guys out there. I purposefully formed a relationship with Trevor, and I knew they were coming for you. And I knew Catalina would take care of your fathers. The plan was to get Trevor singled out and then I could either capture him or take him out right there..but he went after you. So I went and attacked Franklin and Lester, knowing they would be there in order to devise a plan to save you. But when I seen his face..I just..I couldn't do it."
Tears began to roll down her pale, freckled cheeks.
"I just-I couldn't do it. When I saw how dedicated he was to you, and Michael, and everyone in his circle, I knew he wasn't a bad person. On top of that, I actually began catching genuine feelings for him too... I'm sorry, Harper. I wouldn't blame me if you wanted to shoot me point blank right here. I deserve it. I'm no better than those FIB pigs."
She wiped her tears with the back of her hand, sniffling. I stood there for a moment, unsure of what to believe.
I finally spoke.
"Part of me wants to fucking hate you. You were part of the reason Dad was killed, although he did choose the girl over family. You planned to kill Trevor and you failed to warn me of my potential demise."
I sighed.
"But you did save me. You got me out of prison, something I couldn't have done alone. My respect for you has diminished substantially, but I'm not going to shoot you. Not yet. I'm giving you a chance to prove your worth. You better not fuck it up. After all, Trevor forgave Michael for getting his friend killed in an attempt to turn Trevor in. I would be a hypocrite if I hold a grudge against you, yet fancy someone who did pretty much the same thing."
"Wow, that was almost philosophical."
She chuckled between sniffles.
"I promise I won't fuck it up. You're the best, Harper."
"Don't mention it."
I shook my head, slyly smiling.
"Say, how are you and Michael doing since you two are reunited?"
She asked.
I shrugged.
"Honestly, that's another thing that's been bothering me. I promised him we would talk after all the crazy shit was over with, but I can't help but feel some type of resentment about him. I love him, and there's no questioning that. But he called the fucking FIB on me. While I was in the wrong for lying to him about my side work, he still had no right to call the feds in!"
My face illuminated red. I admit I was angry. I didn't know how to feel.
"Damn, I understand. That's honestly a rough predicament and I wouldn't blame you for feeling one way or another."
Hannah placed her arm around me, causing me to tense up.
"I think you need to be honest with him about how you feel. Prolonging ill feelings will only make your resentment towards him grow. It's best to settle something now than to end up completely despising him later."
I nodded.
"You're right. I need to just get it over with. Thanks, Hannah."
"Don't mention it."
She almost mocked me, making me chuckle.
I couldn't help but notice the welling anxiety inside me as I thought about how to bring it up, but regardless, it needed to be done.

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