Chapter Fourty Seven

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"Harper's" POV

Hayley Marie Scruggs. Not the most flashy name, but over the course of the few months I have been able to slowly get accustomed to it.
The FIB offered me a nice apartment complex in Los Santos, similar to what I had. However, I convinced them to retitle Trevor's property in my name. They were a little suspicious at first, but I convinced them that I simply wanted it as a trophy for putting an end to his run in Blaine County. Naturally, they were stupid enough to believe me. Of course, if Trevor ever did return, I would be sure to make things right. I'm sure he was content on his island with his two women, however. Unless Hannah had killed him over it.
I can't help but miss them. They were rough around the edges, but they were some of my best friends. I even missed Ron, after thinking I could never get used to him.
I tried not to think about the other one. I don't even like to bring his name up. I don't think I will fully be able to ever get over what happened, especially with a lack of explanation as to why. Sure, I had mixed feelings, but in the end, I would've probably ended up staying. I loved him, and part of that feeling will never fade. That hurt me worse than when I caught my ex husband. At the end of the day, we just have to move forward. He got a busted nose and I got out.
I cleaned Trevor's place up really nice. I had most of the deathly smell out, packed away all illegal substances, and replaced most of the appliances and furniture. I was even able to get rid of that God awful teddy bear.
Lately I haven't been feeling like myself, however. I chalked it up to just stress, but I have an appointment today for a general checkup.
"Alright Ms. Scruggs, you can come with me."
The young blonde nurse ushered me to the exam room, taking my height and weight.
I sat down on the exam table and she rolled her stool over to the computer.
"Alright Ms. Scruggs, it looks like you haven't been here before so I have just a small questionnaire for you. First off, tell me your name and date of birth."
"Uh Hayley Marie Scruggs, November 9th, 2000."
"Got it! Alright, how many sexual partners have you had in the past 6 months? Male or female?"
"1, male."
"Alright awesome, when was your last menstrual cycle?"
I hesitated.
"Uhh, maybe 3 and a half months ago?"
She raised an eyebrow but continued typing.
"When was the last time you had intercourse?"
"3 or 4 months ago."
"Any suicidal or homicidal ideations?"
"No ma'am."
"Any insurance you'd like to add on file?"
"No ma'am."
"Alright, and just verify that the phone number, email and address is correct, as well as the provided information. If all is correct, you can initial on this little pad."
She turned the monitor towards me. I quickly skimmed through the information, initialing the digital pad.
"Thank you so much! Your cost today will be 250 bucks."
I sighed, digging the cash out of my pocket and handing it to her. She wrote me a receipt.
"Alright Ms. Scruggs, the doctor will be in shortly. In the meantime, I'm gonna give you this cup. We have to have a urine specimen in order to prescribe birth control. The bathroom is down the hall on the left."
She handed me the cup and pointed.
I made my way to the bathroom, sitting down and peeing in the cup.
This was always so gross to me. My period was always abnormal. I didn't see why they had to take a sample. But maybe they wouldn't have had to if I could have used my old files as Harper.
I set the sample in the pickup window, washed my hands, and headed back to the exam room.
I remembered coming here a few years back when I first moved to Sandy Shores. Shortly after, I met Trevor, and then Michael. I can't help but be a bit reminiscent of the area, for the good and bad. Overall I was happy to be back, even if it meant cutting ties with my friends and enrolling in witpro.
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.
The doctor came in, a young, handsome man with dark hair. He smiled.
"Good morning Ms. Scruggs. Im Dr. Evans. Let's start by taking your vitals."
He pulled out a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff, taking my readings. He listened to my lungs and heartbeat and took my oxygen. He then set his instruments down and jotted away in a small notebook.
"Everything appears to be normal so far. I do not feel the need to do any bloodwork at this moment-"
The nurse tapped him on the shoulder, showing him a piece of paper. She then exited the room.
He raised his eyebrows, clearing his throat.
"Well unfortunately we will not be able to provide you with the birth control today, Ms. Scruggs. It looks as if you are about 13 weeks pregnant."
My heart stopped.
"Excuse me?"
I asked. He looked at me with confusion.
"Yes ma'am. Your urine sample came back positive for pregnancy. You said you had intercourse about 4 months ago? Was it protected?"
I thought back to it. On the island with Michael. The day before I found out he was a cheating piece of crap.
"No sir, it was not."
"Hmm, it seems to all add up then. We can do an ultrasound real quick if you would like."
I nodded, unable to form words. I couldn't believe this. How was I going to explain this one to the FIB? Now the baby will have to be witpro, especially if someone actually finds out who their parents are.
The doctor rolled the machine over to the exam table, leaning me back.
"I'm gonna have you lift up your shirt for me, this will be a little cold."
I pulled my shirt up, revealing my bloated stomach. He rubbed this cool gel all over my stomach and started swiping it with a wand. I looked over at the screen. Sure enough, there was a baby.
"Would you like to know what you are having?"
He asked.
I thought for a moment, then shrugged.
He smiled.
"It's still early on but it looks as if you're having a little girl. Congratulations!"
I stared at the screen, the pixelated blob of human rolling around in my stomach. I couldn't believe it. How could I be so careless? How could I forget to keep up with my birth control? I guess with running from the FIB, it was the last thing on my mind.
The doctor sat be back up and handed me a cloth.
"Alright, I'd like to see you back in 6 weeks just to make sure everything is going alright. You're good to go, Ms. Scruggs."
I half smiled, grabbing my belongings and making my way out the door and to the car. When I sat down in the car, I lost it. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I slapped the steering wheel.
Why?! Fucking why?! I was going to have the cheater's baby, and he had no idea. I didn't know if I should reach out and tell him or just raise the baby without him. Part of me felt as if he deserves to know. Part of me thought about taking a trip to the clinic. And part of me actually wanted the baby. Maybe it was sent to me from some extraterrestrial source to help me build my life back? Who knows. I guess only time could answer my concerns.
I called the FIB 0n the way back, explaining the situation to them but leaving them to believe that I was unsure of who the father was. I made up a back story that I went a little wild after receiving my new identity. They seemed to believe it, and reluctantly promised to continue to provide witpro for both me and my developing child.
I finally made it back to my, formerly Trevor's, house. I made my way to the bed, falling into it. I continued to sob. Deep down I wanted to reach out, but knew I couldn't. I knew only time could tell, but I wanted a solution now.

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