Chapter Twenty Five

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I sighed, taking my seat on the plane. Dusty chose to sat beside me, and Dave with Dad.
"So do you want to talk about yesterday morning?"
Dusty whispered in my ear. I shook my head.
"What is there to say? It had to be done. I'm sorry."
I whispered back, throwing in an apology for sincerity.
"I'm not even mad about that...that was kind of a favor. But yeah, anyways, I'm sorry too."
"Yeah you should be, bastard."
"Alright team so Harper has actually arranged this play out, seeing she knows the territory pretty well as well as the hands we are dealing with."
Dad announced as we grouped up outside the airport.
"You sure that's a good idea boss? I mean, she's just a kid."
"Don't underestimate my daughter, Dave. Harper, take it away."
Everyone turned their attention to me. I softly smiled, clapping my hands together.
"Okay guys, so I know Trevor pretty well. He burnt my house down, actually. He's very sporadic, but his friends aren't. If I had to guess they've been monitoring any incoming air and water traffic since my disappearance. So for the first half of the day we need to be casual. We can't just go rushing in or they'll gun us down at first sight. Therefore, we're going to act like Sandy Shores tourists. Dad and Dave, you two are actually going to Los Santos. There's a nice strip club there. Enjoy yourselves while you're there. It's the least expected place, it being a drive away. I've already rented you guys a car. Dusty and I will stay close to home. Maybe hit a bar. We will strike at 2PM."
I checked my watch.
"Right now it's 6AM. We will use the burner phones Dad provided before hand to communicate. I will let you know a meet up location 2 hours before the strike, to give us plenty of time to meet up and regroup if things go south."
The men reluctantly nodded as we loaded into our rental cars.
I took the wheel and Dusty sat passenger. It was still admittedly awkward between us, but not for long.
I sat down on the rugged old barstool. Dusty followed suit, sitting to my right, staring in awe at the condition of the place. The drunken motorcycle gang members carrying on about their women, the musty aroma, darts flying here and there in an attempt for a bullseye. I could tell he was culture shocked.
"So this is where you came from, huh?"
He asked in awe.
I nodded, smiling.
"Damn right. The closest to a 'home' I have ever felt."
"What can I get ya, sir?"
The bartender asked.
Dusty skimmed the chalkboard menu, and settled on a Dusche Gold.
The bartender nodded, pouring it up.
"And for you, ma'am?"
"Just a couple Logger Lights. Thank you."
The man popped the tops off for me and handed the beer over. I downed both of them, causing Dusty to giggle.
I turned to him, throwing my hands up.
"What? You got a problem?"
He smiled and shook his head.
"No, I can just see how well you fit in around here now."
I decided to ignore his comment, checking my clock. Time was going by slow. Would this plan actually work? Was I making the right choice?
My thoughts were interrupted by a cloth being placed over my mouth. I panicked, attempting to kick and scream to free myself.
"Hey, what the fuck?!"
I heard Dusty yell, along with a crack.
"Nobody fucking call the cops unless you all want to die!"

Trevor's POV

Everything was going according to plan. I carefully placed Harper in the back of my truck.
"Ron! I don't have all day now!"
"Coming, Trevor!"
Ron struggled to lift the man's unconscious body onto the truck.
Ron finally entered the vehicle, sweat beads dropping off his forehead. He wiped them with a shaky hand and sighed.
"Trevor, why are we doing this?"
"Did I say you could fucking question me Ron?!"
I slammed my hands on the steering wheel, causing Ron to flinch.
"S-sorry Trevor it's just-"
"It's just what?! Can't a man help a friend out without being questioned?"
"Trevor it's just...I don't want her to be the next Mrs. Madrazo."
My heart sank for a moment, reliving all the fun times Patricia and I shared. I sighed, shaking my head. Harper wasn't like Patricia. Sure, I can't deny that sweet ass she has or her skills at sucking me dry, but over the short amount of time we have shared together, I now realize that she's more of a friend than anything. A female companion that I would love to fuck...but her company is good enough for me. I regret burning down her house. I regret ratting her out to Mikey. But I guess a sense of jealousy passed over me that day. I'm over it though. I sighed.
"Ron, it's not like that. She's just my friend. I'm doing a favor for a friend."
"But Trevor-"
"Enough Ron! Make yourself useful and call Wade for me. See if he actually made himself useful for once."
Ron quickly jumbled for his phone, dialing the number and putting it on speaker.
"Hey Ron! Hey Trevor!"
Wade excitedly exclaimed.
"You got eyes on em yet Wade?"
I asked.
"Sure do! They're in booth four right now. Sounds like they're having fun."
"Great! Now listen, don't let those fucks leave, okay? If you have to shut down the whole club and make it a free private party for them, I don't give a fuck. Just don't let them leave."
"Got it Trevor! What did they do anyways?"
"I'll fill you in later Wade. It's a lot. But just know they are bad people."
"I don't like bad people! I got it Trevor!"
"Good boy, Wade. Now, do me a favor and call Chef. He already knows the plan. He will be on his way to collect these gentlemen from you.0
"Okay Trevor!"
"Wakey wakey sons of bitches."
The men opened their eyes, frantically looking around. I glanced over at Harper, her body sprawled upon the ground. Good girl, still playing the part I see.
I walked over to the familiar man who helped us escape Liberty, ripping the tape off of his mouth. He remained silent.
"Alright motherfucker! What did you come here for?"
The man remained mute. I rolled my eyes, kicking him in the side, causing him to wince out in pain. I chuckled.
"I hate having to do this to ya, bud. After all, you saved my ass back in Liberty. If I was a good man I'd have to say I owe you one.."
I ripped the tape off of his minions mouths, causing them to groan.
"Dude, what the fuck?!"
The younger man who was with Harper replied. I smiled.
"Oh son, you have a lot to learn. It's best not to get an attitude with Daddy T. You can ask the last guy..oh wait."
I motioned to the gates of the Alturist camp in the distance, smiling at the look of confusion on his face. I didn't want to rat Harper out, so I quickly threw out a line of bullshit.
"You see, Harper and I were pretty close, that is, until you took her away. Took her away from her own family..."
"But her Dad's right here, dumbass! You're not her family."
The older man butted in, resulting in a kick to the spine, causing him to collapse.
"Family doesn't have to be blood, you know? I respect her father dearly, but she chose to be with us. And you guys ruined that for her. Took away her happiness for what? So she could live in a dumpy little building and get involved in even more crimes? You didn't take her out of love, you took her as an asset. I'm not a fucking idiot."
I paced between the men, her father still remaining mute.
"You see, my buddy is a genius. He could hack into Fort Zancudo if he really wanted to. He's been keeping tabs on you guys. Even when you were boning the fuck out of her, Mr. Dusty."
"You did what with her?!"
Her Dad finally spoke, a look of uneasiness crossing the young man. I smirked.
"Thought that would get ya to talk. Anyways, I'm gonna cut to the chase."
I turned to Claude, who was scowling hard at me. I knelt down to him.
"You see that girl right there? Your beautiful daughter? Those naked men inside those gates would love to dine on a young lady tonight. But I'm going to let you pick. Sacrifice you and your men to save her, or y'all can get what you came for, the recipe to my meth, handed over without question, at the expense of your daughter."
"Claude you can't do this to us man! Just kill her!"
Dusty pleaded.
I kicked him in the stomach, causing him to cry out in pain.
"This isn't your fucking discussion!"
Claude sighed, glancing over at Harper and then at his men.
"Claude, do what you gotta do, bud. I've lived a happy life and it has been an honor to serve by you."
The older man nodded to him.
"What about me?! I just hit my thirties!"
Dusty cried out from the ground.
Claude sighed.
"Is there any way you can free them all and just take me? It's my fault they're in this business anyways, sir."
"Unfortunately, that's not an option here."
I felt a sense of empathy wearing on me, but I ignored it.
He nodded and turned to the men.
"Men, it's been an honor serving with you guys. Dave, thank you for being the best friend a guy could have, even before the crime. I will never forget the memories we've shared even in my afterlife. Dusty, as much as I want to kill you myself for fucking my daughter, I still love you like a son. I know you're still young, and I mourn for your family who you chose to abandon, but you chose this life. We have to accept our consequences. I've never been a good person, much less a good father. You were right, Trevor Philips. I used my own daughter as more of an asset than anything. I am a piece of shit. I was to her and her mother. If sparing her life means giving ours, I'm sorry but I have to do it. I owe it to her. Harper, if you can hear me over there, I'm sorry."
"Beautiful ceremony. Now, can't keep these guys waiting or they'll come eat us all. Ron! Help me assist these fine men to their final resting place!"
I felt a small hand grab my ankle, and I looked down. I sighed, immediately knowing what she was trying to say. Ron had already shakily taken the others, Dusty's cries echoing through the mountains. I glanced down at Claude, who had his eyes closed in defeat.
"Mr. Claude, I've had a change of heart for you. As long as you cooperate, you will be just fine."
I entered the garment factory, Claude willingly following. I decided to quickly brief Lester on the situation in private, which surprisingly he had no clue about for once, just to protect my word to Harper. She didn't want her Dad to know she planned this, and I respect that. I've already fucked her over enough. I owe this to her.
"Well what a pleasant surprise."
Lester's nasally voice echoed through the dim lit factory as he spun around in his chair.
I nodded at Claude.
"I'll leave you two to it. Claude, it's in you and your daughter's best interest not to try anything stupid. Just remember that."
With that I left, heading back to Sandy Shores. Mission accomplished.

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