Chapter Forty

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Harper's POV

I kept my head down as I walked through the floor of the prison, ignoring the obnoxious whistles from the inmates. I fought back the anxiety to the best of my ability. I had no room for failure in this operation. There's too many people depending on me this time. I'm not just in this for me, I'm in this for Hannah and her suspicious antics, I'm in this to keep Trevor alive, and to bring my dad's name to victory, even if he didn't deserve it. I'm in this for Lester, Truth and Franklin, who have provided guidance along the way. I'm in this for Michael, although he brought this upon me. I sighed, leaning against the wall and waiting for a cue.
"H do you copy?"
Hannah's voice crackled through the channel.
I answered briefly, in fear someone was listening.
"Say, do you mind bringing me back a P's and Q's when you come back from lunch, over?"
I thought for a moment, then it hit me. The guards must be at the vending machine.
"Roger that."
I made my way down the hallway, turning the corner. Sure enough, there were 2 guards conversing amongst themselves at the machine.
"Say, HA, was that one P's and Q's or multiple?"
I asked, a sharp pang growing in my chest.
"Actually, go ahead and make that 2."
She responded. I sighed, approaching the guards.
"Excuse me, officers?"
The two turned to face me, both giving me a confused look.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Oh, sorry. I um, I just started this evening. The guy downstairs sent me up here to get some paperwork. I was wondering if you could show me where the vault is?"
I bit my lip, attempting to mimic actual conversation I had heard from the guards before.
"Geez, they'll hire anyone nowadays. How did they not train you?"
The taller officer scoffed, turning around.
"Follow me."
I followed the two men down another long hallway and through a set of double doors. The officer scanned a card, a red card. We then entered the vault.
"Which inmate were you needing papers for?"
"H. Speed. Cell 67Z."
The guy nodded, flipping through some files. I waited til the magnetic door shut behind us. I took a glance at my surroundings. Nobody but the two men and I. I noticed that the one guard was not carrying a gun. I held my breath. Here goes nothing.
I quickly grabbed ahold of the tall guard, shoving the barrel of my pistol to his head and squeezing the trigger. The man fell before me, and I turned to the other man, who was frantically reaching for his nonexistent gun. He then grabbed his radio, pressing the panic button. I jumped on him, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing his windpipe. He tried to fight back, but eventually fell to the ground with a thud. I picked up his radio.
"Everything ok down there?"
The dispatch asked.
"All good, false alarm."
I once again attempted my manly voice, praying to whatever God was above that it would work.
"10/4. Be more careful next time."
I exhaled finally, my heart finally starting to slow down. I stood up, shooting the unconscious guard as an extra precaution. I then dragged the bodies to the corner, opening up one of the big lockers. I shoved their bodies in there, grunting. I pressed my back against the door to get the old locker to close, and placed the combination lock on, ensuring it was locked.
"HA, your P's and Q's have been retrieved. Over."
"10/4, oh hey, could you also check on my uniform in the laundry room, over?"
"You got it. Just 1 uniform?"
"That is correct."
I made my way around the prison, stealthily taking out guard after guard and attempting to hide the bodies.
I had grabbed a blue card off of one of the fallen guards, and used it to get into the network room. I was able to disable the alarm system from there.
"Alright, it's about shift change, H. Are you almost done with your rounds?"
Hannah asked through the radio.
"10/4. All inmates have been accounted for, over."
"Copy that. I will turn the paperwork in now."
I couldn't believe it. We actually pulled that off. Now we just had to escape without alerting the top floor guards and before our guard took attendance.
I made my way back to the camera room and was greeted by a high five.
"We're almost there, I'm sending the signal now."
Hannah smirked, pulling out her phone and pressing a button.
All of a sudden the door behind her busted open. I gasped. It was the guard from downstairs. He froze in shock for a minute, then grabbed Hannah and held a gun to her temple. Her satellite phone hit the ground with a thud.
"I came up here to figure out where in the hell y'all ran off to, and why the alarm system wouldn't sound. And also why my comrades weren't answering my radio calls. I didn't expect to find you two motherfuckers up here, but I guess it's my lucky day. You two are in big trouble now!"
He pushed the barrel farther into the side of her head. She winced, closing her eyes.
I fumbled around for my gun.
"If you shoot me, I will shoot her. I suggest you two surrender peacefully. It may make the execution less painful."

Michael's POV

I jolted as my phone began to buzz. I quickly answered. Franklin and Trevor gazed at me eagerly.
"Lester, hey-It's time? Okay, okay we'll be right there!"
I ended the call and jumped up, almost tripping over the chair at the Burger Shot. The other two followed suit, Trevor grabbing his Bleeder Burger in the process.
"We have to move quick. They're in position. Lester will send us the coordinates."
I instructed, hopping into the van Lester had given us earlier that day. The others piled in and we headed off to the prison. The van was already loaded with weapons, armor, and other potentially needed equipment.
"Let's do this, boys!"
Trevor bellowed, finishing off his burger.
Franklin looked at him in disgust, then shrugged it off.
I swerved in traffic, earning a few honks of annoyance in the process, as I fumbled with the GPS.
"It looks like he's got us posted in the alleyway on the backside of the prison. There is a fire staircase going down from all the floors that the girls will likely use as an escape route. If we get swarmed, we will change the meeting point and an emergency ping will be sent to their device."
"Sounds like a plan!"
Franklin nodded, holding on to the side of the van as I cut the corners sharp.
"Damn, Michael, I know you're wanting a piece of ass but God damn I'm gonna get seasick without the damn boat or water!"
I rolled my eyes.
"I just want them safe, that's all."
"Hey, it looks like Lester texted you something else."
Trevor pointed to my illuminated phone. I clicked on the notification, and my blood turned cold.
"What is it, dawg?"
Franklin asked, taking the phone from me as I continued to manically drive.
His face turned to stone.
"He lost signal with them. This can't be good."

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