Chapter Twenty

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I woke up in a dark room, wrists and ankles bound. It took a moment to realize that the bag had been lifted off my head, and my mouth was not restrained.
"Hey! What the fuck?!"
I called. I searched around for anything that would potentially help me, but unfortunately, the darkness succumbed my vision. I heard footsteps to my left, making my head snap. There he was, the mystery man who had yet to speak, towering over me. I shivered in fear.
"What do you want from me?"
I whimpered. The man lifted my head, pushing my hair out of my face with his hand. We locked eyes, not in a romantic way but in a familiar presence way.
I knew him from somewhere. Something was off. Where did I know him from? He wasn't related to my ex husband. He wasn't affiliated with Michael or Trevor to my knowledge. I haven't a
I asked, shakily.
"It is you, little Harper."
The man finally spoke. He had a quiet, soft voice. It was almost soothing. But why? Why would he do this?
"What do you want from me after all these years, dad?"
The man sighed, and for a moment entered what seemed like a deep thought.
"I'm sorry, Harper. When you were younger I was all for myself, all for the life of prostitutes and crime. I didn't know how to be a parent, and I hope you'll forgive me for that."
"So you came all the way to Los Santos to kidnap my ass, only to apologize?"
"Well, not exactly."
The man gave me a half reassuring smile as he untied my hands and feet.
"I'm not going to hurt you, Harper. But when I saw you and that old guy the other day, I realized that I never really taught you the life of crime. I mean hell, you guys were basically cornered. What did you two do anyways?"
"Killed my ex husband. Tortured his mistress."
I mumbled.
"Ah I see, a petty crime."
Dad chuckled.
"Anyways, I'm going to show you how to do crime the right way. What do you say?"
I shrugged, taking it all in. I mean, what did I have to live for anyways? Michael was gone. Sure I had Trevor and his Merryweather shit but after Trevor threw me under the bus I'm not sure if I could trust him with this. Then there was Lester who was actually looking for the man before me right now...perhaps I was made for this life. All the adrenaline, the police chases, the killing. I admittedly loved it. Was I going crazy? Maybe. Did I care at this point? Not really..
I sighed, offering my hand. He took it and shook it firmly. I slowly smiled.
"You son of a bitch, I'm in."
Michael's POV
I checked my watch for a time. 6:02 PM. Almost 24 hours had passed since I got pissed and stormed out of our shared home. I missed her. At the time, I didn't see why she'd lie to me or betray me, but now I do. She didn't want this exact thing to happen. God, I'm a fucking hippocrate. I overreacted out of fear-the fear of losing her. And here I am now, losing her anyways.
I sighed, giving the apartment door a few more gentle knocks. Her car was outside.I knew she had to be home..unless she was fucking with Trevor.
No answer.
I looked down at the ground, turning to leave, when I heard the loud roar of a straight piped rust bucket down below, followed by footsteps.
I looked up to meet Trevor's gaze, him sweaty and panting. I rolled my eyes, stepping aside.
"Maybe she'll answer for you. You're the favorable one, after all."
"Shut the fuck up you pig headed son of a bitch! I-I think she's in trouble."
Trevor stopped to catch his breath, and I instinctively grabbed him by the collar. He didn't flinch as I pulled him up to my gaze.
"What the fuck do you mean? What did you do to her?!"
"I didn't do shit! You're the one who upset her! I'm here because she hasn't answered any calls or texts, and aside from just assuming she got pissed off at me spilling the beans, I contacted Lester like some simple minded fuck couldn't do, and Lester pinged her phone's last location headed towards Liberty City last night."
"Liberty City? Wait-if she didn't drive, how the fuck?"
"Exactly! Bingo! Smart Mikey for once. She couldn't have driven. So it had to be an outside source."
I thought for a moment, shaking my head.
"No, T. She doesn't know anyone around this neck of the woods. Me, you, Lester and Frank. That's all she knows."
"I guess she didn't tell you that either then, huh?"
My head snapped, and an odd jealousy filled my being.
"What the fuck do you mean?!"
Surely Harper didn't have a secret lover or some shit too..
Trevor sighed.
"Lester has been looking for Harper's father for quite some time now. He's known for crime down in Liberty City. However, he has been laying low for quite some time now, and Lester had almost wrote him off as a fatality..until-"
"Until what?"
I questioned impatiently.
"Until Harper and I paid her ex husband and his little mistress a visit. Let's just say..we took it a little too far, and if it wasn't for this oddly mute, generous bystander, we could have been toast."
I sighed, grabbing the bridge of my nose. This shit was hard to follow.
"And so what you're saying is, that 'mysterious man' you think was her father? If he helped you guys out, why would he come and kidnap her? That's kinda ridiculous."
"Claude is known to work in backwards ways, Mikey. Lester even noted this. It's hard to read him since he rarely speaks. But I know for a fact that she's definitely in Liberty, and if I had to bet she's with him."
I nodded, still having a hard time comprehending.
"Alright..that's the best lead we have, I guess. So should we head to Liberty and-"
"No rushing into things Mikey. I know you're probably ready to be back in that sweet sexy ass of hers, but for now we need to go see Lester."
My face flushed red, and I shook my head.
"Fine. Let's go see Lester."
I climbed in the truck with him as he drove manically to the factory. God, I hope this lead is accurate. I just want her back...

(A/N: Thank you guys so much for the patience and continued support. Life's been hard on me recently with family deaths, family drama, and a hectic work schedule. I'm going to try my best and get back on here more often. I love you guys so much and once again I truly appreciate all the support <3)

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