Chapter Thirty One

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Michael's POV

"You did what?! Man, that's fucking crazy!"
Franklin exclaimed, throwing his hands up in defeat. I sighed.
"I know, I fucked up, Frank. I didn't think it would come to this. I thought it would just be a grab and bag situation, ya know?"
"Man what you should've done was march your happy ass down there and apologize to her your damn self. Pissed or not she would rather hear it from you than be tied up in the back of a van with the feds, you feel me?"
"I know, Frank. And I was being a coward. And now..I don't know what to do."
"Man, we're fucked! Is Lester still not answering?"
"Let me try again."
I pulled out my phone, quickly selecting the contact. After the last dial tone, he answered.
"Hey, pal. I'm assuming this isn't just a social call."
"Lester, listen. I'm in a predicament-"
"I already know, Michael. Trust me, I already know. We're working on resolving that issue for you."
Lester stated in a snarky tone.
"Where is she Lester? Is she safe?"
I blurted out.
"I cannot disclose her location via phone towers for obvious reasons. She is safe, however."
I gave a half relieved sigh. God, I fucked this up so bad.
"What can I do to help, Lest?"
"What you can do is keep your grubby little hands out of it, at least for now."
Lester snapped.
"This is your fuck up Michael. And frankly, you're lucky I'm kind enough to fix it."
"It's only because there's something in it for you, Lester."
I argued back.
"Shut up and stand by! I'll be in touch"
I sighed, looking up at Franklin, who was twiddling his thumbs.
"Man, I don't know about this.."
I put my hand on his shoulder and he relaxed a bit.
"I don't expect you to fight my battle, Frank. You do what's best for you, no worries."
"But I see how much this means to you, man! I'm not as crazy as Trevor but damn, I'm still ride or die, dawg. Whatever it is...just let me know. I'm in."
I smiled.
"Thanks, pal."
But I knew the first part, i had to do alone...
Harper's POV
I looked in the hand mirror I had stashed away in my tent. I couldn't even recognize myself anymore. Hannah had admittedly done a fine job with the haircut, and the color had grown on me over the past few weeks. Hell, Dad and Trevor's tattoos didn't turn out botched either. That girl was annoying, yet admittedly impressive. My ice blue contacts stood out with the red hair contrast. I missed my long hair, but medium would do the trick for now.
"Alright everyone! Dinner's ready!"
Hannah called, interrupting my thoughts. I crawled out of my tent and sat by the fire, followed by Dad. Trevor was nowhere in sight.
"Hey, where's T at?"
I asked curiously.
"He had a couple things to take care of.."
Hannah nervously giggled, then continued.
"I think he said he was on his way."
I shrugged the weird comment off.
"Yo, fellas, and lady fellas, you guys totally have to check out this strain after dinner."
Hannah's uncle proudly held up a joint, in which we all nodded in agreement.
Life here wasn't all that bad. Hannah and Truth, at least that's what she calls her Uncle, lived in an older house up the hill. We were stationed by the farm, with permission to smoke as we pleased. The rolling hills around us gave a nice comfort to the fact that the feds were after us. Trevor finally stumbled up to the fire, profusely sweating. He sighed, wiping his head and took a seat.
"Where were you?"
I curiously questioned.
He smirked.
"Just a little pre supper cardio is all. I see you're finally up."
I shrugged.
"It's relaxing here. I like to sleep without fear of the FIB interfering."
"Fair enough."
He took a bite of his food that Hannah had passed out. Mostly organic or vegetarian based shit. I figured Trevor would protest, but instead he just vacuumed it all down without question. I picked around at my food, which was admittedly delicious, just off as far as looks. I sense of anxiety clouded over me, ending my appetite.
"What's wrong?"
Hannah questioned.
I shrugged.
"Just the weight of the world I guess. Nothing in particular."
Honestly, I didn't know what was wrong. Part of me wanted to blame that, the other part wanted to blame Michael. Recently, I had started dreaming of him, almost on a nightly basis. It was never anything bad. In a sense I missed him, but I knew deep down he was still a snake in the grass. He put me in this predicament, after all.
"Sounds like you need some good kush, my friend. Here, fire her up."
He carefully passed me the joint and a lighter. I obeyed, inhaling the strong smelling substance. An instant head high fell upon me, as relaxation rushed through my veins. I took another hit and passed it to Trevor, who followed the traditional puff puff pass rule. Eventually, everyone was sharing this high as Truth turned on a radio, K-Jah echoing through the hills.
"So Truth, is that your real name?"
Dad finally spoke up. He had been more quiet recently, like old times.
"Physically, by this Earth's standard, no. But over the past few years, it has became my way of life. so in a sense, yes and no."
Dad seemed annoyed by the double answer.
"So what is your 'Earth name,' per say?"
The Truth thought for a moment, then shrugged. In a way he reminded me of Ron, if Ron had taken more acid in his life.
"I honestly can't remember. I think it started with a K...Keith? Kevin? Kramer?"
He turned to Hannah for help, but she just shrugged, turning her attention back to Trevor.
"I've always known you as Uncle Truth."
"Hey, whose house is that up in the distance?"
Trevor averted his attention from the girl, pointing.
"Ah that one. A crazy girl used to live there. She messed with my friend Carl. Her name was...Catalina I believe. She disappeared mysteriously one day, left everything behind. The house stands vacant. Not a lot of people know it's there."
Truth explained.
I noticed Dad shudder.
I turned to him.
"What's wrong?"
He quickly exclaimed.
"There's obviously something wrong. Your energy is skewed, pal."
Truth commented.
He sighed.
"Catalina was my ex that..tried to end me. And ruined my life, as well as her and her mothers because of issues she created within me."
Dad motioned to me. I frowned, briefly remembered mom touching on the subject.
"Oh well, I assure you she is long gone. It's been about 12 years, bud. No worries."
The Truth reassured.
Dad just nodded, attempting to brush it off although it was still eating at him.
"Oh Trevor, I completed your request, by the way."
Truth reached behind him and grunted as he stood up a head stone. 'Bradley Snider' was written on it, along with dates and 'beloved friend.'
"I love it!"
Trevor excitedly exclaimed, reaching into his pocket. The Truth held his hand up.
"That isn't necessary, brother. I'm glad to help you out."
"Looks like I'll be going to North Yankton again soon."
Trevor paused for a moment, the smile slowly fading. He glanced over at me.
"Actually, do you think you can deliver this for me, Harper? I can give you the exact location. I just don't think I'm ready know?"
"You're not ready to face the reality that for years you believed Michael was under that grave when he was living his best life? And that your other best friend was there instead?"
"Yeah..something like that."
Trevor cleared his throat.
"I can fly you there. It would be my honor."
Hannah volunteered.
"Wait, you can fly planes too?"
She smiled, shrugging the question off.
"We can leave tomorrow morning if you're comfortable with it. But dress warm. North Yankton is pretty chilly around this time of year."

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