Chapter Fourty One

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Harper's POV

My blood turned to ice as I moved my hand away from the gun. I had to think quick. I skimmed the room for any object that could be of use. Hannah pleaded helplessly through her gaze. She had already signaled for help, but if the boys had to intervene, Trevor may be killed.
"Okay, you caught us."
I threw my hands up. Hannah's eyes widened.
The guard smirked, pushing Hannah to the ground and lowering his gun.
"I knew you two would comply. Keep your hands up, inmate."
He ripped the gun off of my side and placed it beside of him. He pulled out his handcuffs, placing them on Hannah's wrists. She did not protest. Instead, she shot me a look of anger and confusion.
All of a sudden it hit me. I turned my gaze to the wires connected to the security monitoring system. I slowly inched my way towards them as he was busy feeling up on Hannah's business.
"Officer, I think you dropped the key to your handcuffs."
I innocently pointed towards the door.
"Hm? Where?"
The guard got up, searching the floor. I quickly ripped the wires off the wall, wrapping them around his neck. He squirmed in protest, landing a few blows to my forearm. I tightened my grip. He finally fell to the ground with a thud.
"Fucking idiot."
I smirked.
I searched his body for the key, which, in fact had not been dropped. I unlocked the handcuffs and grabbed the satellite phone, handing it to Hannah as she slowly stood up, brushing the dust off of her.
"We have to get the hell out of here, quick."
I kicked the door open and took off towards the fire stairs.
All of a sudden the alarms began to sound.
I screamed, slinging the door to the outside open.
I froze in shock as I seen police officers and FIB agents swarming the bottom of the building.
"We have to go up. There's no way we will survive that!"
She motioned to the crowd below. I sighed, allowing her to take the lead as we scurried up the stairway.
We made it up two stories and to the roof. I panted, grabbing my chest.
Hannah pointed.
"There they are, the van. It looks like they won't be able to hold position much longer."
I peered down to the distant sight of the trio taking out authorities. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of Michael.
He pulled his gun up to reload. He glanced up, and his gaze met mine.
"Cmon, we have to jump!"
Hannah interrupted the moment.
"What?! We can't fucking jump!!"
I protested, glancing down at the ground very much underneath us.
"It's our only option, they're making their way up. Come on!"
She grabbed me and pulled me to the edge. I eagerly searched for something soft to land on, spotting a small body of water. I sighed.
"Let's aim for the water."
Hannah nodded.
"Oh the count of three. One, two, three."
My heart stopped as I leaped off the building, closing my eyes as I felt the weight of my body go airborne. All of a sudden everything faded..

Michael's POV

"Fucking die you bastards!!"
Trevor yelled, taking out multiple guards with his sub machine gun.
I pulled my gun up, grabbing some bullets from my pocket. I glanced up and froze. There she was. After all this time, we were finally about to be reunited. We were finally able to have "that talk"
My thoughts were interrupted by a yelp. I turned around to see Franklin had gotten grazed in the arm.
"Fuck! Are you okay, F?"
"Y-yeah, dawg! I can manage. Holy fuck-M, T, look!"
Franklin took his hand away from his wound and pointed towards the roof, in which Harper and Hannah were seemingly about to jump off.
"They're fucking jumping?!"
Trevor gasped.
"Hey, what the fuck?!"
I attempted to scream, to no avail. They could not hear me over the chaos. All of a sudden I froze at the sight of Harper's body plummeting to the ground, followed by Hannah. I immediately started shooting away at a path.
Trevor was on my heels as we made our way down the block.
"F, get the van!"
I yelled, picking up my pace as I heard a loud splash.
We finally reached the destination. Harper's body floated unconsciously on top of the body of water. Hannah came to surface, pushing the hair out of her face. Her eyes widened at the sight of her comrade.
"We have to get the fuck out of here! Come on!"
Trevor pushed me out of shock. I quickly collected her limp body up, opening the door to the back of the van. I checked her pulse, finding a faint bump of life.
Hannah and Trevor followed suit, slamming the door.
"We have to get to a hospital, quick!"
I yelled, holding her close in my arms.
"How the fuck are we supposed to do that?! The FIB is on our asses!"
Hannah protested.
"Take her to Ron's. I can signal him to get the chopper ready. We can take him to that one island Lester mentioned, Cayo-whatever it is."
Trevor pulled out his phone, making the phone call.
The distant wails of sirens and sudden movements of the van were all a blur to me. I held her close, begging, pleading to whatever God that would listen, that she would come to.

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