Chapter Nine

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I thanked Luke as he dropped be off at the nearest apartment complex. The ride was rather peaceful. Unfortunately, all the worry of reality once again hit me as I hit the streets of Los Santos. I now didn't have a job nor a home. I could only imagine the fine I would've had to pay if I didn't pay my landlord monthly for renters insurance. All that new furniture was a waste, burnt to ashes by the hands of my ex fling. I still don't know why I did it. Was it my loneliness? Perhaps it was my lust for Michael. Trevor was admittedly attractive for his physique, but I couldn't see myself pursuing a long term thing with him, even if it was primarily in the sheets.
I'm glad I was quick-witted enough to grab my cash during the whole Trevor rampage. Deep down I hate I hurt him like that. He was very good to me as a boss, but his mental issues would've been harmful to me in the long run.
I walked into the lobby of the complex. A nice young man greeted me with an entrepreneur smile.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"Yes, I'm looking to rent actually."
The man quickly pulled out some paperwork and handed it to me, as well as a list of available apartments.
"Hmm, it looks like this particular unit is full, but just down the street we have one. It's 80000, rent to own with payments of 650 a month. Comes fully furnished. We recently replaced the furniture, actually, as our last tenant didn't work out."
I nodded, taking it all in.
"There's a safety deposit due of 2000, if you are interested, of course."
I quickly finished the paperwork and pulled our 2000 in cash, handing it to the man. He smiled, recounting his earnings, and handed me a key.
"Alright, the address is 0112 South Rockford Drive. You'll be in apartment 13."
"Thank you."
I smiled as I secured the key in my pocket. I headed to my new home, realizing that I really just needed to break down and buy a vehicle. I turned the key to the apartment and fought with the old wooden door, eventually winning. I pushed it open and smiled. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than my home back in Sandy Shores. It was indeed furnished with new furniture and appliances. The walls were freshly painted. It was dim-lit, and had some imperfections. However, it was home. And one day it would be my permanent home, at least for a while. The apartment was small, but had potential. I realized I didn't really grab anything besides my money and phone, so I decided to go out and get some essentials. After all, I might as well put Michael's 'hush money' to good use.
By now it was 7 AM. I realized I had been up for over 24 hours. It didn't even feel like a whole day, however. I went to the Binco and purchased some new outfits. Nothing too crazy, as I didn't want to blow all my money. I went to the 24/7 and got some groceries and hygiene essentials. I finally gritted my teeth as I went to buy a car, fairly after a day of carrying bags back and forth to my new home. I found this dealership called Premium Deluxe Motorsport.
I decided to browse a few cars, as the dealer was currently arguing with a younger gentleman over a yellow BeeJay XL.
I looked over every car until I finally settled on a beautiful Elegy RH8. It was black and had low miles. It was a manual transmission, like the car my husband and I had together. It was near nothing in price. When the man was done with his first deal, I flagged him over.
"Hello ma'am, what can I interest you in today?"
The man smiled at me. He had a thick accent. It reminded me a bit of my ex father in law.
I pushed those thoughts away and cleared my throat.
"We'll, actually, I was looking at this Elegy right here."
"Ah, yes. Good choice. That ones actually on sale for 10000 right now. I can do a payment plan of 2000 a month plus interest-"
I stopped him right there.
"I'll be paying in cash, full amount. thank you."
His eyes lit up as he scrambled to his office and came out with the paperwork and title. I surrendered the money and finished the paperwork. The man, looking obviously defeated, handed me the title. I smirked to myself and thanked him, receiving the keys and heading towards the new ride.
The man stopped me dead tracks. I turned around, preparing myself for another bullshit scam attempt.
"How would you like a job? We had one uh, resign a few weeks ago. Crazy boy, he once was like a son to me. Your job would be simple, just to repossess cars that people buy and cannot afford. My boy Lamar over there could train you. He motioned towards a tall black man wearing green clothing, who obviously wasn't paying us any mind.
I nodded, smiling a bit. Everything was once falling into place again, as if it was a premonition.
"Sure, when do I start?"
"Be back here tomorrow, 9 am. I'm Simeon, by the way."
"I'm Harper. Nice to meet you, Simeon."
I thanked the man and drove off in my new ride. The weight was once again off my shoulders.

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