Chapter Thirty Two

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"I told you to dress warm!"
Hannah mocked me as I crossed my arms over my chest, shuddering.
"Shut up. I was in a hurry, okay?"
Lester did not want me stepping foot outside of our little camp at the pot farm, but I saw how much this meant to Trevor and I figured it was the least I could do for him. I climbed out of the plane, reaching into the cargo hold and pulling out the hefty tombstone, grunting as I threw it over my shoulder.
"Need a hand? Here, take my jacket."
Hannah began to strip down to her tee, but I held my free hand up, throwing her a smile.
"I really appreciate it, but I think I've got it covered. I'll radio you if I need you."
"10/4. Take your time. I'll just be kicked back on Life Invader."
I nodded and turned around, trudging through the foot of snow. I really didn't think this through. I sighed, glancing down at my black leggings which were now soaked in ice water. I continued my hike to the graveyard. It ended up being about a mile, and took me forever, but finally, I made it. I looked around. A couple of trees near the entrance, just like Trevor described. I entered the gate and searched the graves impatiently. This rock was getting heavy with the resistance of the snow against my feet. I was about to take a break when I spotted it. I eagerly trudged to it, throwing the rock to the side.
"Michael Townley. Husband. Father. Friend. 1965-2004."
I read aloud.
Townley. Such a nice last name. Way better than De Santa. Michael Townley..Harper just sounds so nice. Stop it, Harper.
I sighed, pushing the reminiscent thoughts away. I grabbed the headstone and pulled, sighing. I didn't plan this out at all. I stood up, searching for something to act as a shovel. I settled on a tree limb and forced it into the snow and into the cold, hard ground, attempting to give it leverage until it gave away with a snap. I grunted, tossing the remainder of the limb.
"Need this?"
A familiar voice behind me asked, extending a small shovel in my peripheral.
"Yeah, thanks."
I said, grabbing the shovel. Wait a minute.
I quickly turned around, my eyes widening.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
I panted. This had to be hypothermia getting to me. This couldn't be real.
He didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed the shovel and pushed me to the side, digging at the old headstone and softly grunting along the way. The stone finally gave away and he pulled it to the side, replacing it with the new one and covering it back up. He stood up and wiped his hands together in satisfaction.
He sighed.
"You know, you forget a thousand things everyday, and I uh..I wish this was one of them."
My heart fluttered at the cheesy movie reference, but instantly felt like it was stabbed with a kitchen knife right after.
"So you wish you could forget me, huh? You came all the way here to tell me that."
"No no no, just everything."
He sighed, peering down at the now accurate grave.
"I wish I could go back and not try to kill Trevor, and to not get Brad killed. We didn't see eye to eye but he was ride or die nonetheless. I wish I wouldn't have lied about my identity for so long, hoping that somewhere Trevor was dead. I wish that I could've been a better husband and father, and better yet, a better lover to you. It's like everything I have acquired in life I have managed to fuck up somehow. I can't change the past, Harper. But I can promise you, I'll always be there for you. Even if you hate my guts."
I stood there, mouth agape as the man poured his heart out to me. I didn't know what to say, my heart fighting my mind. I finally choked up some words.
"Y-you called the FIB on me!"
"It was only Davey, and he was going to bring you to me to have this exact same conversation! I'm sorry, I'm a coward and didn't want to be brain matter on the bottom of Trevor's shoe! I lost him too, ya know? And I didn't expect you to fucking kill the man either!"
"He tried to kill Trevor!"
"Wait what?"
I shifted to where I was looking right into Michael's deep, blue eyes. I put my hands on his shoulders.
"Just believe me, okay? Trevor and I had an argument, not going to go into what it was about because he can be a sick fuck. But Ron followed me and talked me into coming back. When I came back, Dave had Trevor bloodied in the corner. I had no choice, Michael. I'm sorry."
Michael stared at me for a moment, then broke loose, putting his hands to his face.
"Oh God..what have I done?"
He sighed.
"You're not in this alone. I'm gonna fix what I fucked up, okay?"
"And how are you going to do that?
I raised an eyebrow, then froze as a dark shadow caught my peripheral.
"Michael watch out!"
I screamed as I was deafened by the sound of a bullet whizzing from the barrel of this mystery man's shotgun. I instinctively dove on him, wincing as I felt the bullet graze my hip. We collapsed with a thud, then scrambled up, the snow causing us to lose traction. Michael swooped me up and began to run as another bullet whizzed by.
I closed my eyes, listening to him pant as his heartbeat elevated. He ran for what seemed like hours, finally stopping as he glanced behind him.
"I think we're safe...for now, at least."
"We have to get the hell out of here. You can't tell me that wasn't one of Dave's men."
My teeth chattered.
Michael sat me down briskly, taking off his jacket and draping it over me.
I took the lead and he followed me back to the plane, glancing back here and there.
"How did you find me?"
I finally asked.
"I stopped by to see Lester, and overheard his protest about you coming here. He doesn't know I heard anything. He actually refused to tell me much of anything, for the matter."
Michael sighed.
"So how did you get here?"
"I booked a flight. I got here probably an hour or so before you. I've just been wandering around reminiscing."
I stopped at the plane, opening the door. I hopped in and glanced over at Michael who continued to stand there.
"Hop in the back. We have to go, before ole dude finds us. We'll talk when we're safe."
Michael obeyed as I turned to Hannah, who gave me a confused look.
"I'll explain everything in a minute. For now, just get us out of here, please."

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