worst day ever

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Part 1

I woke up hearing loud banging on my dorm door, slowly I got out of bed an opened it to see my cowboy brother himself standing there.
D-howdy Dani! ready to go to the auditorium?
I looked at him like he was nuts before pointing to my outfit an hair which caused him to chuckle.
D-well hurry up silly! we don't got all day now, you know what ma says "better be up before the roosters or the hogs will get ya"
I smiled at the memory of my mom, she told that to us everyday until we were 14 an didn't believe her anymore. I eventually snapped out of my thoughts an shut my door so I could get dressed.

(Expect the hat an boots)

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(Expect the hat an boots)

(Expect the hat an boots)

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my hair was still wavy from the braids so I just brushed it before placing my hat on and walking out of my dorm to see Dwayne, Julie, Russ, Luis and Ken waiting for meJ-ready to go D?She has given me that Nick name when we first met on the plane

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my hair was still wavy from the braids so I just brushed it before placing my hat on and walking out of my dorm to see Dwayne, Julie, Russ, Luis and Ken waiting for me
J-ready to go D?
She has given me that Nick name when we first met on the plane. I guess it just stuck
Da-yup! let's get going before we are late!
We are sped walk to the auditorium before taking our seats in front of these guys who look like they are football players?
??-you ducks don't belong in Eden hall.
I turned around to see a brown hair guy with blueish eyes looking at us, he was next to a blonde hair guy who was death staring my brother.
Da-sorry and you are?
the guy looked at me with a slight smirk, he leaned forward so he was closer to my face which made me move back a little
??- I'm Rick Riley, captain of the Varsity hockey team. An you are?
that explains the jackets, I took off my hat an placed it next to me because according to Dwayne "it's respectful"
Da- Danielle Robertson, on the JV hockey team.
Rick looked at me with this weird look in his eye. It made me soo uncomfortable, Dwayne noticed an turned his attention to Rick
D-well Rick. I'm Dwayne Robertson, her twin brother.
Rick looked at Dwayne with annoyance before the blonde hair boy leaned forward putting his gum in Dwayne's hand making me gag
??- I'm Cole. you ducks aren't gonna last in Eden hall
I rolled my eyes before turning away from the boys, Dwayne got the gum off his hand right as the principal started to talk.. I zoned out half way through until Julie tapped my knee making me look at her, she pointed to the curtain and I saw it was moving? not even seconds later it came crashing down an I saw the ducks trying to get on their feet with everyone laughing at them. I didn't, I was just embarrassed since they just made a mockery out of us! Charlie kind of stood an look at everyone, I could hear Fulton an Dean auguring abt being squished before Charlie spoke up
Ch-hi, we're the ducks.
That made everyone laugh even more.. I sunk into my seat before the principal dismissed us, i put my hat back on before going with the rest of the ducks to the office were the Principal told us to go, I was walking with Julie an Connie when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked over it to see Dean smirking
De-hey little lady, how was your summer?
ah dean portman, I met him at the airport with Julie. he immediately hit on me but was shut down by Dwayne. he later apologized an now here we are friends in a way even though my father never approved.
Da-it was good, how was Chicago an seeing your girlfriend?
his smile dropped when I said girlfriend, see him an her were "dating" on an off. she cheated an so did he, I didn't judge him bc that's his life.. but it always sucked having to get a call at 3am from him complaining abt her
De- we broke up, um she found someone better
I just nodded not knowing how to reply to that. I finally looked at his eyes an they locked with mine.. I had this feeling in my stomach that I couldn't shake off.. it was like butterflies had filled it. I quickly looked down as we entered the office, the principal talked to us an gave us our schedules saying we start classes tomorrow, we went to lunch and ate. Varsity was picking on Ken so I did was any logical person would of done, I slapped Cole acrossed the face. Let's just say I was sent to the office an let off with a warning but not without Dwayne giving his annual "father" lecture. I just simpley nodded and went back to my dorm which I shared with Connie an Julie, I just put my hat on my face an took a nap before we went to our first practice today.

*skip to practice*
we all got changed into our practice jerseys an went out, we saw Varsity practicing an they skated towards us getting off the ice but stopping in front of Charlie
R- you ducks are gonna be gone, just you wait
He put his hand on Charlie's shoulder so I pushed it off right as Fulton got in between them
R-your walking on line ice little girl, girls aren't meant to play men sports
Da-aww you scared that a 5'4 girl from Texas could beat your ass?
He stepped forward but Fulton pushed him back,he scoffed an walked off with the rest of his team. We all got on the ice an waited for Charlie to tell us what to do, while we started skating around avoiding Dwayne's rope, Fulton an Dean approached me
De- you seriously got to stop opening your mouth babe
F-you are gonna get yourself into a lot of trouble
I just rolled my eyes an skated off right as Charlie hit the ground a man stood in front of us all making us stop in our place
??-you can call me coach or coach Orion. I will be your JV coach of the season
C-they call me Charlie
few people chuckled but others stayed silent
O-that must be what that C stands for, it sure don't stand for captain
The rest of the practice was a lot harder than what Bombay used to coach, Charlie got in trouble a lot an honestly I like the way this coach coaches. Anyways practice soon ended an we all went to the locker room to change, Charlie was complaining abt the coach when he came in an posted our positions. I walked over with Dwayne an saw.. LEFT LINE CENTER?!?!!? IM A DEFENSE. I was beyond annoyed, I always played defense not offense. Than I saw we had to have a B in all classes in order to play.. welp I'm screwed

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