he got what he deserved

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Part 7

I woke up to the feeling of coldness, I slowly sat up an looked around my room Dean was no where to be found. shrugging I got up an walked to the bathrooms with my clothes so I could shower, I heard fighting coming from down the hall so I walked towards it. I immediately saw Dean, Fulton, an Dwayne fighting Adam Scooter an Riley.. I dropped my clothes an ran over to them. I started pulling Dwayne off Scooter but he shrugged me off an kept hitting him, being the idiot I am, I stepped in between Adam an Fulton, next thing I feel his shooting pain on the side on my face an the taste of blood on the corner of my lip everyone stopped an looked at me, Dwayne immediately ran to me an looked at my face
Adam looked at his hands before looking back up me
A-I did..
Dwayne looked at Adam and I could see the anger fill in his eyes.. Fulton tackled banks an Dean jumped in, i shoved Dwayne off me an tried pulling them off Adam, he may be on varsity but he doesn't deserve this
Dwayne started to help me pull them apart along with varisty. We got them off Adam an he face was covered in blood, i heard Riley chuckled which made me look at him an shove him
he smirked an looked at me
R- oh princess, you know damn well this is all your fault.. everything that has happened is your fault. your big mouth gets your into trouble, I mean look at what happened to your dad, he couldn't stand you being his child. you were a disgrace to him so he did the only thing imaginable, he pulled his own plug to get away from your slutty ass.
I looked at Riley, complete shock all my face. was my dads death really my fault? did he really not want me to be his daughter? I turned on my heel an ran straight to the bathrooms ignoring all the calls out for my name, I ran in an went to my locker that I had next to the bathroom showers, I grabbed my little box that had my pills in it an ran into the shower room, I turned on the water an shallowed a bunch of the pills, I sat on the floor in the shower feeling the world turn. I heard the door open and someone come running in, it was Dean.. he ran into the shower room an saw me.. I was soaked with a empty pill bottle next to me, Dean immediately dropped down next to me an shoved his fingers down my throat, I started to throw up the pills that I had just shallowed. I started balling my eyes out
Dean looked at me tears threatening to fall from his eyes
De-you aren't gonna die on me Danielle! I don't care if you are black an blue on the lips you aren't dying! I need you Dani! I need you with me!
I looked at him my head falling into his chest as I sobbed uncontrollably
De-his death wasnt your fault, he used to talk about you all the time to the team about how you are gonna be a amazing hockey player knocking people's heads in left an right. he was proud to call you his daughter an you know that
I couldn't stop crying, Dean held me tighter as two other people entered the shower room. I already knew who it was, I heard soft sniffles as the shower was turned off, I lifted my head off Dean's now soaked shirt an looked up at Dwayne whose eyes were puffy an red, he hugged me an I hugged him back trying to calm my breathing, Fulton had taken Dean out of the room probably to talk to him leaving just Dwayne an I
D-I think it's um best if you go back to Texas for a bit..
I shot up head up and looked at him
Da-what no! I have hockey, an school Dwayne!
D-it's only gonna be for a week or two! Orion will understand an so will the principal! You need to!
I stood up an he did the same as me
Da-Dwayne! You don't understand! If I go back home than he thinks he won!
D-he already has won Danielle!! He almost got you to kill yourself!!! It's over, it's done! Your going back to Texas for a week!
I just looked at him as he left the shower room, I walked out of the shower room an Dean handed me a towel while setting my clothes on the bench
De-I think it's good for you, to go back home..
I looked at him like he was stupid, he had already changed his clothes into dry ones
De- you need to have a break from all of this, too much as happen this week Dani. go back home, see your mom, see your animals! take a breather
He stepped closer to me putting his hand on both the sides of my face, he started to lean on and I did the same. Soon our lips met and we were kissing, the butterflies filled my stomach and I knew what it meant now, it all started to make sense.

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