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Part 34!?
(Dani's POV)
I woke up to the sun hitting my face, I buried my face into Dean's chest which caused him to stir awake
De-morning love
I looked up at him an kissed his nose
Da-morning baby
He smiled an I rolled off him so he could sit up an stretch
Da- can I ask you something?
He looked down at me an nodded with a slight smile
Da- what's gonna happen now? you just lost your scholarship, aren't you gonna be sent home?
He looked at my eyes his smile still not dropping
De- my father could give two less of shits about me. I'm where I need to be, some preppy school can bite me. You are my priority
I couldn't help but smile back an kissed him in which he kissed back placing his hands on the back of my neck pulling me in more like he was trying to close any space in between us.. we heard a knock on my bedroom door an immediately pulled apart just as my ma came in with two plates on food in her hands
Di-hey kiddos! sleep well?
We nodded an dean took the plates from her giving her a small kiss on the cheek saying thank you before going into the dining room. I hugged my ma an held her so tight
Da-I'm so sorry..
She tightened her grip an took a deep breath
Di- you will always be my baby no matter how far you think you have fallen I will be there to help you back up
I smiled an we pulled away before meeting Dean in the dining room. *skip to later* Dean an I were on the couch just watching a movie cuddled up with each other when we heard a loud knock on the door, Dean got up an went to answer it. Curiously I slowly got off the couch an made my way to Dean. I had walked next to him just to see him.. Deans very own father. He looked at me before looking at dean
D.F- see you found yourself a slut to slum it with
This bitch-
De-dad she isn't a slut she's my girlfriend
His dad turned his attention back to me
D.F- why the fuck would you wanna be with him?! He's worthless, trash a good for nothing-
I cut him off by speaking
Da-I would appreciate if you didn't finish that sentence. Dean is amazing, the most caring person I know, yes he's a bit of a temper but he still cares for his friends! if you just came here to insult him than feel free to get off my lawn
Dean looked at me shocked, I was surprised about how I was able to say all that to his father
D.F- wow, you are one bitch aren't ya? Well I just came here to give you this Dean. I brought your shit an it's on that whores lawn, never come back.
His dad walked away an got into his car driving off. I was angry, I stormed outside grabbed deans bags an suitcases with his help of course an dragging them into the house and into my room
De- i can stay in a-
I put my hand up signaling for him to shush
Da- If you say that you will stay at a hotel, I will cut your nuts off an fed then to the hogs.
He stared at me with wide eyes before I walked back into the living room a n continued the movie.. now I have to explain to mom that Dean lives here? Great just my luck.

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