couple years later

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Almost done! They are 20! An out of Eden Hall
Deans POV
These past 3 years have been amazing. Dani an I have been happy, Dwayne is back home an is seeing this girl. An Diana has been working more. Fulton is actually visiting us an it's amazing! Atm I'm sitting outside with Fulton an Dwayne while Dwayne is feeding the roosters
F-you finally getting used to the country life
I chuckled an Dwayne did as well
De-nope, still can't ride a horse to save my life, can barely clean up the pins an oh yeah I saw a cow give birth an had nightmares for a week
Fulton broke out into a fit of laughter an so did Dwayne
De-okay okay but on a serious note, Dwayne can I ask you something?
He stopped what he was doing an looked at me wiping his hands on his pants
D- what is it city boy?
I rolled my eyes playfully at the nickname
De- so you know how I gave Dani that promise ring right? The one were I said I would marry her
He looked a bit confused but nodded
De-i wanted to ask you, can i have your blessing in marrying your sister
Fulton's mouth dropped open, Dwayne had a smile on his face. My heart was racing a million miles a hour
D- do you truly love her?
I nodded an he took a deep breath
D- I will only say this once, okay?
I nodded again
D- she is my sister. my twin to be exact, she has been through hell an back to get where she is today.  If you are gonna do this you have to know, you will have to be there through her bitch ness, you have to be there through her panic an anxiety attacks, you have to be there when she is screaming at you about how she hates you. Don't walk out on her, if you don't think you can handle that than don't do it.
Fulton was looking at me as I nodded to everything he said
D-now the question is are you still gonna marry my sister?
I smiled
De-i am, I will be there for her until the day I die.
He nodded an un crossed his arms
D-than you have my blessing. please make her the happiest girl in the world
Fulton an I did our hand shake
F-now it's time to get that proposal down
This was gonna be one long process.

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