people deserve chances

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Part 17?

I haven't said a word to dean since the note he had left, he hasn't tried to talk to me more of he's been avoiding me. I let Dwayne make his own choice with Summer but I kept a eye on them checking him more marks every day, since I have been benched from practice an the up coming game that was this Friday I found myself chilling in my dorm wearing my lazy clothes.

i was reading this book for English when I heard a slight knock at my door, confused knowing my friends were at practice so who would be at my door? I put the book down an got out of bed before opening it an seeing no other than Rick Riley himself

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i was reading this book for English when I heard a slight knock at my door, confused knowing my friends were at practice so who would be at my door? I put the book down an got out of bed before opening it an seeing no other than Rick Riley himself. I froze, I didn't know whether I should punch him or slam the door, he looked at me an sent me a weirdly warm smile
R-hey uh can we talk?
I slowly nodded an moved out of the way so he could come in. Once he was inside I shut the door an turned to him
Da-what do you want to talk about?
He looked at me before lookin at my desk than back at me
R-I just wanted to apologize for everything, I shouldn't have done any of that stuff to you. I shouldn't have cut up your dads hat.. I'm truly sorry
I didnt know what to say to him, I was honestly shocked that he had just apologized to me
Da- why are you apologizing now?
He smile slightly before turning so his body was facing me more
R- I had given myself time to think about my actions, I already apologized to Adam an I'm now saying I'm truly sorry to you
I looked at him before taking a deep breath an releasing it
Da-answer this one question an than I will forgive you
He nodded which let me know he understood
Da-what happened that day when you brought me to your dorm? why did you take a photo of me in my underwear an bra
His smile dropped an he stood up still looking at me
R-nothing happened, you passed out on the floor. I found you an took you back to my room, as for the photo that was just to piss off JV
I nodded still trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not
Da-okay I believe you. But Rick, if this is some joke I ruin you!
He chuckled an nodded to me
R-so friends?
He held out his hand an I looked at it before shaking it
We talked for a little longer before he had to leave not without inviting me to hang tonight, I sat in my dorm when Fulton came in with a smile like he had every day
F- whattt have you been up to?
I was not about to tell him that Rick Riley had apologized to me an now him an I were gonna be hanging out tonight soo I lied
Da-oh not much just been catching up on school, how was practice?
He started to tell me everything that went down at practice an how Orion was miserable without me being there, I chuckled at that part an we talked a little longer before Dean walked in
De-um Fult, heading to get ice cream you coming?
F-yeah! Want anything dani?
I shock my head no an he left with Dean. That gave me time to brush my hair an slid on my converses than left my dorm to meet Riley in the parking lot, I got out there an he was standing by his car. He saw me a smiled
R-surprised you actually came
Da-yeah yeah, where we going?
R-get in an you will find out
I got in the passenger seat and he got in the driver seat, he started to drive while blasting music, he starts to sing horribly to the songs making me laugh. He kept doing that the whole drive until he pulled into a empty lot, he stopped the car an started getting out but not before grabbing a cooler. curiously I got out of the car with him an started following him as he walked up this hill, we finally got to the top an he sat down, I sat next to him an gave him a confused look
R-thought we could watch the sun set, if that's okay with you?
I smile slightly at him before nodding an facing the sky, I heard him open the cooler an pull out two beers. He handed me one an I gladly took it an started to sip it
R-so tell me about yourself
I looked at him before taking a sip of my beer
Da-well, I'm 16, 5'4, I was born in Austin Texas with my twin brother Dwayne whose older by two minutes. We live with our mom since our dad passed away from cancer just 5 years ago, I have been playing hockey since I was 4, my dad taught me an Dwayne how to play, even though I'm from the country I tend to lean more away from the country life style. Your turn
He smiled before taking a sip of his beer
R-well I'm 17, 6'1, I was born in San Francisco, California. I live with my dad and mom with my little brother Ryan. I have been playing hockey since I was 4 as well an I'm not as bad as you think.
I chuckled at that part and drank more of my beer
R- come on trust me on this!
Da-okay okay fine I will
He smiled and we continued to watch the sky as the sun began to disappear an the sky started to turn dark
R-tell me something you have never told anyone before
I looked at him like he was crazy which made him look back at me
R-I will tell you something first if you want, just so you know I ain't just fishing information out of you
I nodded at him giving him the okay
R-well you know how I'm dating the varsity cheerleader mindy?
I nodded again
R-well, I'm only dating her because her father paid me $1,000 to
I sipped out my beer when he said that causing him to laugh
Da-holy shit! 1000 dollars?! That's a lot of money
He smiled widely before looking at me
R-your turn! come on I told you something now you have to tell me
I took in a deep breath before nodding
Da-fine but this stays between us and ONLY us got it
He nodded before taking a sip of his beer
Da-I was the one who pulled the plug when my dad was in the hospital dying
He looked at me slightly concerned an confused
Da- when mom an Dwayne had left to go grab food my dad um ask me to pull the plug, at first I told him no over an over again until I finally gave in.. the doctors thought he had just died because of the sickness but what they didn't know was I had taken away his life support
Rick looked at me surprised with what I said an I just chugged down the rest of my beer
R-wow definitely didn't expect that! but hey thanks for telling me
I smiled slightly an we decided to head back to the dorms, we talked the rest of the way and I finally got back to my dorm. I almost immediately passed out when I got in my bed

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